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Early Canada to Rebellions of 1837

Early Canada to Rebellions of 1837. New France - Lower Canada. League of the Iroquois. Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayugas, Seneca Eventually joined by Tuscaroas Six Nations “people of the longhouse”. Missionaries arrival in Huronia. Huronia (Ontario region)

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Early Canada to Rebellions of 1837

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  1. Early Canada to Rebellions of 1837 New France - Lower Canada

  2. League of the Iroquois • Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayugas, Seneca • Eventually joined by Tuscaroas • Six Nations • “people of the longhouse”

  3. Missionaries arrival in Huronia • Huronia (Ontario region) • Iroquois & Huron at war in early 1600s • Hurons became economic partners with French fur-traders by 1620, along with the Algonquians • Jesuits arrived in 1615 – part of deal • Spread disease from village to village • Efforts to convert to Christianity

  4. Smallpox Outbreak • 1639 – raged throughout Huronia • Killed ½ population • Killed young and old first – lost folklore and future • Fear of Jesuits increased • Economic partnership with French mandated Jesuit presence

  5. Iroquois vs Huron • Weakened by disease, Hurons in trouble • Iroquois given guns by English and Dutch settlers in modern American colonies • March 1649 – Defeat of Huron by Iroquois • Jesuits were tortured by Iroquois

  6. French and Iroquois • Truce • Ended by 1680 • War between France/Algonquians and Iroquois/English • Iroquois originally victorious, but later defeated by French Army • Iroquois converted to Christianity • English-French peace in 1701

  7. 1744 – English-French war…..again • Lasted 4 years • English captured French fort Louisbourg, but eventually gave it back • French maintained alliance with Mi’kmaq and Maliseet • October 2, 1749 – English governor Cornwallis ordered destruction of Mi’kmaq peoples – willing to pay for scalps • Measure never went into effect – London advised milder policy

  8. Britain’s growing anxiety about Acadians • Mi’kmaq raids increased • Cornwallis doubtful of Acadian’s loyalty • 1749 – demanded unconditional oath of loyalty to Britain • Acadians officially neutral • Some left – most stayed • New governor – 1753 • 1754 – war broke out between France and Britain • 1755 – ordered expulsion of Acadians – 13,000 • Continued until 1762

  9. Peace & Friendship treaties • With aboriginal peoples – Mi’kmaq and Maliseet • Attempt to maintain loyalty/neutrality of aboriginal people • Currently being interpreted by SCOC

  10. Treaty of Paris • New France becomes a British colony in 1763 • Ends British military rule of area (1759-1763)

  11. Royal Proclamation of 1763 • Creates Province of Quebec (Lower Canada) • Recognizes land rights of aboriginal peoples around Great Lakes • British goal – assimilation of French settlers

  12. Quebec Act of 1774 • Guarantees continuation of French civil law and Roman Catholicism • Extends boundaries of Quebec to include the Great Lakes all the way to the Ohio Valley (between Ohio and Mississippi rivers) • Angered English settlers to the south

  13. Urban Life In Lower Canada • Population rose from 160,000 in 1790 to 650,000 in 1850 • Smallpox & Cholera • Immigration • Rural life of subsistence farmers • Crop failures • Economic decline

  14. Seigneural System • 1627 – 1854 • Inspired by the feudal system • Seigneurs (land owners) and Habitants (tennant farmers) • Hated by most • Supported by Church

  15. Seigneural System

  16. Church versus State • Ongoing rivalry between professional elite and the Roman Catholic Church in Lower Canada • Colonial government’s power dwindled • All tried to influence the Habitant population • Professional elite turned to politics as nationalists • Framed arguments in support of French-Canadian nation • Aspired to replace the Seigneurs and compete with the Church as the leaders of French Canada • Seigneurs often collaborated with British in exchange for lucrative appointments and pensions

