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Sentence . What is a sentence ?. Sentence . Sentence is a group of related words which has subject , verb , object and complete meaning is called a sentence . Ex: I read a book every day . . How many kinds of sentences do we have ?. We have the following sentences in English language .
Sentence What is a sentence ?
Sentence Sentence is a group of related words which has subject , verb , object and complete meaning is called a sentence . Ex: I read a book every day .
How many kinds of sentences do we have ? We have the following sentences in English language . 1. According to Meaning 2. According to Structure
1. Sentence according meaning According the meaning of sentence we have the following five types sentences .
Kinds of sentences according to meaning Declarative Sentences Imperative Sentences Interrogative Sentences Exclamatory Sentences Optative Sentences
1. Declarative Sentences Are those sentences which declare a purpose . Or are those sentences which show an idea .
Declarative Sentences Declarative Sentences are divided into two sorts . Affirmative Sentences Negatives Sentences
1. Affirmative Declarative Sentences Are those sentences which show agreement or show positive response .
1. Affirmative Declarative Sentences Ex: She has a house in USA . Ex: I walk to university Ex: They help us . Ex: Ali is a teacher . Ex: We want to buy a building . Ex: He teaches English .
1. Negative Declarative Sentences Are those sentences which show disagreement or show negative response .
1. Negative Declarative Sentences Ex: We don’t go to USA . Ex: She doesn’t teach Urdu . Ex: I don’t like his bicycle . Ex: They don’t come here today . Ex: He doesn’t blame me . Ex: I didn’t call Ali .
2. Imperative Sentences Are those sentences which show advice , command , request and prohibition .
2. Imperative Sentences showing Advice Ex: Take this tablet 3 times a day for 5days . Ex: Relax at home for 3 days Ex: Exercise as many times as you can. Ex: Drive carefully on the high way . Ex: Perform the prayer on time . Ex: Come to class on time to study .
2. Imperative Sentences showing Command Arrest them now . Get out . Rise your hand . Open your hand . Kill him . Clean my room and now .
2. Imperative Sentences showing Prohibition Don’t call me any more . Don’t swim here . Don’t come to my house again. Don’t shoot that man now . Don’t turn left turn right . Don’t your park your car here .
2. Imperative Sentences showing Request Please take my hand . Please give me your mobile . Please help me . Please break this stone . Please open your eyes . Pleas return my car on Sunday .
Interrogative Sentences Are those sentences which ask questions .
Kinds of Interrogative sentences There are five kinds of interrogative sentences Yes /no questions WH questions Intonation questions Tag questions Included question in questions
1 Yes / No questions Are those questions which need a short answer Or Yes / No questions are those questions which can be either by yes or No .
Yes / No questions Ex: Can you arrest him today ? Do you know that boy ? Will she call you ? Would you like to sit here ? Should I call my brother ? Did we cook rice last night ?
2 WH questions Are those questions which can not be answered by yes or no . Or WH questions are those questions which need complete information .
WH questions ask the about the followings Who Person Who can speak English with me ? What Thing What do you have in your pocket ? 3. Where Place Where does she come from ?
WH questions ask the about the followings 4. Why Reason and purpose Why did she go to hospital ? 5. How Situation or means of transportation . How is your son Situation How do you to USA ?
WH questions ask the about the followings When Time When will we see Ahmad ? Whose Ownership Whose son do you teach ? Which Thing of specific type Which car do you use ?
3 Intonation Questions Are those questions in which we express surprise by rising and lowering the sound . or These sentences are sentences in fact ,but are pronounced , read or said as question .
Intonation Questions She can pass the test ? I got less score than you ? Your brother died ? My son came to Kabul? She will come back ?
4 Tag Question The word tag means the top of shoelace . Tag is name of game for children . But here , it means short .
Tag Question It is called a short question . Preceded by a comma (,) and followed by a questions mark (?). If the first sentence is positive , tag should be negative . It if tag is negative , the first sentence should be positive .
Now positive sentences are used first . She is a girl , isn't she ? We are boys , aren't we ? They are teachers aren't they ? She works , doesn’t she ? He cleans the floor , doesn’t he ? I work at home don’t I ? They like it , don’t they ?
Now negative sentences are used first She doesn’t work , does she ? I don’t sleep , do I ? He can`t swim , can he ? The shouldn’t come , should they ? We don’t kill him , do we ? She won`t bring my pen , will she ?
5. Included question in question These questions are used when we want to add one question in another questions . These questions are used to ask someone a question politely .
How to make included question in question Included in question mostly start with the following questions . Do you know ? Can you tell me ? Do you remember ?
Important note Simply we have to say that the combination of one positive sentence and one interrogative sentence is called included question in question . And remember that Do , Does and Did are omitted when they are used positively .
Using Yes /No questions in included questions . In Yes / No question we use ( Ifor whether ) If and Whether have the same meanings , but whether more formal than if .
Structure for Yes / No Can you tell me , Do you know or Do you remember + if /whether + subject + Verb + Complement . Do you live here ? Can you tell if you live here ?
Examples Can she speak English ? Do you know whether she can speak English ? Do they sleep ? Can you tell if they sleep ? Does she need it ? Do you know if she needs it ?
Yes/No in included Questions When we want to change a WH question to included question , we should follow these rules A) Start the question with one these questions . Can you tell me , Do you know etc . Don’t use Do , Does and Did in following part . B) Change the Verb its related form .
Examples of WHERE + Plural Where do I work ? Do you know where I work ? Where do we sleep ? Can you tell me where we sleep ? Where do they live ? Do remember where they live ?
Examples of WHERE + Singular Where does study ? Do you know where she studies ? Where does he live ? Do you know where he lives ? Where does Laila go ? Can you tell where laila goes ?
Examples of WHERE in Past Where did she go ? Do you where she went ? Where was I ? Can you tell me where I was ? Where do we swim ? Do you remember where we swam ?
Examples of WHERE in Future Where will I stay ? Do you know where I will stay ? Where will we live after this ? Do you know where we live after this? Where is she going to work ? Can you tell me where she is going to work ?