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http://www.israelarbeitergallery.org/2011/01/30/preserving-a-symbol-of-evil-boston-globe/. LOCKED UP (Holocaust Dictionary). By: Paige White Bell: 5A. Gas Chambers.
http://www.israelarbeitergallery.org/2011/01/30/preserving-a-symbol-of-evil-boston-globe/http://www.israelarbeitergallery.org/2011/01/30/preserving-a-symbol-of-evil-boston-globe/ LOCKED UP (Holocaust Dictionary) By: Paige White Bell: 5A
Gas Chambers • September of 1939. Nazis were ordered to take all Jews, Gypsies and Handicapped etc. to either death camps or concentration camps. When they were in the camps the Germans would “Torcher” I guess you could say, the prisoners. The best method of killing them were –guns. Using guns didn’t do as well when they had masses of people. So they invented the “gas chambers.” These gas chambers were disguised as bathrooms and showers so they the Jews wouldn’t know they were getting gassed. More and more camps were made and the chambers spread all through-out. After a round of gassing Jews, elevators would bring the bodies up and they start once again. • Bibliography- Gas Chamber “Gas Chambers.” The Holocaust. 1997. Print whttp://www.scrapbookpages.com/AuschwitzScrapbook/Tour/Auschwitz1/Auschwitz08E.htmlould
The Ghettos • One day the Nazis were ordered to move all Jews to the worst part of city called the ghettos. When the Jews were shoved into the ghettos, they were separated from the rest of the city from barbed wire and wooden fences. The ghetto was a very unstable place to live, rooms meant for two were filled with people of 15. During the winter of 1941-1942, the temperatures were -40 deg. People didn’t have firewood, warm food or warm water for showers. The only way people could survive was by taking wood from the fences. Sanitation was very poor. Many people died from starvation and freezing to death, this left bodies littered all through the streets. • Bibliography- Strahinich, Helen. The Holocaust. New Jersey. 1996 • The Ghettos http://www.aish.com/ho/o/48959726.html
Medical Experiments • Dr. Josef Mengele, one of Auschwitz experimentation doc. Killed over 3 million people most from gassing, starvation and burning. All the doctors the especially Mengele were – sadistic, another name for it is unfeeling in there souls. The doctors would just take prisoners and sterilize, injected chemicals in them like they were insects. Mengele tried to make new life even. They tried transitioning body parts from one person to another. Others, tricked, How? Here’s how, they made them think that they were filling out forms when without being cautious of what was happening what was happening was they were having x-rays put in there bodies, afterwards they would be sent to death. • Bibliography- Lace, William. The Holocaust. San Diego. Lucent books, 1998. Print • Medical Experiments • http://www.vosizneias.com/111608/2012/08/12/new-orleans-exhibit-focuses-on-medical-experiments-led-by-the-nazis/
Death Marches • In the year of 1945, Jews, Gypies etc. Were lined up in 5 rows. These rows formed the death marches. If people were to sick or sick were either abandoned or killed. When they were preparing to walk, prisoners were poorly dressed; Wooden shoes in snowy weather. If anyone would try to escape hey would be shot on the spot. Dead bodies had to e thrown in the ditches by prisoners. Sometimes there would be transportation like trucks or trains. Many found it impossible to keep traveling because of illness and hunger. When they went to sleep and woke up only half of what you started with would gone. At the end of “The Death Marches” 100,000 Jews had died. • Bibliography- • Downing, David. The Nazi Death Marches. Death marches http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5d/VolarydeadJews.jpg/250px-VolarydeadJews.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_marches_(Holocaust)&usg=__6tj2CsEB2jq_9_YPAfBlUyNH9Ys=&h=312&w=250&sz=25&hl=en&start=3&zoom=1&tbnid=UoryyAlAj7AnsM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=94&ei=H58aUeDjBuTD0AHr2IDQBg&prev=/search%3Fq%3DDeath%2Bmarches%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26gbv%3D1%26ie%3DUTF-8%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&sa=X&ved=0CC4QrQMwAg