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Job Alike ERPD

Job Alike ERPD. Middle School Math Troutman Middle School Cindy Farmer and Magdalena Steytler. Agenda. Welcome Celebrations Norms Logistics. Norms. Cell phones on Silent Remain positive and willing to share Respect the view and opinions of others Be on time for the start of sessions

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Job Alike ERPD

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  1. Job Alike ERPD Middle School Math Troutman Middle School Cindy Farmer and Magdalena Steytler

  2. Agenda • Welcome • Celebrations • Norms • Logistics

  3. Norms • Cell phones on Silent • Remain positive and willing to share • Respect the view and opinions of others • Be on time for the start of sessions • Participate in group activities

  4. Movie Math Come see a demonstrated lesson from the book, “Movie Math Mania” published by Aims Education. This resource includes lessons that use movie clips to engage students as they develop their understanding of estimation, signed numbers, proportional reasoning, statistics, geometry and algebra.

  5. Modeling math See how to use the diagrams described in the CCSS unpacking to model ratios, rates, proportional and non-proportional relationships, and problem solving. Includes highlights from Singapore Math and Thinkingblocks.com. These are the models that CCSS asks for and which bridge the gap between concrete and abstract thought.

  6. Manipulating Math See a demonstration of “Hands-On-Equations”. Using this tool to make concrete meaning of equations will help students understand more deeply such concepts as the meaning of equality, the concept of the unknown and combining like terms. The techniques used help students learn to “explain” the math involved in equation solving to others in a game-like format.

  7. Mini-Math How do we present deeper problems and tasks, yet provide students the opportunity to review and practice those basic skills necessary for those deeper problems and tasks? In this session, we will explore Mini Math, a strategy that can be used daily to keep students’ math skills sharp. Walk away with a review you can use in your next class!

  8. Learning targets • I can continue to deepen my knowledge about common core standards and new instructional practices • I can collaborate with teachers across the district to modify existing resources to better align with common core and new instructional practices. • I can use today’s learning to develop my own common core aligned strategies and learning tasks

  9. Please move to the room where your first assigned concurrent session is located. All documents are found at Mount Mourne’s webpage under “Administration” …Cindy Farmer …December ERPD http://iss.schoolwires.com/Page/40993

  10. Modifying Existing Tasks:(We don’t have to find all new resources!) I can collaborate with teachers across the district to modify existing resources to better align with common core and new instructional practices.

  11. “Take fairly compelling elements of problems from textbooks and rebuild them in a way that supports math reasoning and patient problem solving.” (Meyer, 2010)

  12. TASK A GEOMETRY: For exercises 1 and 2, use the diagram below that shows the perimeter of the pattern consisting of trapezoids. • 1. Write a formula that can be used to find the perimeter of a pattern containing n trapezoids. • 2. What is the perimeter of the pattern containing 12 trapezoids? (Glencoe (2005), Algebra 1, p.237, #45-46)

  13. TASK A’ GEOMETRY: Use the diagram below that shows a pattern consisting of trapezoids. • 1. Make as many observations as you can about the trapezoid pattern. • 2. Find the perimeter of the first four trapezoid patterns shown above. • 3. Find the perimeter of the pattern that contains 12 trapezoids without drawing a picture. • 4. Write a generalization that can be used to find the perimeter of a pattern containing any number of trapezoids • 5. Using words, numbers, and/or connections to the visual diagram, prove that the generalization you created in #4 will always work. (Glencoe (2005), Algebra 1, p.237, #45-46)

  14. How to modify existing tasks: • Engage students in investigation and conjecture. • Provide all students with access to a task by first making observations about a situation. • Require students to provide mathematical argument, proof, or explanation (not just “show your work”). • Ask students to explore a situation by examining structure and looking for patterns.

  15. Give it a try Task B MAKING CONJECTURES: Complete the conjecture based on the pattern you observe in the specific cases. 29. Conjecture: The sum of any two odd numbers is ____?____. 1 + 1 = 2 7 + 11 = 18 1 + 3 = 4 13 + 19 = 32 3 + 5 = 8 201 + 305 = 506 30. Conjecture: The product of any two odd numbers is ____?____. 1 x 1 = 1 7 x 11 = 77 1 x 3 = 3 13 x 19 = 32 3 x 5 = 15 201 x 305 = 61,305 How would you modify Task B? (McDougal Littell (2004), Geometry, p.7 #29-30)

  16. It is possible to take a question and rewrite it so that students are more engaged in the text or problem when answering the question. You are going to examine how the quality of questions are improved through revision. I DO - facilitator shows old question, re-worded question, and how the quality was improved WE DO - facilitator shows old question & re-worded question, teachers share how quality was improved YOU DO - teachers read old question, re-word question, and share how quality was improved

  17. Your Turn! • Work with a same grade level partner from another school. • Think about an upcoming skill or topic you will be teaching. • Using the textbook(s) or resources you brought, find an existing problem you would choose to practice that skill or topic. • With your grade level partner, modify this problem in order to ”rigor it up”! • Type your modified problem on the template found on C. Farmer’s webpage and email it to either Cindy or Magdalena.

  18. Pulling it back together • State testing • Please complete the online feedback form as a school team so we can continuously improve job-alike ERPD (see link on IF webpage)

  19. Online Resources • Lessons from Sept ERPD: http://iss.schoolwires.com/Page/38306 • I-SS Common Core Wiki: www.commoncoreiss.pbworks.com • NCDPI Wiki Symbaloo site: http://www.symbaloo.com/mix/ncdpiwikispaces1 • NC Lessons for Learning http://maccss.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/Middle+School

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