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This report discusses the current state of vocational education and training in Moldova and outlines the government's plans for its development. It covers the education system structure, objectives, priority areas for training, legislative basis, government decrees, and actions taken to improve the education system.
Development of Vocational Education and Training in the Republic of Moldova Octavian Vasilachi, Chief of TVET department Chişinău, 11 July, 2011 Ministry of Education, Republic of Moldova 1
Theoretical Lyceum, Humanitarian/ Real sciences (3 years) Vocational school (3 years) Lyceum of Sports, Arts profile (3 years) Vocational lyceum (4years) Secondary technical/vocational education Secondary general education Structure of Education System Level Name of educational level V Higher Education IV Post-secondary technical/vocational education (College) III II Compulsory Education (gymnasium) I Preschool Education
Main objectives • To increase the level of professional training provided by technical vocational education through: • Modernization of technical vocational education according to the Copenhagen process and labor market • Increasing the quality of education and training of competitive workers fit to meet the labor demand • Enhancing the value of human and material resources
There are 74 Vocational Education and Training institutionssuch as: 2 vocational lyceums 49 vocational schools 15 trade schools 6 trade schools within prisons 2 private vocational schools Total quota (enrolled): 20 988students at 85 occupations, including: State schools: buget – 19 434 elevi (92%) contract – 744 elevi (3,54%) Private schools – 140 elevi (0,66%) Prison schools – 810 elevi (3,85%) Current situation: educational institutions, quotas
Human Resources : teaching and management staff Management staff – 231 (10%) • teachers of general education subjects – 502 (22%) • teachers of specialty related subjects – 313 (14%) • instructors – 1065 (46 %) • social educators – 123 (8%) Total – 2234 • 1336 holders of higher education diplomas (59%) • 898 graduates of colleges and vocational schools (41%)
Conceptual and strategic basis • Government Action Plan 2011-2014 • Concept paper regarding the development of vocational education • Consolidated Strategy of education development for 2011-2015 (Order of minister of education nr. 849 dated on 29 November 2010 • Consolidated Action Plan of education sector (2011-2015) (Order of minister of education nr. 849 dated on 29 November
Priority areas for training • services • construction • agriculture • transport • wood processing industry • food industry • catering • light industry
Education Law Regulation regarding the organization of the contest for the director position in educational institution of following levels: preschool, primary, secondary, special, complimentary, vocational and tertiary education Legislative Base
Normative basis: • Regulations of organization and functioning of vocational and trade schools (to be revised) • Regulations of organization and development of admission/ enrollment to vocational education (to be revised) • Regulations of organization of graduation examinations in connection with trainings provision in vocational education (to be revised) • The framework plan and curricula for general education and technical subjects for vocational schools providing 3 year studies.
Regulations regarding the functioning of VET system (to revised) 2 Government Decrees have been made and approved: Decree nr. 749dated on18.08.2010 “Regarding the reorganization of some VET institutions”, (rationalization of VET institution network, reorganization of 10 institutions) ; Decree nr. 1146dated on 20.12.2010 “Regarding the reorganization of VET institutions” (as a pilot exercise, the activity of Vocational lyceums nr.1 and nr.2 was extended until 2013). Normative basis:
Fees for accommodation in hostels At present: • Students pay just 15% out of total cost of accommodation • Fees vary between 15 lei - 80 lei per month • 85% out of real expenses is not covered Actions: • A mechanism to lower the expenses for hostels maintenance is in place, endorsed by the amendments to the Government Decree nr. 196 dated on 22.02.2007 regarding special means of the institutions under the Ministry of Education • Revision of accommodation fees for regular students but keeping allowances for orphans and children from vulnerable families and allocation for this purpose of additional fund from the state budget.
Tuition fees Tuition fees vary between 2380 leiand4300 lei Average cost of one student covered by the state budget in 2010 was about15 000 lei Actions carried out: Government Decree nr.196 dated on 22.02.2007 regarding special means of institutions under the Ministry of Education
Schools endowment, cooperation with international projects Period 2006 – 2008: • 2006 – 2,900,000 lei, 7 schools equipped (state buget) • 2007 – 3,172,000 lei, 17 schools equipped (state buget) • 2008 – 1,793, 329 lei, (project CONSEPT/LED Moldova) – 9 000 € (project MolAgri/ADA, KK, ME) Period2009 -2010: – 4,851,187 lei (project CONSEPT/LED Moldova) – 1,575,478lei (project Hifab internaţional) – 33 640 € (project ECONET/ KulturKontakt Austria) – 141 000 € (project MolAgri/ADA, KK, ME)
Schools endowment, cooperation with international projects • Support provided by ETF in promoting the transparency and validation of skills and qualifications, continuing education of youth and adults, developing occupational standards etc. • ”Vocational schools as centre of excellence in water and sanitary sector”, funded by Austrian Development Agency • Support provided by DFID to developing vocational education policy “Support to implementation of NSD” • “HIV Prevention in Eastern Europe”, implemented by Training Centre CMB; CFA Consulting Group, Germany
Employment of VET graduates in 2010 • Total number of graduates - 13 238 • Employed: • Public enterprises - about 6023 (45%) • Private enterprises - 165 (1,2%) • Unemployed or continue their education – 7050 (53,8%)
Adjustment of normative documents/papers to current needs (Regulations, Nomenclator ofprofessions, curriculafor specialty subjects, Regulations regarding the attestation of teaching staff) Significant discrepancy between the educational offer of technical vocational education and needs of labor market Upgrading of teaching staff according to the new curricula contents Training instructors on psycho-pedagogical and occupational modules Issues/Challenges
Lack of occupational and educational standards, as well as unique requirements regarding vocational training. Mismatch between theory and practice within specialty curricula. Shortage of specialty textbooks/manuals and other teaching materials necessaryfor vocational training. Lack of manuals renting mechanism, shortage of specialty books. Issues/Challenges
Outdated technical and material basis in a number of schools. Equipment in schools’ workshops does not match the equipment in enterprises. Lack of information and computerization within VET system. Absence of quality ensuring system. Weak collaboration between educational institutions, businesses and local public authorities regarding practical trainings, internship and graduates employment. Issues/Challenges
Development of efficient policy leading to increase the quality of VET system adjusted to changeable economic conditions. Rationalization of VET institutions network. Promotion of modern management based on performances in VET and oriented to enhance education quality Solutions
Adjust the Nomenclator of professions and occupations to the exigencies of economy sectorby inserting new occupations and modernizing the existing ones Develop the National Qualification Framework for vocational education and training. Develop occupational and educational standards. Establishment of certification systems of VET aligned to national and European requirements. Setting up of a system of initial and continuing education of VET teachers. Solutions
Development of local manuals and providing schools with profile books and teaching materials. Strengthening partnership between state, employers and trade union based on Sector Committee in all areas of vocational training. Increase the transparency and cooperation between educational institutions, businesses, local authority, trade unions, community in the framework of School Councils. Strengthening the capacity of the Republican Centre of VET Development (IES) in order to provide technical vocational education with scientific, methodological and curricula support Solutions
The following options for reconsidering Vocational Education are proposed (Draft Education Code): Vocational/technical education shall be provided in: Vocational schools ( 3 years) Vocational lyceums (4 years) Vocational/technical consortiums (academic mobility with different terms programs) Note: reorganization will be carried out gradually, depending on several factors: school’s capacity, facilities, admission, labor market demand, working with businesses, etc. Options for Reconsidering the Vocational Education