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IEEE 802.11 TGv November Agenda

IEEE 802.11 TGv November Agenda. Authors:. Date: 2007-11-12. Abstract. This presentation contains the IEEE 802.11 TGv agenda and motions for November 2007. TGv – November 2007. Call Meeting to Order Policies and Procedures, Attendance reminder : http://newton.events.ieee.org

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IEEE 802.11 TGv November Agenda

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  1. IEEE 802.11 TGv November Agenda Authors: Date: 2007-11-12 Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  2. Abstract This presentation contains the IEEE 802.11 TGv agenda and motions for November 2007. Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  3. TGv – November 2007 • Call Meeting to Order • Policies and Procedures, Attendance reminder: http://newton.events.ieee.org • **IEEE Patent Policy http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt • Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard? Minute any responses that were given, specifically the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that were identified (if any) and by whom. • ***Affiliation FAQ - http://standards.ieee.org/faqs/affiliationFAQ.html • Anti-Trust FAQ - http://standards.ieee.org/resources/antitrust-guidelines.pdf • Ethics - http://www.ieee.org/portal/cms_docs/about/CoE_poster.pdf • IEEE 802.11 Policies and Procedures - http://www.ieee802.org/11/DocFiles/06/11-06-0812-03-0000-802-11-policies-and-proceedures.htm • IEEE 802 Policies and Procedures - http://www.ieee802.org/policies-and-procedures.pdf ** Read slide deck *** Note especially items #7 & #11 Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  4. Monday 9:30 – 11:00 (Ad-hoc) Call to Order, IP info, query Comment Resolution – TIM Broadcast Wednesday 16:00 – 18:00 Comment Resolution- General (Clause 5) – M. Montemurro Comment Resolution - Event (30) 07-2636 Jamming Co-located Interference TGv Agenda • Monday 16:00 – 18:00 • Approve Agenda • Chair’s Welcome, Status, Review of Objectives • Motions – Approve Waikoloa, telecon, ad-hoc minutes • Comment Resolution – TIM Broadcast • Comment Resolution • (30) 07-2684 – Overlapping BSS Proposal, G. Smith • Thursday 8:00 – 10:00 • Comment Resolution – Co-located Interference • Comment Resolution – Traffic Generation • Comment Resolution – STA Statistics • (30) 07-2710 Channel Allocation – E. Qi – CID 102 • Thursday 10:30 – 12:30 • Comment Resolution – STA Statistics • Tuesday 10:30 – 12:30 • Comment Resolution – Diagnostics, Virtual AP • Thursday 13:30 – 15:30 • Comment Resolution • Motions • Plans for January • Adjourn • Tuesday 16:00 – 18:00 • Motions – Adopt 1.02, resolutions from telecons, ad-hoc • Comment Resolution: Event (estimated time) Attendance reminder: http://newton/ **for each timeslot*** Documents: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/documents Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  5. November Meeting Status & Objectives • TGv Status • Draft 1.02 available, incorporates editorial comment, resolutions approved in September • LB 108 Comments available in 11-07-2368 • November Meeting Objectives • Comment Resolution • Hear Presentations • Progress towards Letter Ballot Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  6. Documents for 07/2368 comment resolution * Based on proposed resolutions agreed to on con calls and ad-hoc Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  7. TGv Schedule History • Wireless Network Management SG formed – Jan 2004 • Wireless Networks Management TG formed – Nov 2004 • Call for proposals – Sept 2005 • Base line accepted - January 06 • Submissions addressing objectives - Started in March 06 • TG Ad-Hoc Draft Internal Review - October 06 to present • Internal review of Draft 0.05 – 446 comments (06/1615) • Internal review of Draft 0.08 – 95 comments (07/0310) • Internal review of Draft 0.10 - 281 comments (07/0594) • LB 108 Results: 132 yes -77 no -38 abstain, 63% approval, needs 75%, fails • Comments in 11-07-2368 Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  8. TGv D1.0 