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“Reinforcing the resilience of poor rural communities in the face of food insecurity, poverty and climate change through on-farm conservation of local agrobiodiversity ”. (NUS-IFAD III ) BOLIVIA. Second Steering Committee Meeting 22-23 July 2013, Bioversity International, New Delhi, India.
“Reinforcing the resilience of poor rural communities in the face of food insecurity, poverty and climate change through on-farm conservation of local agrobiodiversity” (NUS-IFAD III ) BOLIVIA SecondSteeringCommittee Meeting 22-23 July 2013, Bioversity International, New Delhi, India
Project sites: Bolivia Communities NationalGenebank
Project sites: Bolivia INSTITUCIONES SOCIAS (NUS-IFAD III) Coromata media Cachilaya Corqueamaya Suriquiña Rosapata Antaquira Erbenkalla Pucamaya
Progress for Year 2 + (Feb 2012 - Jun 2013) Activity 3.1 Capacity building of partners • PartnerInsitutions are trained in: • Use and conservation of Agrobiodiversity • ParticipatoryFiveCellsAnalysis (FCA) • CommunityBiodiversityRegister (adjustmentsweremadetofitthesituation in Bolivia)
Activity 3.1 Capacity building of partners • Development of videos • Agrobiodiveristy and adaptationtoClimateChange • Experiences in marketing of agrobiodiversityproducts: the case of cañahua
Activity 3.2 Capacity building of community members From the start of the project up to June 2013 more than 35 workshops / training coursed have been organized • Importance of theconservation of agrobiodiversity and traditionalknowledge • Documentation and registration of agrobiodiversity • Management of photographic cameras • Elaboration of drawnmaps
Activity 3.2 Capacity building of community members Relationship among the number of farmers of the community with the farmers who participated in the workshops and trainings and the Custodians farmers * average
Activity 3.2 Capacity building of community members Farmers’ skillshavebeenstrengthenedthroughtheoretical and practicalcapacitybuildingcourses. • Application and analysis of fivecellmethodology • Preparation and application of natural fertilizer (compost and Fertisol) • Management and control of crops’ pests • Management of harvest and post-harvestcrops • Identification and selection of varieties
Activity 3.3 Study and documentation of diversity, traditional knowledge, conservation efforts and threats • A) 100% iscompleted of theRegistry of Local Agrobiodiversityby 43 custodian farmers of the 8 communities: • Characteristics of thefamilies of custodian farmers • Crop and varietal diversity • Roles and responsibilitiesbygender and ageforthemanagement of agrobiodiversity • Consumption and use of agrobiodiversity • Agroecologicalmanagement of agrobiodiversity • Traditionalproductiveagroecosystems • Traditional knowledge
Activity 3.3 Study and documentation of diversity, traditional knowledge, conservation efforts and threats • B) CommunityBiodiversityRegister • Theformatwasprovidedby LI-BIRD • Adjustmentsweretailoredtothesituation in Bolivia and currentlytheform has 20 variables and includes a photographicimage. • Duringtheyear 2012-13 thecompilationstarted and thepartner CARE has completed 80%. Compilationwill be done annually.
Activity 3.3 Study and documentation of diversity, traditional knowledge, conservation efforts and threats • C) IFAD NUS III Survey • Duringtheyear 2011-12 thefirstversion of thesurveywasconducted in the 8 communities and theinformationgeneratedwassentto Gennifer Meldrum for a study of theimpacts of climatechangeonthesecommunities. • Now, wehavethesecondversion of thesurvey, thiswasvalidatedtogetherwiththepartnerinstitutions and isscheduledto be completed in December 2013
Activity 3.4 Establishment of a network of custodian farmers in the objective areas Wehave a network of 43 ‘custodian farmers’ of the 8 communities 9 ‘communitybanks’ or ‘varietygardens’ or ‘seedsbanks’ havebeenestablished (2012-13)
Activity 3.4 Establishment of a network of custodian farmers in the objective areas 9 ‘communitybanks’ or ‘varietygardens’ or ‘seedbanks’: potato, quinoa and cañahua Plotsforjointlearning Subsequentlyeach ‘custodian farmer’ appliesthelearningtohis ‘familyplot’ or ‘familybank’
Activity 3.5 Establishment of linkages with National Genebanks, relation ex situ – in situ The 25 and 26 of April 2013, 27 ‘custodian farmers’ and 9 technical staff of thepartnerinstitutionstravelledto Cochabamba tovisit: • TheNationalGenebank of INIAF • Theseedproductionfacility of thePatiño Foundation • Thebio-fertilizer and bio-insumos productionfacility of PROINPA Foundation
Activity 3.5 Establishment of linkages with National Genebanks, relation ex situ – in situ Togetherwith INIAF technical staff, thedatabase of thenationalcollection of potatoisunderreviewtoidentifylostvarietieswhichwereidentifiedwiththeFiveCellAnalysis. The ‘custodian farmers’ and the ‘communitybanks’ wereofficiallypresentedtothe municipal and INIAF authoritiesduringthebiodiversityfairs (July 2012) and thefielddays (March 2013)
