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Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Administrator Training

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Administrator Training. CLICK HERE!!!!.

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Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Administrator Training

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  1. Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)Administrator Training CLICK HERE!!!!

  2. If you are/were unable to attend this presentation at an IU or PaTTAN site and you are viewing the recorded version of this presentation via a link on the web, we will not have a record of your attendance.  Please send an e-mail to Dana Klouser atdklouser@pa.govthat includes your name, school, and district indicating that you viewed the online recording of this event.

  3. General Overview and Important Information - DRC Important Dates - DRC The Assessment - DRC Returning Materials - DRC Planning for the Assessment - PDE Participation and Exceptions to Participation - PDE Administering the Assessment - PDE PDE Policy - PDE Test Security - PDE AYP – PDE Agenda

  4. General Overview • All policy decisions come from PDE • All PSSA logistics are the responsibility of DRC and include Grades 3 – 8 and 11 Reading and Mathematics, Grades 4, 8, and 11 Science, Grades 5, 8, and 11 Writing, and the Grade 12 Retest • Reporting – DRC manages the Parent Letters, District Student Data files, ISRs, and all eMetric deliverables (data interaction, online summary reports)

  5. DRC Contact Information Our toll free number is: 1-800-451-7849 Our fax number is: 1-763-268-3008 Our email is: pacustomerservice@datarecognitioncorp.com Important Information

  6. PDE contact information Our phone number is: 717-787-4234 Or 717-705-2343 Our e-mail is: 00testing@psupen.psu.edu Important Information

  7. PAsecureID lists Test Security Certifications Plastic bags for returning answer booklets PSSA-M Online Survey February 27 to March 25, 2012 New this year

  8. Transcribing accommodated materials into a scannable answer booklet Expedite the return of Answer Booklets PIMS data was used to produce Precode Labels Match Booklets by Form Number Important Reminders


  10. March 12 to 23 – Grades 3 – 8 & 11 Reading and Mathematics testing window Return used answer booklets as soon as the majority of students have completed the assessments. March 26 to 30 – Grades 3 – 8 & 11 Reading and Mathematics Make-up window Make-ups can occur anytime during the PDE-established window. All Reading & Mathematic booklets must be shipped by March 30th to be included in reporting 2012 Assessment Dates

  11. April 16 to 20 – Grades 5, 8 & 11 Writing Return used answer booklets as soon as the majority of students have completed the assessment April 23 to 27 – Grades 4, 8 & 11 Science Return used answer booklets as soon as the majority of students have completed the assessment April 30 to May 4 – Writing and Science Make-up Window Make-ups can occur anytime during the PDE-established window All writing & science booklets must be shipped by May 4th to be included in reporting 2012 Assessment Dates

  12. May 22 to 29, 2012 – Student Attribution window June 27 to July 2, 2012 – PASA 1% and PSSA-M 2% redistribution window 2012 DRC Online System Dates

  13. June 11 - District Student Performance Data Files posted to DRC’s Report Delivery System and Parent Letters available on eMetric website July 18 - Preliminary Student Data Files with attributions posted to DRC’s Report Delivery System July 18 - DRC Online AYP System available 2012 Reporting Dates

  14. Watch for information about these upcoming sessions How PIMS data affects AYP and Graduation Attribution System (February 27 - March 2) Understanding AYP (May 19-26) Attribution System Webinars (May 21-23) Redistribution System Webinars (June 25-27) Other Important Dates

  15. Before the actual assessment Read the manuals, schedule the assessments, and prepare test coordinators and administrators This is a train the trainer method. You are required to deliver this training to your school assessment coordinators. Inventory/account for all materials All subjects will arrive at the same time Order additional materials as soon as possible The Assessment

  16. Make sure to include your District Code along with your District Name. Make sure to include your School Code along with your School Name. Indicate the quantity you need. Additional Material Request form is located on page 53 in the Handbook for Assessment Coordinators

  17. Answer booklets returned to DRC for processing must have a label attached. The only answer booklets that should NOT have labels attached are booklets that are unused and COMPLETELY blank. Whether a Student Precode or a District/School Label is used, page 3 needs to be filled out for any student using an accommodation. Barcode Labels

  18. STUDENT PRECODE LABELS Student Precode Labels contain student demographic information as reported in PIMS Barcode Labels

  19. DISTRICT/SCHOOL LABELS District/School Labels contain district and school specific information only. These labels must be Barcode Labels used when Student Precode Labels are not used.

  20. DISTRICT/SCHOOL LABELS (cont) When using District/School Labels, the student’s name, birth date, and PAsecureID must be bubbled exactly as it appears Barcode Labels in your school’s student information system.

