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Seeing things from another Point of view. Carla Schneider Kiva Elementary School. Unit Summary.
Seeing things from another Point of view Carla Schneider Kiva Elementary School
Unit Summary • “…it is crucial for all of us to give new meaning to the word ‘tolerance’ and understand that our ability to value each and every person is the ethical basis for peace, security and intercultural dialogue. A peaceful future depends on our everyday acts and gestures. Let us educate for tolerance in our schools and communities, in our homes and workplaces and, most of all, in our hearts and minds.” • – FEDERICO MAYOR, DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF UNESCO FROM HIS ADDRESS AT THE DEDICATION OF THE MUSEUM OF TOLERANCE, FEBRUARY 8, 1993 • Read the novel, The Cay, by Theodore Taylor • During this unit, you will learn a brief history of World War II • Study Martin’s Luther King’s “I Had a Dream Speech”
After reading the novel, The Cay, you will create a digital story using the R.A.F.T. format exploring how words and images can shape emotion, thoughts and actions that will demonstrate how Phillip learned tolerance and acceptance.
Essential Questions • Essential question: • What would happen if you look at a situation from another’s point of view? • Unit questions: • How do words shape our emotions, thoughts and ideas? • How does a person’s environment affect their world view? • How does conflict influence change? • Content questions: • What was the conflict and climax in The Cay? • How has Phillip changed as a result of his experiences on the Cay? • How would this story be different if it took place in 2010? • How did blindness help Phillip truly see?
Teaching Tolerance Project • This project will help my students develop 21rst Century Skills through: • Collaboration with peers • Producing a project articulating thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively through speaking and writing • Demonstrating originality and inventiveness in work • Being open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives • Using digital technology, communication tools and/or networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in order to function in a knowledge economy
Gauging Student Needs Assessment • Purpose of Anticipation Guide Pre-Assessment • To gather information about what students think about the Essential and Unit questions related to the content—to activate their prior knowledge and stimulate interest in the topic. • Purpose of K-W-L Pre-Assessment • To determine student prior knowledge regarding unit content • What I want to learn from my students? • Attitudes and preconceived prejudices students might have
Gauging Student Needs Assessment • How I have tried to incorporate higher level thinking skills? • Students will be creating interpretive questions throughout the reading of the novel • Students will be able to integrate ideas learned from reading the novel into a digital story. This assignment will be differentiated by student choice. They will select a role, audience, format and topic to tell a story from a character’s point of view.
Gauging Student Needs Assessment • How the assessment information helps me and my students plan for upcoming activities in the unit? • If students do not have prior knowledge of a topic, I will know what background information needs to be addressed • Weekly comprehension quizzes will enable me to monitor and adjust for learner’s needs.
My Goals for the Course • Help students understand how the people around them influence their beliefs. • Help students evaluate different points of view. • Learn about digital storytelling and how it can help students become aware of how media can be used easily to create bias/show one side of an issue.
Goals for My Students • To explore various points of view by: • Writing about a given event from three different character’s point of view • To create a digital story given a specific Role, Audience, Format, and Topic (R.A.F.T.) • To improve their technology and research skills by: • Asking questions about reliability and accuracy of websites and information sources • Learning to download video, pictures, and music • Use a “digital storytelling” program to create a multimedia presentation that is content-rich yet emotionally moving
More Goals • Students will self evaluate themselves on a teacher created rubric before the final assessment to be aware of teacher expectations
Request for Feedback • How do I provide opportunities for students to blog and use technology with limited classroom computer and lab time?
Works Cited Page • Museum of Tolerance • http://www.museumoftolerance.com/atf/cf/%7B0418CDF9-65C7-4424-955C-E30218530A20%7D/guide.pdf