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Parent Academy Topic: English Learner Programs. Today’s Outcomes. How is a student identified as an English Learner? What are the goals of English Learner programs? What programs currently assist English Learners?
Today’s Outcomes • How is a student identified as an English Learner? • What are the goals of English Learner programs? • What programs currently assist English Learners? • What does a student need to accomplish to be reclassified (considered fluent in English)? • Are there special funds to assist in accomplishing these goals? • How can parents be involved and have a voice?
How is a Student Identified as an English Learner? Home Language Survey California English Language Development Test (CELDT) CELDT Score Determines Student’s Language Proficiency English Learner or Initially Fluent
How is a Student Identified as an English Learner All parents must complete the Home Language Survey when they enroll their child in school. There are only four questions on the survey: • Which language did your son or daughter learn when he or she first began to talk? • What language does your son or daughter use most frequently at home? 3. What language do you use most frequently so speak to your son or daughter? 4. Name the language most often spoke by the adults at home?
How is a Student Identified as an English Learner? • If a language other than English is indicated on the Home Language Survey, the District must administer the California English Language Development Test (CELDT). • Question: Why is it Important that the Home Language Survey is Completed Accurately?
How is a Student Identified as an English Learner? • Results on the first (initial) CELDT determine if a child is officially identified as an English Learner. • Beginning = English Learner • Early Intermediate = English Learner • Intermediate = English Learner • Early Advanced = Fluent English • Advanced = Fluent English
How is a Student Identified as an English Learner? • A student who is identified as an English Learner takes the CELDT once each year during September or October until they “reclassify” or reach full English proficiency. • Students who score Early Advanced or Advanced on their first (initial) CELDT are not identified as English Learners and do not take the CELDT again.
Important CELDT Questions and Answers • How do I find out if my child takes the CELDT each year? • If your child is identified as an English Learner he/she takes the CELDT each year. If you’re still not sure or you haven’t seen the results, contact your child’s teacher or principal. • When do we get the CELDT results? • Students take the CELDT during the months of September and October and we then submit the tests for scoring. We receive the scores back in mid to late January and then send them out to parents. Parents receive the scores sometime during the first two weeks of February. If you haven’t seen your child’s scores by the end of February you should contact us.
What are the English Learner Program Goals? • Goal #1: Acquire full proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible. • Goal #2: Reach the same academic proficiency standards that are expected of all students.
What Programs Support English Learner Students? • English Language Development • Minimum of 30 minutes/day targeted instruction to increase fluency. • Students clustered for instruction based on their CELDT level • Curriculum parallels students’ regular English Language Arts program and supports the concepts and skills they are learning in that area.
What Programs Support English Learner Students? • Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) • SIOP is an instructional model to help English Learners master content standards and achieve academically. • The model contains specific features that are included in every lesson. • Examples: Emphasizing key vocabulary Linking past learning to new learning • Palmdale School District is in the process of training every classroom teacher in the SIOP model.
How is an English Learner Reclassified to Fluent English Proficient? A student is “reclassified” when he/she meets all of the established criteria: • CELDT score of Early Advanced or Advanced (no subtest can be lower than Intermediate). 2. CST scale score of 325 or higher in English Language Arts (mid point Basic). • Report card grade of C or better in English Language Arts. • Report card grade of C or better in Math. 5. English Language Development Report card reflecting 75% of the marks at the Early Advanced or Advanced levels.
How is an English Learner Reclassified to Fluent English Proficient? • The District and each school has a systematic data review each fall and each spring to identify students who meet reclassification criteria. • Parents are notified and invited to a conference. • Reclassified students are monitored for a period of two years to help ensure continued success.
What Funds Support English Learner Programs? • The state of California currently provides funding to schools for the purpose of achieving the two main English Learner Program goals: • Acquiring English Language Proficiency • Meeting State Academic Standards • These funds are known as “EIA/LEP” or funds for “Limited English Proficient Students.”
What Funds SupportEnglish Learner Programs? • EIA/LEP Funds: • Can only be used for training, services, and materials to support identified English Learners. • Parents must have a voice in how these funds are spent through the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). • ELAC must provide formal recommendations to the School Site Council.
How Can My Voice Be Heard? • English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) • Advisory committee pertaining specifically to programs to support English Learners. • School Site Council • Official decision making body consisting of parents and school staff members. • District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) • District level advisory committee for English Learner Programs. Members are elected from school ELAC groups. MEMBERS ARE ELECTED. HOWEVER, ALL MEETINGS ARE PUBLIC AND PARENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO BE INVOLVED, ATTEND, AND SHARE THEIR THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS.