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caf bac nav raf pak bal bap joh yus bav baw kax qaz caf pon mah caj ral val waq jas lav bax caz dac kaf pag lah

1. caf bac nav raf pak bal bap joh yus bav baw kax qaz caf pon mah caj ral val waq jas lav bax caz dac kaf pag lah. Immediate. Please listen…. “Memory is reconstructive.”. 1. Please watch…. Ethics. Facebook. Myth. Peanut. Wine. Fish. Bing. France. Clock. Staple. Glasses.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1

  2. cafbacnavraf pakbal bap joh yusbavbawkax qazcafponmah cajralvalwaq jaslavbaxcaz dackafpaglah

  3. Immediate

  4. Please listen…

  5. “Memory is reconstructive.”

  6. 1

  7. Please watch…

  8. Ethics

  9. Facebook

  10. Myth

  11. Peanut

  12. Wine

  13. Fish

  14. Bing

  15. France

  16. Clock

  17. Staple

  18. Glasses

  19. Coffee

  20. Straw

  21. USB

  22. Umbrella

  23. Lamp

  24. Professor

  25. Apple

  26. Elephant

  27. Google

  28. Ethics Coffee Staple

  29. 1

  30. 1

  31. One Avoidable Mistake Most Social Media Communicators Make. Neil Bearden on LinkedIn They try to make ten points instead of just one.

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