Content Summary • BSS Transition Management for Network Load Balancing • Co-located Interference Reporting • Diagnostic Reporting • Event Reporting • Flexible Broadcast/Multicast service • Multicast Diagnostics Reporting • Multiple BSSID Support • Multiple SSID • Proxy ARP • Presence and Location • TIM Broadcast • TFS • Sleep Mode • Approximately 180 Pages of content Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  9. TGv Timeline – Updated May 17, 2007 • Initial Working Group Letter Ballot: July 07 - completed • Re-circulation Working Group Letter Ballot: January 08 • Form Sponsor Ballot Pool: July 08 • Initial Sponsor Ballot: September 08 • Re-circulation Sponsor Ballot: November 08 • Final WG/EC Approval: May 09 • Final WC Approval: July 09 • RevCom/Standards Board Approval: September 09 • IEEE Publish: October 09 Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  10. Known January Presentations • 11-07-xxxx Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  11. Discussion- Ad-hoc follow-up • CID 93, 1370 (TFS) • CID 258, 927, 928, 929 (TFS)– Why is the optimization of including the elements needed? Saves a frame exchange. • Propose to remove the TFS and Sleep Mode element from re-association. • Discuss removing additional elements from re-association in Atlanta. • CID 1191 (General) – Too many IEs • Already proposed to move Event Request, Event Response, Diagnostics Request and Report; Potentially also FBMS Request, FBMS Response, TFS Request, Response, Depending on discussion above • CID 1520, 1671, 1846 (Sleep Mode) – 1000TUs or seconds • CID 1949, 1426, 817, 1399, 1498, 1649, 1824 (Presence) • Traffic Generation CIDs 1565, 1720, 1891 & similar • Annex – CID 224 – MIB variable applies to Neighbor Report, or to Neighbor Report Element? Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  12. January Meeting Planning • Objectives • LB 108 Comment Resolution • Hear Presentations • Letter Ballot on Draft 2.0 • Conference Call(s) • Ad-Hoc meeting Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  13. Motion 1 • Move to adopt the agenda in 11-07-2728-01-000v-November-2007-agenda. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  14. Motion 2 • Move to approve the meeting minutes in 11-07-2475-02-000v-minutes-tgv-Waikoloa-meeting-sep-07. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  15. Motion 3 • Move to approve the meeting minutes in 11-07-2626-03-000v-TGv-Oct-Nov-07-telecon-meeting-notes, 11-07-2721-01-000v-Nov-07-ad-hoc-meeting-notes, and 11-07-2818-00-000v-minutes-tgv-atlanta-meeting-nov-07-mon-ad-hoc • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  16. Motion 4 • Move to adopt TGv Draft 1.02 as the TGv draft. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  17. Motion 5 (Adopt resolutions agreed to at con calls and ad-hoc) • Move to adopt the comment resolutions for comments indicated below, and include the indicated text changes into the TGv draft. • 07-2634-01 (Annex) – CIDs 219, 220, 225, 254, 270, 552, 553, 1398 • O7-2498-02 – (Event) – All “accepted” • 07-2558 -02 (FBMS) – All “accepted”, “counter” and “declined” • 07-2525-04 (General) – CIDs 1290. 1285, 1282, 1321, 1406, 1584, 1433, 1230, 1141, 1153, 130, 1037, 1255, 1273 • 07-2559-02 (Presence) - All “accepted”, “counter” and “declined” • 07-2484-01 (Proxy ARP) – CIDs 1261, 1532, 1684, 1858, 1988 • 07-2533-03 (Roaming Management) – CIDs 98, 462, 465, 471, 645, 665, 753, 918, 919, 947, 952,1004, 974, 1033, 1036, 1064, 1067, 1166, 1178, 1359, 1363, 1353, 1405 • 07-2561-04 (Sleep Mode) –CIDs 170, 328, 355, 489, 495, 502, 505, 510, 546, 590, 693, 763, 764, 810, 879, 934, 945, 1029, 1108, 1190, 1896, 1201, 1380, 1434, 1585, 1957, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1989 • 07-2712-03 (TFS) - All “accepted”, “counter” and “declined” • 07-2625-03 (Virtual AP) – 59, 108, 128, 164, 165, 214, 872, 234, 884, 949, 950, 951, 1006, 1191, 1204, 1256, 276, 283, 360, 443, 608, 620, 623, 624, 625, 627 • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  18. Motion • Move to adopt the ”TIM Broadcast” category “accepted”, and “counter” comment resolutions in 11-07-2789-00-000v-proposed-comment-resolutions-for-tim-broadctas, and include the indicated text changes into the TGv draft. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  19. Motion • Move to adopt the “TFS” category CID 93, 1370 comment resolutions, in 11-07-2712-03-000v-lb-108-comment-resolutions_TFS, and include the indicated text changes into the TGv draft. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  20. Motion • Move to adopt the following “Co-located Interfence” category comment resolutions in 11-07-2506-01-000v-LB108-comment-resolutions co-located interference, and include the indicated text changes into the TGv draft. • CID • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  21. Motion • Move to adopt the following “Multicast Diagnostics” category comment resolutions in 11-07-2509-02-000v-LB108 Multicast Diagnostics comment resolutions, and include the indicated text changes into the TGv draft. • CID • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  22. Motion • Move to adopt the following “General” category “accepted” and “counter” comment resolutions, in 11-07-2525-04-000v-LB108-General-comment-resolutions, and include the indicated text changes into the TGv draft. • CID • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  23. Motion • Move to adopt the “STA Statistics” category “accepted”, “counter” and “declined”comment resolutions in 11-07-2501-01-000v-lb 108 comment resolution, and include the indicated text changes into the TGv draft. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  24. Motion • Move to adopt the “Event” category “counter” and “declined” comment resolutions in 11-07-2498-01-000v-LB-108-Event-comment-resolutions, and include the indicated text changes into the TGv draft. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  25. Motion • Move to incorporate normative text from 11-07-xxxx-xx-000v-name into the TGv draft. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  26. Motion • Move to adopt the comment resolutions in 11-07-0xxx-01-000v-tgv-description for CID # and incorporate the indicated text changes into the TGv Draft. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  27. Motion • Move to instruct the editor to create TGv draft 1.03 incorporating all changes to TGv draft D 1.02 approved at the November 2007 meeting. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  28. Motion • Believing that the TGv draft D1.02 and all motions and resolutions adopted during the Atlanta plenary will satisfy all 802.11 WG rules for letter ballot, Moved, • To instruct the editor to create D1.03 incorporating all approved motions and resolutions, • To request the 802.11 WG chair to conduct a 15-day confirmation ballot on D1.03, • To request the 802.11 Working Group to renumber TGv Draft D1.03, if the confirmation ballot succeeds, as D2.0 and authorize a 30-day Letter Ballot asking the question “Should TGv draft D1.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  29. Motion • Believing that the TGv draft 2.0 will satisfy all IEEE 802.11 WG rules for letter ballot, Moved, • To request that the IEEE 802.11 Working Group authorize a 30-day Working Group Letter Ballot on Draft P802.11vD2.0.” • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  30. Motion Move to authorize • A TGv ad-hoc meeting on Date in Place. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  31. Motion Move to authorize • TGv Teleconferences on Dates at 14:00 Eastern for 1.5 hours. • Mover: • Seconder: • Result: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  32. Straw Poll • I am likely to attend an ad-hoc meeting • (a) • (b) • C) Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  33. Straw Poll • The xxx requirement should • Remain in progress –yellow • Be marked as “No progress” – clear • Move to inactive list Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  34. Straw Poll • Do you support the concept of xxx described in • YES: • No: • Abstain: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

  35. References Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

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