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Set up practical guidelines to evaluate Mobility Management programs, demonstrate success, support managers, compare costs, and document achievements. Define Mobility Management and behavior change phases with assessment levels provided.
Handlungsleitfaden für dieEvaluation von Mobilitätsmanagement-ProgrammenEvaMM Timo Finke Guidelines for the Evaluation of Mobility Management ProgrammesEvaMM Timo FinkeDepartment of Traffic ManagementCity of DüsseldorfECOMM 2009San Sebastián
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián Aim of EvaMM Set up guidelinesfor practitioners to evaluate MM programmes • to demonstrate success of MM to programme provider, sponsors, critics and public • to support the programme manager in daily work • to include all facets of MM into its evaluation (e.g. awareness campaigns, MM services) • to sum up programme costs for comparison with alternative measures • to allow comparison of success between programmes by standardised evaluation • to document your success!
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián Definition Mobility Management[EPOMM, 2008] Mobility Management (MM) is a concept to promote sustainable transport and manage the demand for car use by changing travellers' attitudes and behaviour. At the core of MM are „soft“ measures like information and communication, organising services and coordinating activities of different partners. „Soft” measures most often enhance the effectiveness of „hard“ measures withing urban transport (e.g. new tram lines, new roads and new bike lanes). Mobility Mangement measures (in comparison to „hard“ measures) do not necessarily require large financial investments and may have a high benefit-cost ratio.
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián Phases of Behaviour Change Pre-Contemplation Contemplation Decision Preparation Initiation Action and Maintenance
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián A Awareness raising – problems + solutions B Acceptance of personal responsibility M1 Intention to change behaviour C Use of MM-Services D Satisfaction with MM-Services General acceptance of travel alternatives E Start of alternative travel behaviour M2 F Alternative individual travel behaviour G Satisfaction with travel alternatives Assessment Levels of EvaMM Pre-Contemplation Contemplation Decision Preparation Initiation Action and Maintenance
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián Assessment levels of EvaMM A Awareness rising - problems + solutions Are the target groups aware of the problems their current travel behaviour creates? Are the target groups familiar with the offered MM measures and travel alternatives? Indicators Measurable target Method of data collection Number/share of touristswho are aware of prob-lems their car journeycauses at the destination Problem awareness at 50%of all tourists until 2010 survey Number/share of employees who know thePT-ticket or carpool offer 50% awareness oneyear after setting upa company mobility plan survey Number/share of citizenswho know theMobility Center. 25% awareness amongstcitizens 2 years afteropening survey
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián I Formulate mission statement EvaMM step by step EvaluationPlan II Name and describe target groups III Specify MM-measures IV Specify indicators & measurable targets Monitoring Record input and output V Record framework conditions VI Evaluating VII Assess impacts VIII Evaluate success Evaluation Report
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián Fact sheet Descriptionof Indicator Awareness for the daily congestion caused by the employees and the limited number of company's parking spaces.Knowledge of the MM measures offered to solve these problems Assessment Level A Awareness rising through MM Target group Employees Description of Indicator and its relevance for the assessed MM-Programme Basis for a behaviour change is the awareness of problems and knowledge of solutions offered. Company'sMM should make sure that employees are aware of the daily congestions in the proximity of the company andthe limited number of parking spaces that lead to illegal parking on public streets. At the same time, it shouldshow measures to solve these problems. The higher the share of employees that are aware of these problems and solutions offered by the MMprogramme the more successful measures of awareness rising could be assessed and the more likely asuccess of the MM programme will be. How is success measured? What is assessed? Assessed is the current awareness of the addressed problems and offered solutionsamongst employees and its past development. What data arerequired? Number of employees, who developed an awareness for the addresses problems andoffered solutions. How are datacollected? Interview of employees: „Do you know the company's Mobility Coordinator? If YES, How did you learn about him/her? What is his/her task? Do you know about the measures of the company' MM programme? If YES, please name those measures you know.