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Europe in crisis

Europe in crisis. Disease, war, and schism. Europe in crisis: disease. The Bubonic Plague Known as the Black Death only from 1346-1353 in Europe. Enzootic Meaning it was contracted by humans from animals. Where did it come from? Originated in Asia Probably China

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Europe in crisis

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  1. Europe in crisis Disease, war, and schism

  2. Europe in crisis: disease The Bubonic Plague • Known as the Black Death only from 1346-1353 in Europe. • Enzootic • Meaning it was contracted by humans from animals. Where did it come from? • Originated in Asia • Probably China • First outbreak is seen around Lake IssykKulin Kyrgyzstan in 1338 How was it spread? • By the old Silk Road, both via land routes and sea routes

  3. Europe in crisis: disease

  4. Europe in crisis: disease

  5. Europe in crisis: disease First Signs of a Pandemic • Crops up in the Byzantine Empire in the 6th & 7th centuries. • Known as the Plague of Justinian • Wipes out possibly 40% of the population of Constantinople. Why do you think it took so long for the plague to become a world wide pandemic? Do you think Europe was more susceptible to the plague than other parts of the world? Why?

  6. Europe in crisis: disease A Weak Europe is Easy Prey for the Plague • A warming trend comes to a close in the North Atlantic region (950-1250 c.e.) • A “little ice age” begins (1350-1850 c.e.) • Higher fertility rates (5 per woman) • Less food • More people ---- Which leads to what? • Heavy rains begin to hit Europe by the fall of 1314 • Cold and wet winters make harvests worse. • Seven year famine results – The Great Famine What problems do you foresee arising from a shifting climate? • Lower yield harvests • New heavy plow and three-field system weren’t as effective in the north – harder clay soil.

  7. Europe in crisis: disease How It Spread • Oct. 1347 it reaches Sicily, brought by ships coming from Genoa. • Outbreak in Pisa that spread through Northern Italy. • A ship expelled from Italy reached Marseille, France in Jan 1348. • After France it hit Spain, Portugal, and England by June 1348. • It spread east through Scandinavia and Germany by 1350.

  8. Europe in crisis: disease

  9. Danse Macabre “The Dance of Death” • Ankle length over-coat. • Bird like beak mask. • Gloves, boots, brimmed hat, cloak.

  10. Danse Macabre “The Dance of Death” Michael Wolgemut

  11. Danse Macabre “The Dance of Death” BerntNokte St. Nicholas Church, Estonia

  12. Europe in crisis: disease Consequences of the Black Death in Europe • Better sanitation – Pistoia (city in Tuscany), decreed that butchers and sellers of meat can’t stable horses or allow any mud or dung inside a shop where meat is sold. • Religious fundamentalism – whipping in order to placate god. • Persecutions against Jews • Art – the Dance of Death • Rise in the standard of living • Rise in education – new universities founded

  13. Europe in crisis: War 100 Years’ War – (1337-1453) • Between England and France • Since the Norman invasion of England, the king claimed land on the continent. • Conflict began over an area in southwestern France, Bordeaux. • Philip VI (France) declared the territory his • Edward III (England) declared himself king of France.

  14. Europe in crisis: War • England dominated the first three phases. • The Kingdom of Burgundy was created that allied itself with England for a time. • Fourth Phase and a turnaround for the French. • 1429, Joan shows up at the royal court in full armor, riding a horse, and followed by a small army. • She fights and wins the Battle of Orleans – convincing the French crown (Charles VII) she is sent from God.

  15. Europe in crisis: Schism Background • By 1300 the papacy had reached its zenith. • 1290: Both England and France taxed landed estates and bishoprics (secular area of land ruled by a clerical office). • Pope Boniface VIII (1302) says no taxation of the clergy by civil rulers. • Issues papal bull, Unam Sanctum – outside the Roman church there is no salvation, all human creatures are subject to the Roman pontiff. • Philip sends (France) sends troops to arrest Boniface. • Boniface died soon after and French influence elects a pope that is more subservient to France.

  16. Avignon, France

  17. Europe in crisis: Schism The Great Schism • The papacy briefly returns to Rome in 1378. • Cardinals elect Pope Urban VI, but regret it soon after. • They retreat to Anagni and elect a second pope, Clement VII (antipope: one who is opposition to the accepted pope but with a significant claim to that authority). • Clement VII moves his papacy back to Avignon.

  18. Consolidating Power: Nation Building 1340-1492 • North and Eastern Europe form loose alliances • The Swiss form a confederation • Italy goes from small city-states to five major powers • Spain unifies and centralizes under a monarchy • France and England strengthen their central gov’ts. How did the monarchs and republics of the 15th century use their newly consolidated powers?

