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Troubling Perplexity

Troubling Perplexity. Introduction. Thomas defines ταράσσω [tarassō] as “to stir up, to trouble” [5015].

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Troubling Perplexity

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  1. Troubling Perplexity

  2. Introduction • Thomas defines ταράσσω [tarassō] as “to stir up, to trouble” [5015]. • BDAG say it means “(1) to cause movement by shaking or stirring, shake together, stir up of water; (2) to cause inward turmoil, stir up, disturb, unsettle, throw into confusion, fig. ext. of 1.”

  3. Definitions of Tarassō • Strong/Thayer say it means “to agitate, trouble (a thing, by the movement of its parts to and fro)” • to cause one inward commotion, take away his calmness of mind, disturb his equanimity • to disquiet, make restless • to stir up • to trouble • to render anxious or distressed • to perplex the mind of one…

  4. Occurrences of Tarassō • Occurring 18x in the NT, this word is descriptive of • the stirring of the waters • the perplexity of the wicked • the confusion of the disciples • the distresses of our Lord • admonitions against anxiety

  5. The Stirring of the Waters • Of the waters of Bethesda, whose waters were stirred up by an angel (John 5:2-9, esp. vs. 4 & 7).

  6. The Perplexity of the Wicked • Of King Herod who was troubled at the reported birth of the Christ Child (Matthew 2:1-12, esp. vs. 3; cf. Proverbs 28:1). • Of the unbelieving Jews who opposed Paul’s preaching at Thessalonica (Acts 17:1-9, esp. vs. 8) and Berea (Acts 17:10-15, esp. vs. 13). • Of the Judaizers who bound circumcision on Gentile converts (Acts 15:22-29, esp. vs. 24; Galatians 1:6-9, esp. vs. 7; 5:10).

  7. The Confusion of the Disciples • Of Zacharias at seeing the angel of the Lord (Luke 1:5-20, esp. vs. 12). • Of the disciples at seeing Jesus walk on the water (Matthew 14:22-27, esp. vs. 26; Mark 6:47-52, esp. vs. 50). • Of the disciples at seeing the resurrected Christ (Luke 24:36-43, esp. vs. 38).

  8. The Distresses of our Lord • Of Jesus at the weeping of Lazarus’ family and friends (John 11:17-45, esp. vs. 33). • Of Jesus anticipating his crucifixion on the cross (John 12:20-33, esp. vs. 27). • Of Jesus predicting his betrayal by Judas Iscariot (John 13:21-30, esp. vs. 21).

  9. Admonitions Against Anxiety • Jesus repeatedly said, “Do not let your heart be troubled…” (John 14:1-6, esp. vs. 1, 25-31, esp. vs. 27). • Peter urged his readers to not fear intimidation nor be troubled (1 Peter 3:13-17, esp. vs. 14). • Other significant passages contain similar thoughts if not the same word (Matthew 6:24-33; Philippians 4:4-9).

  10. Conclusion • Let us avoid the perplexity of the wicked. • Let us learn from the confusion of the disciples. • Let us appreciate the distresses of our Lord. • Let us heed the admonitions against anxiety.

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