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EGU Division Meeting CL, Thursday, April 6 th , 12.15-13.15h, room 13 (F1). 1. Welcome by the Division President 2. Agenda 3. Report on the 2005/2006 CL Division Activities 4. Scientific Programme of the EGU General Assembly 2007
EGU Division Meeting CL, Thursday, April 6th, 12.15-13.15h, room 13 (F1) 1. Welcome by the Division President 2. Agenda 3. Report on the 2005/2006 CL Division Activities 4. Scientific Programme of the EGU General Assembly 2007 5. New President CL (to be confirmed by election) and Candidates for Division Officers, if necessary, for approval by Council 6. Candidates for Division Awards and Medals for 2007 -Milankovic Medal -Oeschger Medal 7. “Climate of the Past” 8. EGU Topical Conferences 9. Any other business .
EGU Division Meeting CL, Thursday, April 6th, 12.15-13.15h, room 13 (F1) 1. Welcome by the Division President 2. Agenda 3. Report on the 2005/2006 CL Division Activities 4. Scientific Programme of the EGU General Assembly 2007 5. New President CL (to be confirmed by election) and Candidates for Division Officers, if necessary, for approval by Council 6. Candidates for Division Awards and Medals for 2007 -Milankovic Medal -Oeschger Medal 7. “Climate of the Past” 8. EGU Topical Conferences 9. Any other business .
Division on Climate: Past, Present, Future (CL) Officers 2002 - 2006 President: G. Ganssen gerald.ganssen@falw.vu.nl Sub-Division A: ClimatologyVice-President: M. Beniston martin.beniston@unifr.ch Secretaries: Climate Modelling: Martin Claussen claussen@pik-potsdam.de Applied Climatology: M. Beniston martin.beniston@unifr.ch Climate Diagnostics: B. C. Weare bcweare@ucdavis.edu Sub-Division B: PalaeoclimatologyVice-President: E. Rohling e.rohling@soc.soton.ac.uk Secretaries: Terrestrial Records: D. D. Rousseau denis@dstu.univ-montp2.fr Marine Records: R. Schneider r.schneider@epoc.u-bordeaux1.fr Ice Cores: J. Jouzel jouzel@lsce.cea.saclay.fr Documentary Records: A. van Engelen Aryan.van.Engelen@knmi.nl Division on “Climate: Past, Present, Future”
Division on Climate: Past, Present, Future (CL) Officers 2006-2008 (proposal): President: G. Lohmann Gerrit.Lohmann@awi.de Sub-Division A: ClimatologyVice-President: M. Beniston martin.beniston@unifr.ch Secretaries: Climate Modelling: Martin Claussen claussen@pik-potsdam.de Applied Climatology: M. Beniston martin.beniston@unifr.ch Climate Diagnostics: B. C. Weare bcweare@ucdavis.edu Sub-Division B: PalaeoclimatologyVice-President: D. D. Rousseaudenis@dstu.univ-montp2.fr Secretaries: Terrestrial Records: D. D. Rousseau denis@dstu.univ-montp2.fr Marine Records: E. CortijoElsa.Cortijo@lsce.cnrs-gif.fr Ice Cores: J. Jouzel jouzel@lsce.cea.saclay.fr Documentary Records: A. van Engelen Aryan.van.Engelen@knmi.nl Division on “Climate: Past, Present, Future”
EGU Division Meeting CL, Thursday, April 6th, 12.15-13.15h, room 13 (F1) 1. Welcome by the Division President 2. Agenda 3. Report on the 2005/2006 CL Division Activities 4. Scientific Programme of the EGU General Assembly 2007 5. New President CL (to be confirmed by election) and Candidates for Division Officers, if necessary, for approval by Council 6. Candidates for Division Awards and Medals for 2007 -Milankovic Medal -Oeschger Medal 7. “Climate of the Past” 8. EGU Topical Conferences 9. Any other business .
Milutin Milankovic Medal This medal has been established by the Division on Climate: Past, Present & Futurein recognition of the scientific and editorial achievements of Milutin Milankovic. This medal is reserved for scientists for their outstanding research in long term climaticchanges and modeling. Medal committee: A. Berger (chair) L. Bengtsson J.Cl. Duplessy G. Ganssen (EGU) Hans Oeschger Medal This medal has been established by the Division on Climate: Past, Present & Future in recognition of the scientific achievement of Hans Oeschger. It is reserved for scientists for their outstanding achievements in ice research and/or short term climatic changes (past, present, future). Medal committee: J. Jouzel (chair) A. Berger G. Boulton G. Ganssen (EGU)
EGU Division Meeting CL, Thursday, April 6th, 12.15-13.15h, room 13 (F1) 1. Welcome by the Division President 2. Agenda 3. Report on the 2005/2006 CL Division Activities 4. Scientific Programme of the EGU General Assembly 2007 5. New President CL (to be confirmed by election) and Candidates for Division Officers, if necessary, for approval by Council 6. Candidates for Division Awards and Medals for 2007 -Milankovic Medal -Oeschger Medal 7. “Climate of the Past” 8. EGU Topical Conferences 9. Any other business .
Statistics Editorial Office (2005) CPD 2005 Total # of Papers received 19 General Papers 17 (89%) Special Issue Papers 2 (11%) Accepted 14 (74%) Rejected/Withdrawn 4 (21%) Still in review 1 (5%) Average time from submission to Editor’s decision 28 days CP 2005 Total # of Papers received 7 General Papers 7 (100%) Special Issue Papers 0 (0%) Accepted 4 (57%) Rejected/Withdrawn 3 (43%) Still in review 0 (0%) Average time from submission to Editor’s decision 31 days
Climate of the Past CPD Published papers 2005 = 12 Pages of print = 286 (282) (from 23/06/2005) General Papers 2005 = 12 (100%) 282 pages (100%) Page Budget 2006 = 1000 pages/6 issues (approx. estimation for PO!) CP Published papers 2005 = 3 Pages of print = 34 (31) (from 04/10/2005) General Papers 2005 = 3 (100%) 31 pages (100%) Page Budget 2006 = 400 pages/4 issues (100 pages/issue) (approx. estimation for PO!) Time spread between editor-acceptance to publication-date online: 2005: Average time: Editor-Acceptance → Publication-Online CP = 16 days 2005: Average time: Editor-Acceptance → Publication-Online CPD = 13 days Delays could be caused by: - incorrect files from the author (submission not according to the guidelines) - correspondence between PO and author, for example late reply to the proofreading (48 hours are not kept) - Work-Overload of PO
EGU Division Meeting CL, Thursday, April 6th, 12.15-13.15h, room 13 (F1) 1. Welcome by the Division President 2. Agenda 3. Report on the 2005/2006 CL Division Activities 4. Scientific Programme of the EGU General Assembly 2007 5. New President CL (to be confirmed by election) and Candidates for Division Officers, if necessary, for approval by Council 6. Candidates for Division Awards and Medals for 2007 -Milankovic Medal -Oeschger Medal 7. “Climate of the Past” 8. EGU Topical Conferences 9. Any other business .