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School Board Membership

School Board Membership. Session I How Do I Fit on the Board?. Larry Blackmer, NAD Associate Director of Education www.larryblackmer.com. Session I - How do I fit on the board? Educational System Overview Role and Function of the School board Administrative/Board Relationships

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School Board Membership

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Presentation Transcript

  1. School Board Membership Session I How Do I Fit on the Board? Larry Blackmer, NAD Associate Director of Education www.larryblackmer.com

  2. Session I - How do I fit on the board? Educational System Overview Role and Function of the School board Administrative/Board Relationships Who are you responsible to? Code of Ethics Overview

  3. Overview • Session II – Effective Board Membership • Effective Meeting Protocol • Parliamentary Procedure – Is Roberts still alive and well in your board? • Executive Session • Management Styles • Curriculum and Instruction • Q & A

  4. The primary aim of Adventist education is to provide opportunity for students to accept Christ as their personal Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to fulfill the commission of preaching the gospel to all the world. Why We ‘Do’ Adventist Education

  5. “The greatest object of education is to enable us to use the powers which God has given us in such a manner as will best represent the religion of the Bible and to promote the glory of God.” Fund. of Education. 45 Object of AdventistEducation

  6. Educational Structure

  7. General Conference 5,404 Schools 906,755 Students 45,614 Teachers

  8. North American Division 60,542 Students 45,198 K-8 15,344 9-12 966 Schools 123 Academies 164 Jr. Acad. 679 Elem. 5,077 Teachers

  9. Lake Union 414 Teachers 105 Schools 77 Elem. 16 Junior Acad. 12 Academies 4193 Students

  10. Lake Region 45 Teachers 8 Schools 4 Elem. 4 K-12 594 Students

  11. Responsibility Flowchart NAD Educ GC Union Exec Conf Exec NAD Union Educ Conf Educ Conf Bd of Ed Union Bd of Ed School Constituency School Board Sch. Admin Teachers Parents Students

  12. The Role… …and Function, Of the School Board

  13. School Board Role of the School Board School Administration Parents and Students Organization of the school should be designed to meet the needs of the constituency.

  14. Develop a clear, practical set of objectives Ensure implementation of policies & plans Keep official minutes of each meeting Develop policies in the areas of local concern: (use of school facility, purchasing procedures, tuition, admission, textbooks, dress and social behavior, short and long-range planning) Support the principal or head teacher Receive the recommendations of administration in the case of serious discipline-Serve as ultimate authority in dismissal of students-Consideration of student dismissal MUST occur in executive session! Functions of the School Board 1

  15. Support Home and School – be there! Consider appeals and answer questions regarding the operation of the school. Coordinate the process of school evaluations Adopt or adapt the conference school calendar Develop a proposed plan of school administration- constitution, by-laws, admin. organization, basic curriculum plan – present to constituency for approval Functions of the School Board 2

  16. Authorize the preparation of a school bulletin. Assume responsibility or the planning and funding of an annual operating budget. Consult the conference office of education regarding hiring, or concerns with the principal or teachers. (Executive session/Office of Ed. present) Consult the conference regarding construction procedures. Cooperate with the union and conference in matters of curriculum development. Appoint subcommittees as needed.(personnel, finance, curriculum, and marketing/development) Functions of the School Board 3

  17. Perform your tasks as a board member and allow the admin. to manage day-to-day operations. Recognize that the educational training and experience of the admin. Has equipped him/her with the knowledge and skills to deal with most administrative matters. Give careful consideration to all suggestions. The admin. Deserves prior knowledge of all concerns to be discussed at the board meeting. Discuss improprieties in private. When making decisions, create a balance between strengths and weaknesses. Analyze the problem, not the person. Positive Administration-Board Relationships

  18. Conference Executive Committee Conference K-12 Board of Education Conference Office of Education Local School Constituency Who Are You Responsible To? Let’s look at each of these.

  19. Has the final authority, as granted by the conference constituency to oversee all aspects of the conference program. Has delegated selected functions relating to education to the Conference K-12 Board of Education. Conference Executive Committee

  20. This board oversees all aspects of the educational program within the conference. Has delegated selected functions to local school boards. CAUTION!! Conference K-12 Board

  21. Although the K-12 Board has delegated certain functions to the school board, It can’t divest itself of it’s inherent legal obligations. Inasmuch as the conference remains legally bound by the school board actions, It is imperative that close cooperation remain between the school board and the conference K-12 Board in school operation and personnel actions. Caution!!!

  22. The superintendent of schools work with the local school boards on behalf of the K-12 Board. The Office of Education ensures compliance with the policies, and procedures stated in conference and union policy. All personnel discussions or decisions must be made in the presence of the Office of Education personnel. Conducts NAD school evaluations of K-12 schools. Conference Office of Education

  23. Maintain principles of honesty, trust fairness, and integrity. Base decisions on the philosophy and mission of the SDA educational system. Demonstrate attitudes and personal conduct that reflect the principles of the Adventist church. Diligently work to improve the understanding and support of the Adventist educational system. Learn and practice the art of comprise without sacrificing principle. Code of Ethics 1

  24. Support and practice the civil rights of all members of the school community. Recognize that the authority of the board is only expressed by it’s actions as a board. Individual members may speak or act on behalf of the board only when authorized to do so by the board. Engage in no personal action that will compromise the school system, the board, or the administration. Avoid all conflicts of interest. Base your decisions on facts and your independent judgment. Code of Ethics 2

  25. Work with the board members in a spirit of unity, cooperation, and Christian courtesy. Uphold all board decisions, regardless of any personal disagreements. Maintain confidentially of all matters. Recognize that your responsibility is not to run the school but, together with your fellow board members to see that it is run well. Code of Ethics 3

  26. Refer all complaints to the school administration/head teacher. Be supportive in school programs by attending. It is the expectation that each board member, who has eligible children, should have them enrolled in the local Adventist school. A board member must be a member of the Adventist Church. Code of Ethics 4

  27. See you this afternoon!

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