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What are professionals saying about diplomas?. "Every employer, whatever the sector, whether a SME or FTSE 100, third sector, national or local government organisation, all of us will benefit from the quality of students who will come out of the Diploma programme."
"Every employer, whatever the sector, whether a SME or FTSE 100, third sector, national or local government organisation, all of us will benefit from the quality of students who will come out of the Diploma programme." Sir Alan Jones, of Toyota. “The British Chamber of Commerce welcomes the Diploma as a qualification designed to meet employer needs. The Diploma offers exciting new opportunities for schools and colleges to work with local Chambers to help ensure young people receive an education which prepares them well for their future employment.” David Frost, Director General, British Chamber of Commerce
Phase 1 DiplomasFirst Delivery September 2008 Construction and the Built Environment Creative and Media Engineering Information Technology Society Health and Development
Construction and the Built Environment "We are excited that the new Diploma provides a flexible and balanced curriculum which for the first time will enable students to gain a real understanding of the construction industry. The emphasis on employer involvement in delivering learning and in quality work experience will ensure that students develop skills which are relevant to what employers like Lovell are looking for." Bruce Boughton, Lovell Partnerships Ltd “Wates has always invested time and effort in its workforce and believe it has been a major contributor to its success and will, without doubt, play a key role in the future prosperity of the business. We are therefore committed to the to both the Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment, as well as the wider issue of training.” James G M Wates, Deputy Chairman, WatesGroup Limited
Creative and Media “We envisage pupils and students being able to interact and experience our industry in new and exciting ways as a result of the Diploma. We plan to fully exploit the virtual world to bring in new forms of work related learning to build on the already established good practice of Channel Four News and the Guardian’s existing interaction with young learners.” Clive Jones CBE, Chairman, GMTV, Two Way TV, Energetic Communications, Non-Executive Director, S4C “I am delighted that the Diploma will give students a sensible mix of theory and practice to better prepare them for the world of work. At Moggs Marketing we have long supported students with work experience so that before making final career choices they can benefit from seeing the full range of marketing communications activities performed in our award-winning agency. Roger Moggs, Chief Executive Officer, Moggs Marketing
Engineering “Through its combination of principal, additional and specialist learning in engineering science, mathematics and professional practice, the engineering diploma is good preparation for all forms of engineering degree, including the most demanding and those that are accredited as routes to incorporated and chartered engineer status.” Professor Matthew Harrison Director, education programmes The Royal Academy of Engineering "The EPC believes that the Level 3 Diploma in Engineering is an excellent way to introduce engineering to young people helping bridge the gap between academic and vocational subjects. It creates greater flexibility for students wishing to study engineering to degree level and provides them with an introduction to the exciting world of engineering.” Engineering Professors’ Council
Information Technology “Employers of IT professionals want talented individuals with the blend of business and technology skills that enable them to work effectively at the heart of the organisation. This requires a fundamental shift in the way technology is taught to young people. Vodafone is delighted to be closely involved in the development of the Diploma in IT. A key principle behind the Diploma is that it will help to develop young people both for demanding university courses and rewarding, flexible careers.” Andy Hill, Head of Executive Resourcing and Development, Vodafone “Young people are growing up immersed in technology and with this comes an increased expectation from employers about the skills young people should possess. The IT Diploma will change the way 14-19 year olds learn about technology and help them develop the skills they need to succeed.” Clare Riley, Group Manager, Education Relations, Microsoft Ltd
Society, Health and Development “I strongly support the Diploma because it will give young people a really good insight into the world of children’s work, community justice, health and adult care. They will develop a wide range of broad skills, understand some of the issues and dilemmas of these fields, and meet people already working in the sector.” Julian Hartley, CEO, Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust “The applied approach to the learning, coupled with the mandatory work experience, will give employers confidence that young people will understand and make a positive contribution to the work of their organisations.” Martin Narey, CEO, Barnardos
Phase 2 DiplomasFirst Delivery September 2009 Business, Administration and Finance Environmental and Land Based Studies Hair and Beauty Hospitality Manufacturing and Product Design
