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ERPD. March 20, 2013. Open with Inspiration. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFs8P_TrAVQ&list=PL194033CB52B0F857&index=6&feature=plpp_video&safe=active S@f3Br0ws3 Anyone else have one?. Activity time!. “Have You Heard” You have a card with a website on it.
ERPD March 20, 2013
Open with Inspiration • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFs8P_TrAVQ&list=PL194033CB52B0F857&index=6&feature=plpp_video&safe=active • S@f3Br0ws3 • Anyone else have one?
Activity time! • “Have You Heard” • You have a card with a website on it. • Take 5 minutes to explore that website. • Now, while I play the music randomly walk around the room. When I stop the music, find someone close to you and share your site. • Repeat 2 more times.
Podls is the bom-diggity… • Strongly Agree • Agree • Disagree • Strongly Disagree
Resource Sharing • With your school team, open the link I just sent you. • This is a google doc with some resources. • I gave you a few toward the top. • Podls • Your turn – type or cut and paste… the link you brought and add it to the document. Also add how it could be used in class. • Then you can download as… Word document!
How much time do you want to explore the shared resources? • 10 minutes • 20 minutes • 30 minutes
Sequencing for CRW (June) • Feedback from schools is in folder. • Year at a glance is in folder. • From my website, download – Sequencing of Standards doc. • Directions on the page. • You will do this in small groups – not with your school. (Count off 1-9) • Look at one subject.
How much time to sequence? • 30 minutes • 45 minutes • 60 minutes
Subject Assignments • Groups 1,4,7 – Math • Groups 2,5,8 – Reading • Groups 3,6,9 – Science • If you and someone from your school really want to switch, that’s fine, but I don’t want everyone from Lake Norman working on Reading, for example. • It needs to be an equal representation across the board.
10 _I_U_E B_E_K • T A C N P • Y P R O Y • T M R N A • A M S Q T
Break 10 minutes
Writing… • Think, Ink, Link… • Think about what writing means to you. • Ink on paper what writing means to you. • Link to each other about what writing means to you. 30 seconds
How many people believe that writing can increase reading achievement? • I do • I don’t
NC Public SchoolsREADY for Success • A Close Reading of the Writing Standards • Spring 2013 • Complete PPT available on http://www.livebinders.com/play/play/297779 • Click on Writing • Click on Writing Power Point Also on the google docs from earlier
Text Types and PurposesWriting Standards 1-3 • Argument • Informational/Explanatory • Narrative Three Text Types
The Emphasis on Argument • While all three text types are important, the Standards put particular emphasis on students’ ability to write sound argument on substantive topics and issues, as this ability is critical to college and career readiness. p.24 Appendix A • It’s important to teach all types
W.CCR • W.CCR.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence Anyone remember how many Anchor Standards in ELA there are?
Please make your selection... • 10 • 16 • 32 • 40 Anyone remember how many Anchor Standards in ELA there are?
Progression of W.CCR.1Kindergarten – Grade 7 • Read the description of W.CCR.1 for Kindergarten and First Grade • Highlight the changes in the First Grade description • With your table team, continue highlighting changes through Grade 7 • Discussion
W.CCR.1 for 5th Grade • 5.W.1 Write opinion essays on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. • a. introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure • b. provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details • c. link opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses • d. provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
Template Task for Argumentation/Explain • Insert question • After reading _____ • Write a/an _____ in which you answer the question and explain your reasons • Give _____examples from _____ to support your opinion • ELA example: Would you recommend Charlotte’s Web to a friend? After reading this book, write a book review in which you answer the question and explain your reasons with reference to the author’s use of story-telling strategies. Give several examples from the book to support your opinion.
Writing to Read: Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading • In the Writing to Read report, Graham and Hebert examine whether various approaches to writing instruction impact students’ reading skills and comprehension. Graham, S. & Hebert, M.A. (2010) • The report: • Describes a range of instructional practices that have demonstrated a positive effect on reading outcomes. • Provides guidance on how teachers can use writing instruction to strengthen students’ reading performance
Recommendation #1 • Have students write about text they read Research to build and present knowledge Writing Standards 7, 8 and 9
Having students respond to a text… improves reading comprehension. • Writing personal reactions • Analyzing the Text
Having students write notes about a text… • “Taking notes about text proved to be better than just reading, reading, and rereading, reading and studying, reading and underlining important information, and receiving explicit instruction in reading practice.” enhances comprehension. A
Having students write summaries of a text… • Writing summaries: • Using only one sentence • Using a set of rules or steps • Using an outline • By locating and using the main idea in each paragraph • Using graphic organizers has a positive impact on reading comprehension A
Having students answer questions about a text in writing or create and answer written questions about a text… shows greater benefit than answering questions about a text verbally. • Answering questions about a text in writing • Writing questions about text read • Learning how to locate main idea in a text, generating and answering their own questions about text. B
Recommendation #2 • Teach students the writing skills and processes that go into creating text. Production and Distribution of Writing Writing Standards 4, 5 and 6
Teaching students the process of writing, paragraph or sentence construction skills… • Two effective strategies were: • The process approach to writing • Explicit instruction/mini-lessons that focused on spelling, sentence combing, and multi-paragraph composition improves reading comprehension.
Teaching students spelling… • Activities in the study focused on the spelling patterns of letters and sounds in words. improves word reading skills. Core Phonics
Teaching students sentence construction… improves fluency.
Recommendation #3 • Increase how much students write. Range of Writing Writing Standard 10
Increasing how much students write… • Effective instructional practices in this category included both independent and collaborative writing opportunities. Improves reading comprehension.
Activity: Open-ended writing • Purpose – Fidelity among the grade level – system wide. • Compare what a zero paper is among your group, and why. • Continue with a one and two paper. • Share any other pieces of writing, that you brought where the score could go either way.
End with Inspiration… • http://teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=200024
Feedback • Video • ISS District homepage