  21. DO NOT SCORE LABELS All sites will receive Do Not Score Labels for answer booklets that should not be scored. Barcode Labels

  22. The Assessment • English Language Learners • Use April 15, 2011, for calculating first year in U.S. school for ELL students • Court/Agency Placed Students • Foster care is not a court/agency placement for NCLB purposes • Per IDEA, court/agency placed students with an IEP are required to participate • Home Schooled Students

  23. The Assessment Modified Assessments • There are modified assessments for Mathematics, Reading, and Science • Additional precode labels for use on PSSA-M • Proper booklet labeling is essential for accurate reporting

  24. The Assessment Accommodated Assessments • Order Braille, Enlarged Print, and Audio CDs from DRC @ 1-800-451-7849 • All student responses must be transcribed into a scannable answer booklet. • A Spanish-translation version of the Mathematics and Science assessments are available

  25. All students must use a No. 2 pencil. What to do if a student goes home ill. Use of calculators Use of Dictionaries Damaged booklets The Assessment

  26. Unusual Circumstances Test Administrators may encounter situations not covered in the manuals. The Test Administrator, along with the School and District Coordinator, should use their best professional judgment on how to handle each situation keeping test security and integrity in mind. One example is when a student becomes ill on a test. These tests should be destroyed and NOT returned to DRC. Make sure to note on the Materials Accountability Form that the document was destroyed due to student illness. The Assessment QUESTIONS? CALL 1-800-451-7849 NOT

  27. Distribution and collection procedures Security Numbers Security Checklist The Assessment Security numbers are located below the barcode are on the back of every secure booklet shipped by DRC.

  28. 2012 Mr. Gillin 4/16 4/17 4/18 Destroyed due to illness Martin Pinkerton 4/22

  29. Return Instructions - Materials Accountability Form Booklet S55013872024705 was destroyed due to student illness

  30. Be organized Have clear communications and define a plan for returning scorable materials early Use the Materials Accountability Form and Security Checklist Keep answer booklets separate from test booklets Make sure answer booklets are NOT tucked inside test booklets. Return Instructions NOT

  31. Return Instructions – Answer Booklets

  32. Return Instructions – Answer Booklets

  33. Return Instructions – Test Booklets and Unopened Packages

  34. Return Instructions – Test Booklets and Unopened Packages

  35. Material Pick Up Return Instructions If you do not have a regularly scheduled UPS pick-up or delivery, call UPS at (866) 857-1501 to arrange a pick up at least 24 hours prior to your requested pick-up.

  36. Keep a copy of the UPS-RS tracking numbers used. When DRC has questions about a district’s assessment materials, we make follow-up phone calls after the testing window has closed. It is important to return these calls as soon as possible in order ensure fast and accurate reporting and to keep you schools off the missing materials report sent to PDE. Special Note

  37. Planning for the Assessment Testing Preparation DOs: • Plan for testing rooms and times. • Post PA General Description of Scoring Guidelines • Math Formula Sheets – only available for grades 7, 8 and 11. • Provide test administrators with: • Training • Test manuals • Schedule

  38. Planning for the Assessment Accommodations The Accommodations Guidelines for students with IEPs, ELL students, and all students are available on department’s web site – www.education.state.pa.us

  39. Access to Information Click on Programs

  40. Access to Information Click on Programs O-R

  41. Access to Information PVAAS PA Secure ID Accountability PSSA

  42. Planning for the Assessment • Be prepared for parental requests to view the test. • Schedule small group setting(s). • Schedule extended time setting(s). • Assign test administrators for breaks and movement to other setting(s). • Plan for secure distribution & collection of materials after each session.

  43. Assessments Available • PSSA • PSSA-M • PASA • Accommodations are available for all tests.

  44. PSSA • Students participate in the PSSA for Math, Reading, Science, and Writing.

  45. PASA • Students participate in the PASA for Math, Reading, and Science • Students participate in a school-provided alternate assessment for Writing.

  46. PSSA- Modified (PSSA-M) • Available for Mathematics, Reading, and Science • Recommended to be administered in a separate setting • Recommended to administer all sections of one content area, then all sections of the other • All sections must be given in the order in which they are printed in the PSSA-M test booklets • All accommodations available for the PSSA are also available for the PSSA-M

  47. ELL students - Mathematics and Reading • Participation guidelines for ELL students are as follows: • Participation in the Math assessment is mandatory but if the student is in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school their scores do not count for AYP purposes • Participation in the Reading assessment is optional for students in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school

  48. ELL students - Science and Writing • Participation guidelines for ELL students are as follows: • Participation in the Science assessment is mandatory for students in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school but scores do not count for AYP purposes • Participation in the Writing assessment is optional for students in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school

  49. Administering the Assessment DO: • maintain calm & quiet • remove or cover all instructional materials • provide: • blank scratch paper • sharpened pencils • highlighters • encourage students • return all test materials to secure location DO NOT: • allow unsupervised breaks • display visual cues, e.g. picture icons • provide pre-printed graphic organizers • allow pens/colored pencils; stray marks • prompt students • keep any test materials

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