Business, Administration and Finance “The Diploma in Business, Administration and Finance has the potential to make a significant impact on the business sector and the UK economy as a whole by developing the right skills and attitude in young people, giving them the opportunity to succeed in a variety of business environments.” Chartered Financial Planner Director, Nsure Group Plc “I would definitely be attracted by job candidates who had attained the Diploma in Business, Administration and Finance; its content is entirely relevant to the practical aspects of starting, managing and developing a business in the financial sector and working with other people. Patrick Webb, Hampden Capital Plc
Environmental and Land Based Studies “The environment is emerging as an increasingly significant theme in the world of education. We are going to have to learn to live differently and to organise our businesses differently. Equipping students with the values, knowledge and the skills to face that key challenge for the new century is becoming absolutely central to the purpose of education at all levels.” Professor Brian Chalkley University of Plymouth “For too long the agriculture and land based industry has down played the exciting openings that await young people choosing to enter the industry. The 14-19 Diploma in Environment and Land Based Studies is a unique chance to change this perception.” Sir Don Curry, Sustainable Farming and Food Delivery Group, Defra
Hair and Beauty “By combining different types of learning, the Diploma gives young people the skills and abilities to help them in their education and careers, plus the experience to make an informed choice about their future path.” Andrew Barton, British Hairdresser of the Year 2006 “The Hair and Beauty industry is multi faceted; it is entrepreneurial, vibrant, creative and exciting, but also has a caring and therapeutic side. This industry really does have something to offer everyone; from salon technician right through to running your own business, the Diploma can open the door to all these opportunities and more.” Gill Morris, Marketing Director, GMT Group
Hospitality “It’s a fantastic platform to showcase the diverse range of careers and genuine opportunities available in a sector that is continually growing, and to demonstrate how individuals can very quickly progress within their chosen career. Businesses have had a significant input into the development of the Diploma so that young people are given a real insight into the world of hospitality from the start.” Sean Wheeler, director of people development at Malmaison “The new Hospitality Diploma gives students exposure to the work setting. It provides a blend of practice and theory which will appeal to different styles of learning. The fact that employers have had input into the Diploma speaks for its relevance. Students are also given the opportunity to develop skills around group and project working. Many young people take part time jobs within hospitality so are familiar with the sector - but perhaps don’t appreciate all it has to offer. The new Diploma provides an avenue for those interested in developing a true understanding of business while preparing them for full time work. The Diploma, along with skills gained from work experience, will enable those who want to progress, to do so with more pace. Ros Bowen, HR professional, Aramark
Manufacturing and Product Design “We are selling very well in emerging markets in Asia, and when you are competing on the world stage it is very important you have people with world-class skills working for you. The Diploma will be a path for young people to achieve world-class skills in the future either through entering the world of work or via higher education.” Will Butler-Adams, Engineering Director, Brompton Bicycles Ltd “Because of the way the Diploma is delivered – with practical experience enhancing the theory learned in class - students are more likely to understand how industry works and to have realistic expectations of what happens in the workplace. They are therefore more likely to become long-term employees, which will help companies save on recruitment costs, as it increases the chances of recruiting the right people first time.” Ken Wilson, Community Affairs Manager, Tate & Lyle
Phase 3 DiplomasFirst Delivery September 2010 Public Services Retail Business Sport and Active Leisure Travel and Tourism
Public Services “HMPS are happy to engage with the Diploma in Public Services and see it as an excellent way in which young people can find out about the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales.” Michael Harrison, Her Majesty’s Prison Service “The 14-19 Diploma in Public Services offers a new route into employment in the Museums, Libraries and Archives sector and by getting young people interested in our sector at an earlier age, we hope this diploma will attract more young talented people into it.The Diploma in Public Services has the potential to help us towards a more diverse and creative workforce.” Workforce Development Officer, MLA West Midlands
