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Semicolons and colons

Semicolons and colons. By: Lewis Marien. What are semicolons?. A semicolon (;) is a punctuation mark indicating a pause, typically between two main clauses, that is more pronounced than that indicated by a comma .

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Semicolons and colons

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  1. Semicolons and colons By: Lewis Marien

  2. What are semicolons? • A semicolon (;) is a punctuation mark indicating a pause, typically between two main clauses, that is more pronounced than that indicated by a comma. • Example: Those who write clearly have readers; those who write obscurely have commentators.

  3. Another way to use semicolons  • You can also use semicolons to separate main clauses joined by a conjunctive adverb (however, otherwise, nevertheless, etc). • Example: A great many people may think that they are thinking; however, most are merely rearranging their prejudices.

  4. Any questions before we move on?

  5. What are colons? • A colon ( : ) is a punctuation mark used after a word introducing a quotation, an explanation, an example, or a series and often after the salutation of a business letter. Source: thefreedictionary.com • “There are three choices in this life: be good, get good, or give up.” –Dr. Gregory House, House, M.D.

  6. Other ways to use colons!  • Use colons after the salutation when writing a formal letter. • Dear Dr. Marien: • Another way to use colons is in expressions of time. • It is currently 12:30 p.m.

  7. Quiz time!  • http://uwf.edu/writelab/test/semicolons_and_colons_practice_test.htm • Go to that link to take the test, and we’ll evaluate how you did after everyone finishes! 

  8. I hope you enjoyed my presentation! Thank you!

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