  19. Consolidating Power: Nation Building Hanseatic League (Hanse means “guild”) • Mainly north German cities (in the Holy Roman Empire). • Came together to protect mutual interests • Trade • Defense • The League linked the Baltic Coast with Russia, Norway, England, and some cities in Italy • Usually threatened with war from Norway and Denmark. • They shared common armies during times of crisis

  20. The hanseatic league (13th - 17th C.)

  21. The hanseatic league (13th - 17th C.)

  22. Poland-Lithuania Poland • Only part of Europe that expanded demographically during the 14th cent. • Large population of Jewish migrants • German settlers and Jewish immigrants built flourishing towns like Cracow. Lithuania • One of the last holdouts against Christianity in Europe. • Expansion into Russia caused influences of both Orthodox and Catholic Christianity. • A Lithuanian king united with Poland after marrying a Polish queen. • The king received a Catholic baptism in 1386 and converted the region to Christianity.

  23. Poland-Lithuania

  24. France (15th century)

  25. France (15th century) • Before Louis XI (Valois Family) French kings usually only controlled the lands around Paris • Burgundy emerged from the 100 Years’ War agriculturally and economically more power than France. • Although part of the French royal house, they acted autonomously – acquiring land and building their own armies. • Duke of Burgundy dies in 1477, Louis XI ceases Burgundy land and consolidates it into greater France. • By end of 15th c. France doubles its size and looks more like the modern day French state.

  26. Spain (mid-15th cent.)

  27. Spain (mid-15th cent.) • Mid-15th cent. Iberian Peninsula was divided into distinct kingdoms. • Castile, Aragon, Granada, Navarre, Portugal • All were Christian except Granada, which had been a Muslim stronghold for many years. • Muslim strength began to weaken by the 11th century • Christian kingdoms launched attacks throughout known as the Reconquista. • In this atmosphere, Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand of Aragon in 1469. • Opposition from nobles caused a decade long civil war, the royal houses emerged victorious and named a new Kingdom of Spain.

  28. Spain (mid-15th cent.) The New Spain • The new monarchs reduced the power of the nobility by appointing hidalgos • Lesser aristocrats who owe their positions to the state. • Ferdinand and Isabella began extending Christianity over the whole peninsula. • Turn to driving out Muslims in southern Castile and Granada. • Stimulates religious fervor, and inspires loyalty to the king and queen. • Pope grants them the right to appoint bishops and abbots. • Also they are granted the right to establish their own Inquisition.

  29. Spain (mid-15th cent.) The New Spain (Inquisition) • 1492: Last Muslim stronghold falls in Granada. • 1493: All Jews are expelled from Spain • About 150,000 people given 4 months to leave. • 1502: All Muslims how had not converted are expelled • Persecution of all heretics fosters religious unity that strengthens centralization.

  30. England (15th century) • After 100 Years’ War England goes through a civil war. • War of the Roses (1455-1485): between rival factions of the royal family for power. • House of Lancaster (Red Rose) vs. House of York (White Rose) • Compromise was reached in 1485 when a new royal house emerged after a marriage between the two warring families – The Tudors. • Henry VII ruled as the first Tudor king in a dynasty that would dominate England through the 16th century. • Set up Court of Star Chamber that allowed him to further his power • Confiscated noble lands and fortunes to a point where he didn’t need Parliament for financial support.

  31. Swiss Confederation • Switzerland is made up of semi-autonimous provinces or cantons. • Each one is under the rubric of the federal state of Switzerland. • Much like the Hanseatic League, the cantons organized in order to maintain separation from the Holy Roman Empire. • Dominated by wealthy merchants and tradesmen. • These were able to supplant the nobility by the 15th cent. • Rural communities gain some political importance – no king, duke, or count ever came to rule the confederation. • Swiss foot soldiers would act as mercenaries for kings throughout the rest of Europe.

  32. Swiss Confederation

  33. Italy • Milan • Venice • Florence • Naples • Papal States • A loose alliance is constructed in 1454 between Milan, Naples, and Florence – Treaty of Lodi • Only a few years before Milan and Naples begin to feud • This allowed an expanding France (Charles VIII) to cross the alps and invade Milan, then Naples. • Florence, Rome, and Naples fold, but Pope Leo X calls Spain and the HRE to defend Italy. • Italy becomes a battle ground in Europe, particularly b/t the Valois (France) and the Habsburgs (HRE).

  34. Italy (15th century)

  35. In conclusion (1340-1492) • 100 Years’ War (1337) • Black Death (1346) • Schism in the Church (Avignon & Rome) • Uprisings in the countryside • Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople (1453) • Renaissance spreads out from Italy • Rulers use the new arts to glorify themselves • Spain is unified by marriage, along with Poland-Lithuania. • The Swiss Confederation becomes a permanent entity.

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