  17. Professional Elite • Formed backbone of the Parti-canadien (later called Parti-partiote) and had increasingly hostile relationships with British merchants • Supported some aspects of seigneural system as rampart against English-speaking farmers who wanted to acquire land • Deny women the right to vote

  18. Constitutional Act of 1791 • Elected legislative assembly • Taxes • Strong executive authority • Legislative council • Executive council

  19. Rebellion of 1837 • Failure of Constitution Act of 1791 as a system of government in Lower Canada • French and Parti-canadien dominated assembly wanted to strengthen their hand and decrease “foreign” influence of the Executive branch • English speaking minority dominated the executive council and elected assembly was dominated by French-speaking canadiens

  20. Rebellion of 1837 • Struggle between haves and have-nots – change and the status quo • Some English-speaking Quebecers supported patriotes • Irish immigrants

  21. A question on $$$$$ • Assembly wanted control of colony’s finances • Assembly could initiate money bills – Executive could refuse them • Prisons – French wanted to pay for it with higher import duties, British wanted to tax land

  22. Legitimacy of elections • When Governor Sir James Craig annoyance with Assembly grew, he dissolved it and called new elections • Nearly identical body elected and again dissolved • French papers criticized him – jailed for treason • Craig recommended increasing immigration of British people to assimilate French and abolition of elections.

  23. Louis-Joseph Papineau • Leader of Parti-patriote • Speak of the assembly in 1815 • Became increasingly republican

  24. Increasing Radicalization • British attempted compromise – Assembly could control all expenditures IF they agreed to pay the civil service and administration each year • Patriotes were not willing to compromise • 92 Resolutions – demands of the Assembly • Governor views it as a declaration of independence

  25. Increasing Radicalization • London interested in compromise, but they took too long • Commission appointed to study problem • March 1837 – 10 Resolutions by Lord John Russell • Refused all 92 Assembly resolutions • No elected Executive Council • Executive Council continues to pay administrative costs without approval of Assembly • Executive Council would be responsible to the Governor alone – NOT Assembly • Governor would continue to report to London – NOT the elected Assembly

  26. Patriote response • Legal agitation, then revolt if needed • Organized boycotts of imported goods and British merchants • Public meetings – one in Richelieu Valley called for revolt – adopted resolution included a declaration of independence • Developed plans to take Montreal and Quebec by force • Warrants were issued for the arrest of Patriote leaders – including L-J Papineau who fled to the countryside

  27. Violent rebellion • November 1837 – violent battles between Patriotes and British troops. Close to 150 Patriotes were killed, British lost 3 • Patriote “Army” was poorly armed and trained civilians • Prisoners were rounded up and sent to jail in Montreal • British torched 20 houses and barns (terror)

  28. Violence continues… • British turn attention to the other Patriotes living in other parts of Quebec • British kill or burn 70 more – 250 total • British continue to burn – entire town of St-Eustache and St-Benoit • A year later (1838) Patriotes try to take Mohawk community of Kahnawake – raid failed • Mohawks capture 60 Patriotes and turn them over to the British - Jailed

  29. Violence continues… • British troops crush Patriote rebels

  30. Ambitions abound • Patriotes – French-speaking merchants and professionals who wanted political power in the colony • Church – Speak for French Quebecois • Seigneures – Keep what they already had • English-speaking merchants – wanted to keep control of colony’s economy • British administrators & Parliament – Colony could be useful to mother country • Habitants – who wanted to improve their situation and supported the Patriotes

  31. Consequences of the Rebellion in Lower Canada • In response to the rebellion, Britain established a Special Council in 1838 made up of some English-speaking Quebecers and some strongly loyalist French Quebecers • Colony lost its own government altogether • Establishment of police force in Montreal and countryside to pacify habitants • Got rid of seigneural system on island of Montreal

  32. Long term… • Lord Durham’s visit – Royal Commission • English merchants wanted union with Upper Canada to save them from French factions • Durham hoped that with union the British would outnumber the French and they would give up nationalistic dreams and assimilation would begin

  33. Monday • Rebellion in Upper Canada

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