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12.15-13.00 Distinguished Lecture : Andy Yao , Tsinghua University 13.15-13.30 Welcome and the ' Lecturer of the Year' award 13.30-14.30 Data-Intensive Systems (Ira Assent ) Computer Graphics and Image Processing ( Toshiya Hachisuka ) Bioinformatics (Søren Besenbacher )
12.15-13.00 DistinguishedLecture: Andy Yao, TsinghuaUniversity 13.15-13.30 Welcome and the 'Lecturer of the Year' award 13.30-14.30 Data-Intensive Systems (Ira Assent) Computer Graphics and Image Processing (ToshiyaHachisuka) Bioinformatics (Søren Besenbacher) Use, Design and Innovation (Morten Kyng) Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction (Kaj Grønbæk) 14.30-14.45 Pause 14.45-15.45 Mathematical Computer Science (Peter Bro Miltersen) Cryptography and Security (Claudio Orlandi) Semantics and Logic (Lars Birkedal) Programming Languages (Anders Møller) Algorithms and Data Structures (Lars Arge) 15.45- Regnecentralen’s 1 yearbirthday party Computer Science Day 2013, May 31 Large Auditorium, Incuba Science Park – Katrinebjerg http://cs.au.dk/csd2013
Approximation algorithms Given minimization problem (e.g. min vertex cover, TSP,…) and an efficient algorithm that always returns some feasible solution. The algorithm is said to have approximation ratio if for all instances, cost(sol. found)/cost(optimal sol.) ≤
General design/analysis trick • Our approximation algorithms often works by constructing some relaxation providing a lower bound and turning the relaxed solution into a feasible solution without increasing the cost too much. • The LP relaxation of the ILP formulation of the problem is a natural choice. We may then round the optimal LP solution. 3
Min weight vertex cover • Given an undirectedgraphG=(V,E) with non-negative weightsw(v) , find the minimum weightsubsetC⊆Vthat covers E. • Min vertex cover is the case of w(v)=1 for all v. 5
ILP formulation Find (xv)v ∈Vminimizingwvxv so that • xv∈Z • 0 ≤xv≤1 • For all (u,v) ∈ E, xu + xv≥ 1. 6
LP relaxation Find (xv)v ∈Vminimizingwvxv so that • xv∈R • 0 ≤xv≤ 1 • For all (u,v) ∈E, xu + xv≥ 1. 7
Relaxation and Rounding • Solve LP relaxation. • Round the optimal solution x* to an integer solution x: xv = 1 iffx*≥½. • The rounded solution is a cover: If (u,v) ∈ E, thenx*u + x*≥1 and hence at leastone of xu and xv is set to 1. 8
Quality of solution found • Let z* = wvxv*becost of optimal LP solution. • wvxv≤ 2 wvxv*, as weonlyround up ifxv* is biggerthan ½. • Since z* ≤cost of optimal ILP solution, ouralgorithm has approximation ratio 2. 9
Relaxation and Rounding • Relaxation and rounding is a verypowerfulscheme for gettingapproximate solutions to many NP-hardoptimization problems. • In addition to oftengiving non-trivial approximation ratios, it is known to be a verygoodheuristic, especially the randomizedrounding version. • Randomizedrounding of x∈ [0,1]: Round to 1 with probabilityx and 0 with probability 1-x. 10
Approximation algorithms • Given maximization problem (e.g. MAXSAT, MAXCUT) and an efficientalgorithmthatalwaysreturnssomefeasible solution. • The algorithm is said to have approximation ratio if for all instances, cost(optimal sol.)/cost(sol. found) ≤ 11
MAX-E3-SAT • Given Boolean formula in CNF form with exactly three distinct literals per clause find an assignment satisfying as many clauses as possible. 12
Randomized algorithm • Flip a fair coin for each variable. Assign the truth value of the variable according to the coin toss. • Claim: The expected number of clauses satisfied is at least 7/8 m where m is the total number of clauses. • We say that the algorithm has an expected approximation ratio of 8/7. 13
Analysis • Let Yibe a random variable which is 1 if thei’thclausegetssatisfied and 0 if not. Let Ybe the total number of clausessatisfied. • Pr[Yi =1] = 1 if the i’thclausecontainssome variable and its negation. • Pr[Yi= 1] = 1 – (1/2)3 = 7/8 if the i’thclausedoes not include a variable and its negation. • E[Yi] = Pr[Yi = 1] ≥7/8. • E[Y] = E[ Yi] = E[Yi]≥(7/8) m 14
Remarks • It is possible to derandomize the algorithm, achieving a deterministic approximation algorithm with approximation ratio 8/7. • Approximation ratio 8/7 - is not possible for any constant > 0 unless P=NP. Very hard to show (shown in 1997). 15
Min set cover Given set system S1, S2, …, Sm⊆X, find smallest possible subsystem covering X. 16
Approximation Ratio Greedy-Set-Cover does not give a constant approximation ratio Even true for Greedy-Vertex-Cover! Quick analysis: Approximation ratio ln(n) Refined analysis: Approximation ratio Hswhere s is the size of the largest set and Hs = 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + .. 1/s is the s’th harmonic number. s may be small on concrete instances. H3 = 11/6 < 2. 18
Approximation Schemes Someoptimization problems canbeapproximatedverywell, with approximation ratio 1+εfor anyε>0. An approximationschemetakes an additional input, ε>0, and outputs a solution within1+εof optimal. 19
PTAS and FPTAS An approximationscheme is a Polynomial Time ApproximationScheme, if for everyfixedε>0, the algorithm runs in polynomial time in the input length n. An approximationscheme is a FullyPolynomial Time ApproximationScheme, if the algorithm runs in time polynomial in n and in 1/ε. 20
Knapsack problem Given n items with weights w1,...,wn , values v1,...,vn and weight limit W, fit items within weight limit maximizing total value. 21
FPTAS for Knapsack Exercise: We have a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for Knapsack in time O(n2V), where V is largestvalue. Weusethis in step 4. 22
More Inapproximability Unless P=NP, we can not have approximation algorithms guaranteeing the following approximation ratios: 23