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Local Government Tendering: Bidding For Business With Local Authorities

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Local Government Tendering: Bidding For Business With Local Authorities

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    1. Local Government Tendering: Bidding For Business With Local Authorities Mark Cage – Procurement & Contracts Manager Children’s Joint Commissioning Unit Worcestershire County Council.

    2. 2 Procurement & Contracting Synopsis: Local Government Tendering is sometimes seen by private companies and agencies as an impossible mountain to climb full of bureaucratic hurdles and hoops to jump through. The aim of this workshop is to lift the lid on the world of local government tendering and give providers the tools and know how to submit a winning tender!

    3. Typical tendering process – Part B / low value

    4. 4 Procurement & Contracting So What’s In It For Businesses? Every year Local Authorities tender for Ł millions work. If you win a tender there is no chance of the LA going into receivership. Payment is guaranteed. Payment is usually quick. LA experience leads to more work.

    5. Expenditure On Provider Services 5 Commissioning & Contracting

    6. What’s in it for Local Authorities Fairer to providers Evidences value for money - competition Contractual clarity and robustness Greater transparency – audit trail/evidence Taps into innovation Fulfills the growing commissioning agenda

    7. How Do I Get to Hear of Tender Opportunities Within LA’s ? Council web sites Regional web sites European journals Search agencies Journals News reports/ads. Word of mouth 7 Procurement & Contracting

    8. Advertising West Midlands Hub For residential: www.westmidlandsplacements.com Tenders Electronic Daily (EU procurements) http://ted.europa.eu/Exec?Template=TED/editorial_page.htm&DataFlow=ShowPage.dfl&StatLang=EN Supply2.gov.uk (low value) http://www.supply2.gov.uk/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=government%2Bcontracts Worcestershire Tender Portal http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/etendering/

    9. What do I do when I see a tender I want to go for? Read the tender documents and note any queries. Note the return date and any other key dates such as open meeting, interview and site visit dates - these are usually not negotiable. Note what additional documents you need to submit with the tender. Consider who you will need to help you complete the tender (including attending interviews and hosting site visits) 9 Procurement & Contracting

    10. The Tender Process Pre tender Tender advertised (optional) Deadline for submission of queries Open meeting (optional) Written answers to queries (optional) Tender submission deadline (date and time) Tender assessed Interviews and site visits (optional) Tender award But it doesn’t end there……….. 10 Procurement & Contracting

    11. Common mistakes in tendering Failing to follow the instructions Omission of documents Envelopes identify tenderer Late submission Wrong address Signed by 'wrong' organisation Failing to clarify Tender price over advertised budget Tender not tailored to requirement Lack of detail on delivery Assuming commissioners know your organisation You should only be evaluated on what is written in your tender/PQQ Incorrect costings Assume no additional funding

    12. 12 Procurement & Contracting TOP TIPS Know how to find out about tenders. When you get the tender pack be sure to read it in good time. Note what you need to provide within the tender and make plans to get the information you need in good time.- Prepare & Plan in advance Query anything you don’t understand. Submit the tender in good time (a deadline is a deadline, and follow any instructions for tenderers) Keep dates free for site visits and/or interviews. Learn from your tender failures (and successes) – Feedback. Ask for a debrief if appropriate.

    13. Contract Award Contract An agreement between parties which is binding in law Fundamentals include: Offer (your tender) A promise to do/not do something Acceptance (usually the letter to the successful tenderer) On accepting an offer, a contract is formed Acceptance must be unqualified Consideration All parties must provide consideration of some value Invitation to tender Not an offer but an ‘invitation to treat’

    14. 14 Procurement & Contracting Contracts: How you know what is expected of you and how the LA knows what you want?

    15. Contracts Specification Conditions Of Contract Special Requirements/Conditions Invoicing arrangements. Contract monitoring and review. Getting paid. Contract start date & end date. Signatures 15 Procurement & Contracting

    16. Framework Agreements Agreements for the provision of an unspecified level of requirements over a specified period One or more provider/buying organisations Opposite of spot purchasing Set up using the usual tendering exercise If terms of framework are insufficiently precise then a mini-competition with all suppliers capable of meeting the need Used because: Quicker procurement Reduced cost of procurement Robust contract terms and management Savings through aggregation

    17. Select Lists / Preferred Provider Agreements Agreements for the provision of an unspecified level of requirements over a specified period One or more provider/buying organisations No price structure to be included Generally used for low value or simple tenders Set up using the usual tendering exercise Generally mini tenders within select list every time Used because: Quicker procurement Reduced cost of procurement Less documentation required

    18. 18 Procurement & Contracting Monitoring How do you know if your contract is doing what it is supposed to do?

    19. 19 Procurement & Contracting Thank you For Listening ….. Any Questions

    20. Acknowledgment: How to Complete a Tender: I would like to acknowledge the use of some of the slides from the above presentation. Copies of the full presentation may be found on : www.westmidlandsplacements.com 20 Procurement & Contracting

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