“The Diploma in Retail Business will give youngsters a thorough grounding in every aspect of retail and a new set of skills and knowledge that will enable them to make a difference from the day they start work. Retailing comprises a whole range of careers from buying, selling and logistics to finance and management. By taking the Diploma, youngsters will open themselves to an array of challenging careers.” • John King, CEO House of Fraser, Employer Champion for the Diploma in Retail Business Retail Business • “The Diploma in Retail Business will give youngsters a thorough grounding in every aspect of retail and a new set of skills and knowledge that will enable them to make a difference from the day they start work. Retailing comprises a whole range of careers from buying, selling and logistics to finance and management. By taking the Diploma, youngsters will open themselves to an array of challenging careers.” • John King, CEO House of Fraser, Employer Champion for the Diploma in Retail Business • “The Diploma in Retail Business introduces young people into the world of logistics and its role in the supply chain and retail – giving an insight into the exciting challenges that logistics has to offer, as well as a firm grounding in maths, English and ICT.” • Mike Parsons, DHL Supply Chain, Vice President business development
Sport and Active Leisure "This new Diploma allows employers to influence the training and education of the next generation of employees. It turns the current way we deliver sports education on its head, as it will now be much more driven by employer needs." Sue Beeley, Project Co-ordinator, South Yorkshire Professional Sport and Education "The Diploma will contribute to the growing need for skilled young people in the sport and active leisure workforce. It will provide opportunities for them to gain experience in real-life working environments, which is so valuable in the competitive jobs market. The opportunity to learn in a work-based setting is so important in sport, which is such a vibrant and dynamic sector.“ Sue Vout, partnership development manager for Team Northumbria
Travel and Tourism “The Diploma has the right mix of academic achievement, knowledge of the sector and appreciation of the work skills required.” Ian Mounser, Sales Director. Superbreak “We believe it will be mutually beneficial for both students and employers within the travel and tourism sector.” Julie Gallagher, HR Director London Eye and London attractions. Merlin Entertainments “We will welcome applications for tourism courses from students who successfully achieve the Advanced Diploma in Travel and Tourism. The Diploma will effectively prepare students for a university degree in tourism”. Prof David Hind, Head of Tourism, Leeds Met University
Phase 4 DiplomasFirst Delivery September 2011/2 Humanities and Social Sciences Languages and International Communication Science
Humanities and Social Sciences • “The Diploma in Humanities and Social Sciences presents a valuable new opportunity for our learners to see the relevance of subjects they love as routes to exciting future careers. And what’s more, the Diploma will make them more attractive to both employers and universities because of its mix of core knowledge and essential skills ” • Kevin Hollins, Headteacher, Knutsford High Humanities College, Cheshire • "Young people need to understand the world around them - past as well as present. What is unique about these qualifications is that they encourage them to apply this understanding through experience and practical engagement. This leads to learning that is deeper and more useful for both the student and society." • David Anderson, Head of Education, V&A Museum
Languages and International Communication “Language learning and cultural awareness are absolutely vital for success in our increasingly globalized lives, and the new Diploma will encourage young people to develop high-quality language skills and intercultural awareness, taught in innovative and exciting ways, which they can then apply in real-life contexts.” Dr Terry Lamb, Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Sheffield “As a freelance interpreter, I’m really pleased to see the Diploma in Languages and International Communication highlight the skills needed to become a professionally qualified linguist, whether as a translator or interpreter.” Zoe Hewetson, Deputy Course Leader for Conference Interpreting at the University of Westminster, Member of AIIC (International Association of Conference Interpreters)
Science “At Pfizer we believe that the Science Diploma will provide young people with the knowledge and skills relevant to the science based workplace and a better understanding of the importance and relevance of science to the world around them. We hope that the novel and exciting approach of the Science Diploma will stimulate further interest from young people in studying science to the benefit of everyone.” James Graham, Associate Director Public Affairs, Pfizer “At Severn Trent we recognise that the recruitment of talented people with the right skills, particularly in the disciplines of science and engineering, remains a challenge that is only going to get tougher as the competition for talent increases. One of our key strategic intentions is to ensure we have the right skills to deliver and we are investing at all levels to ensure that we secure a strong pipeline of skills and experience for the future. Diplomas clearly align with our strategy, providing opportunities for us as an employer to engage with young people, actively help them to develop their knowledge, skills and experience and motivate them to want to work within our industry in the future”. Tony Wray, Chief Executive of Severn Trent