Activity 3.6 Development of documentation system in support of on farm monitoring systems • A) Manual and electronicdocumentationonthe “Registry of Local Agrobiodiversity” of the 43 custodian farmers • Characteristics of thefamilies of custodian farmers • Crop and varietal diversity • Roles and responsibilitiesbygender and ageforthemanagement of agrobiodiversity • Consumption and use of agrobiodiversity • Agroecologicalmanagement of agrobiodiversity • Traditionalproductiveagroecosystems • Traditional knowledge • B) CommunityBiodiversityRegistry (CBR) • During 2012-13 the manual registrywasstarted • Registrationisplannedannually
Activity 3.7 Development of Red Lists for model species Participatoryworkshopswereheld in eachcommunitytoidentifylostvarietiesthroughtheFiveCellAnalysis Therevision of thedatabase of the INIAF nationalpotatocollectionison-goingto reintroduce missingvarieties
Activity 3.7 Development of Red Lists for model species LOST OF VARIETIES - COROMATA Papa Milagro Papa Criolla Morado Kullo
Activity 3.8 Carrying out use-enhancement actions for target species • A) More than 12 training coursesin diversified uses of quinoa, cañahua and potato (9 waysto use) Chorizos de cañahua
Activity 3.8 Carrying out use-enhancement actions for target species B) Annually we are carried out the Biodiversity and Traditional Uses Fairs in the 8 communities
Activity 3.8 Carrying out use-enhancement actions for target species C) In Coromata and Cachilaya (March 2013) ‘fielddays’ wereorganizedtopromotethe use of agrobiodiversity. Representatives of theAssociation of Chef of Bolivia, the Restaurant MeltingPot and theMunicipality of the City of La Paz participated in theevent. Graten o Gratinado of Panicle
Activity 3.8 Carrying out use-enhancement actions for target species D) Participation in events: 1° BolivianGastronomic Meeting ‘TAMBO’ (Octubre 2012) Representantes de APROCA Cachilaya Representantes de Coromata Media
Activity 3.8 Carrying out use-enhancement actions for target species BIOBOLIVIA FAIR (June 2013), wherethecommunities of Coromata and Cachilayahavecommercializeddiversity of Andeanroots and grains (bothfresh and processed) D) Participation in events: Representantes de APROCA Cachilaya Representantes de Coromata Media
Activity 4.1 Development of an impact assessment study for the project Thefirstsurvey of the IFAD NUS III projectwascompleted 8 systematicbaselines, oneforcommunity Quantitative and qualitativemethodswereapplied
Activity 5.1 Raising awareness on the importance of on farm conservation and its strategic complementary role with ex situ conservation • At least 4 meetingsand/orworkshopstoraiseawareness of agrobiodiversity and it’spotentialwith local and Municipal authoritieswerecarriedout. • Theinvolvment of technical staff fromtheMunicipalities and INIAF in theannualagrobiodiversityfairswasachieved. • At leastonevisit of the ‘custodian farmers’ totheNationalGenebank of INIAF waspromoted.
Activity 5.3 Explore policy options for supporting community based monitoring systems • In theorganicpaper of theMunicipality of Batallas, theinclusion of anarticleonthecare of agrobiodiversitywasobtained. • A negotiationwiththeMunicipality of Batallas is in progresstoensurethattheannualbiodiversityfairs are supportedwiththeirannualbudget. • A knowledgeexchangebetweentheNationalProgrammeonClimateChange, theMunicipality of Batallas, CARE, PROINPA and the custodian farmers of Corqueamaya y Suriquiñawasaccomplished.
CHALLENGES, NEEDS, OPPORTUNITIES Bolivia isconsidering theimplementationof theNationalSystem of GeneticResources (NSGR) within 2014 headedby INIAF. Thenetwork of ‘custodian farmers’ needsto be part of NSGR, butwehavetocontributetogenerate a mechanismfortheirparticipation. Strengthen the bond of agrobiodiversity products with restaurants that develop and promote the gourmet kitchen (Association of Chef of Bolivia, Restaurant MeltingPot, Alexander Coffee, etc). To establish meteorologicastations can help in the monitoring of the agrobiodiversity. Use of cellular phones as tool for sharing data.
PUBLICATIONS A poster, containing thesuccessful experience of cañahua, waselaboratedforthe IV WorldCongressonQuinoa • Contributiontothedevelopment and publication of the new Descriptor for Quinua.
PUBLICATIONS • 3 videos aboutthe IFAD NUS III Project progress in Bolivia wereprepared • Presentationsdelivered at the IV WorldCongressonQuinoa and the I CongressonAndeanGrains: • Firstvarieties of cañahua of Bolivia • Analysis of thegeneticdiversity of amaranth and of cañahua • Contributiontothe ex situ conservation of quinua: theexperience of Bolivia FactsheetswereproducedfortheAgrobiodiversityFairs • A folder and a brochurewerepreparedtopromotethe Project
MAJOR EVENTS A meeting between ‘custodian farmers’ isbeingplannedforSeptember 2013. Toparticipate in the 2° BolivianGastronomic Meeting ‘TAMBO’ (Octuber 2013) A seminarisplannedforNovember 2013 topresent a proposal of agrobiodiversitymonitoring, withtheparticipation of GovernmentInstitutions (INIAF), Municipalities and local authorities. Thefirstnational meeting of ‘custodian farmers’ of Bolivia isexpected.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION PROINPA Foundation www.proinpa.org Wilfredo Rojas w.rojas@proinpa.org