“ Target value andtime frame X % awareness of problems and solutions amongst the employees after 1 year,Y % awareness of problems and solutions amongst the employees after 3 years. What data areavailable? - Former development of indicator A former survey of the staff council addressed problems of the company's accessibility for staff, customers,visitors and suppliers. Can results be used? What else should be taken into account? Note Give employees the chance to report their own view of problems additionally to what isaddressed by the MM programme. Backgroundinformation Due to residents' protests paid parking is planned in the company's proximity. This willlead to an increased use of public transport. EvaluationPlan IV Specify indicators and measurable targets
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián EvaluationPlan Specify indicators and measurable targets IV A Awareness raising – problems + solutions 80% of employees knowproblems and solutions B Acceptance of personal responsibility 80% of those who developedan awareness for the problems M1 Intention to change behaviour 50% of those who acceptedpersonal responsibility C Use of MM-Services 80% of those who plan to change their travel behaviour D Satisfaction with MM-Services 90% of users are satisfied E General acceptance of travel alternatives 120 employees accept theoffered alternatives Start of alternative travel behaviour 100 employees start to changetheir travel behaviour M2 F Permanent alternative travel behaviour 55 employees change permanently 90% of those who changed theirtravel beaviour are satisfied G Satisfaction with travel alternatives Traffic impacts to be achieved: reduced motorised trips: 11.000 p.a. = reduction of 50 parking lots Set target:Reduction of CO2 emissions: 40 tons p.a.
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián Kind of service provided Start-time End-time Information Consulting Sale Reservation Other X PT info 08 : 15 08 : 17 X Bike rental 08 : 19 08 : 23 X Railway ticket 08 : 24 08 : 27 X Carsharing 08 : 31 08 : 46 X Lost properties 08 : 47 08 : 49 __ : __ __ : __ Monitoring Record input and output V Input Record of all ressources used based on the principles of cost and activity accounting. Output Record of all measures and products provided.
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián Monitoring Record framework conditions VI • Record initial situation:as basis for the development of MM programme • Distinguish between: • Changes as result of MM... demonstrate MM's success. • Changes based on factors outside MM programme... can not be influenced by MM priogramme, but might have influence on the MM programme. • Identify causality between trigger and behaviour change in surveys.
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián Evaluating Assess impacts VII A Awareness raising – problems + solutions Share of those who are aware ofproblems and offered solution. B Acceptance of personal responsibility Share of those who accepttheir own responsibility. M1 Intention to change behaviour Share of those who intend tochange their own travel bahaviour. C Use of MM-Services Share of those who useMM services. Satisfaction with MM-Services Share of those who aresatisfied with MM services. D E General acceptance of travel alternatives Share of those who acceptthe offered alternatives. M2 Start of alternative travel behaviour Share of those who starta new travel behaviour. Permanent alternative travel behaviour Share of those who practise newtravel behaviour permanently. F G Satisfaction with travel alternatives Share of those who changed their travelbehaviour and are satisfied with it. Impacts achieved by MM: - transport related - ecological - individual
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián Evaluating Evaluate success VIII • Effectiveness • Collection of achieved impacts • Comparison of measurable targets and achieved performance (target-performance comparison) for • Output • Impacts • Efficiency • Collection of consumed ressources • Comparison of available ressources with measurable targets • Evaluate achieved results vs. consumed ressources for • Output (costs per service unit) • Changes in framework conditions • Impacts (costs per impact unit)
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián I Formulate mission statement EvaMM step by step EvaluationPlan II Name and describe target groups III Specify MM-measures IV Specify indicators & measurable targets Monitoring Record input and output V Record framework conditions VI Evaluating VII Assess impacts VIII Evaluate success Evaluation Report
ECOMM 2009, San Sebastián Guidelines for the Evaluation of Mobility Management ProgrammesEvaMMThank you!Timo FinkeDepartment of Traffic ManagementCity of Düsseldorf