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BOULDER CANYON PROJECT. Western Area Power Administration Desert Southwest Region Public Information Forum Proposed FY 2014 Base Charge & Rates March 27, 2013. Presentation 3 FY’s Comparison. Presentation Detail for FY 2012. Presentation Detail for FY 2013.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BOULDER CANYON PROJECT Western Area Power Administration Desert Southwest Region Public Information Forum Proposed FY 2014 Base Charge & Rates March 27, 2013

  2. Presentation3 FY’s Comparison

  3. PresentationDetail for FY 2012

  4. PresentationDetail for FY 2013

  5. PresentationApproved FY 2013 to Proposed FY 2014

  6. PresentationComparison of Base Charge & Rates

  7. Western OM&R FY 2014 ($)

  8. Reclamation OM&RFY 2014 ($)

  9. BCP ExpensesFY 2014 ($)

  10. Next Steps ● Public Comment Forum April 10, 2013 ● End of Consultation and Comment Period May 6, 2013 ● Rate Package finalized May 31, 2013 ● Rate Package delivered to CSO June 3, 2013 ● Rate Package delivered to Washington June 14, 2013 ● Effective Date of Base Charge and Rates October 1, 2013

  11. Western Contact Information Jack Murray Gloria Jordan Rates Manager Public Utilities Specialist (602) 605-2442 (602) 605-2649 jmurray@wapa.govjordan@wapa.gov Jean Sutherland Tammy Cobos Supervisory, Budget Analyst Budget Analyst (602) 605-2832 (602) 605-2834 Jsutherland@wapa.govtcobos@wapa.gov For further information relating to these proposed rates, visit our website at: http://www.wapa.gov/dsw/pwrmkt/BCP/RateAdjust.htm

  12. Reclamation Contact Information Christina Chavez Jolaine Saxton Financial Manager Accountant (702) 293-8450 (702) 293-8438 cchavez@usbr.gov jsaxton@usbr.gov Larry Karr Peter Wong Public Utilities Specialist Financial Specialist (702) 293-8094 (702) 293-8023 lkarr@usbr.govpwong@usbr.gov For further information relating to these rate proposals, visit our website at http://www.wapa.gov/rm/ratesRM/2012/default.htm

  13. Thank you for attending today’s Public Information Forum See you at the Public Comment Forum April 10, 2013 10:30 A.M. (MST)

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