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Places He Went 3 Summary Whole Book. Mecca, Egypt, Iraq, Persi a, India, Asia, Delhi, China, Maldives.
Places He Went 3Summary Whole Book • Mecca, Egypt, Iraq, Persi a, India, Asia, Delhi, China, Maldives. L.O.
Death 6summary page 38 • Ibn Battuta died in the year 1369. He was age 65 and died because of illness. • Summary • Page 38 L.O.
Life as Judge 5 summary page 38 • He is appointed by the Sultan of Delhi to be judge over the whole city and received an annual salary and estate for nine years. He was nearly assassinated for committing treason but began to pray when the assassins came near so they could not harm him. After the Sultan forgave him he was appointed Ambassador to China. L.O.
Birth7summaryweb source • Tangier, Morocco on the 24th of February in 1304 L.O.
Departure 7summary web source • June 14th, 1325 at age 21 L.O.
Intentions 8quote web source • I left Tangier, my birthplace, on Thursday, 2nd Rajab 725 [June 14, 1325], being at that time twenty-two years of age [22 lunar years; 21 and 4 months by solar reckoning], with the intention of making the Pilgrimage to the Holy House [at Mecca] and the Tomb of the Prophet [at Medina]. L.O.
Cool fact 9summary web source • When the greatest speed humans could reach was astride a horse, to travel 120,000 kilometers, or 75,000 miles, in 30 years was an amazing feat. At a steady pace, it would have worked out to a bit under 11 kilometers (7 miles) a day for almost 11,000 days. L.O.
The book he wrote 9summary web source • The Rihla • Describes places he went • Describes people he met • A Travel Memoir L.O.
Full name 9summary web source • Shams al-Din Abu 'Abdallah Muhammad ibn 'Abdallah ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Yusuf al-Lawati al-Tanji L.O.
Early life 9summary web source • Born into a family of judges and studied to become one • Had a good childhood and was educated well • Had a good upbringing L.O.
Dedication 9quote web source • if God decrees my death, it shall be on the road with my face set towards the land of the Hijaz" and Makkah L.O.
Example of detail 9summary web source • When describing Madinah he took 12 whole pages and 58 pages to the Ka’ba L.O.
His character 9 • According to historians he was frustrated easily and fussed over small things. He even had a towel rule passed at a local bathing house. L.O.
Hardships 9summary web source • On his way to China his caravan was attacked by an army of rebels and he was seperated. • He was lost for more than a week and was saved by a fellow Muslim L.O.
His ship crashes 9summary web source • Instead of continuing the journey to China by going on a ship he decided to wait on shore and pray. The ship crashed because of a storm and everyone who was on it died. L.O.
Reaching China 9summary web source • After going to the Maldives he decided to resume his journey to China after failing because of rebels the first time. • summary L.O.
Extra sources • http://www.silk-road.com/artl/ibn_battuta.shtml 7 • http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/1354-ibnbattuta.asp 8 • http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/200004/the.longest.hajj.the.journeys.of.ibn.battuta.part.1-from.pilgrim.to.traveler.tangier.to.makkah.htm 9 L.O.