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This presentation provides an overview of the national education budget and expenditure estimates for the year 2005/06. It includes information on transfer payments to higher education institutions, NSFAS, conditional grants, and earmarked funds. The presentation also covers the administration, planning and monitoring, and general education programs.
SUMMARY – ENE 2004 vs ENE 2005 2005/06 2004/05 Inc/(Dec) R’m R’m % TOTAL ALLOCATION 12 39711 3459 Higher Education Institutions9 8999 3013 Higher Education Subsidies 9 349 8 801 6 Higher Education Restructuring 550 500 10 Transfer payments to public entities93161851 NSFAS86457849 CHE2711145 SAQA322245 Umalusi8714 Transfer payments to:1018(44) Fulbright Commission220 UNESCO membership fee715(52) Commonwealth of Learning110 CG to Provincial Educ Depts:1 0609739 NSNP91883810 HIV and Aids1421355 Departmental service49743514 Compensation of Employees1991914 Operational costs238244(2) EMIS 10- 100 Recapitalisation of FET College Sector50-100
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION R’mR’mR’m 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 Total allocation 120 152 160 Compensation of employees505355 Operational expenses7099 105 Included in this programme are: • Ministry • Management • Strategic planning • Staffing services • Financial services • Logistical services • Security and asset management • Information technology • Internal audit
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION (CONT.) The projects under this programme are: • Development and publication of services for electronic access - To incorporate all services in the Department for electronic access • Master information system plan – To develop an implementation strategy for the master information system plan in education • E-Government portal – To increase the presence of electronic services on the governmental portal.
PROGRAMME 2: PLANNING AND MONITORING R’mR’mR’m 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 Total allocation 404458 Compensation of employees192021 Operational expenses21 2437 This programme will mainly be responsible for: • Ensuring access to schooling, especially for the poor • Infrastructure audit and national interventions in planning, design and construction of schools • Ensuring constructive labour relations in education • Performance management system for educators • Implementation of revised legislative frameworks in respect of general and higher education and the revised NQF • Implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System in all provinces • Establishment of monitoring and evaluation unit
PROGRAMME 2: PLANNING AND MONITORING (CONT.) EMIS – R12 million • Additional allocation of R10 million included as earmarked funds • Continue to implement the School Management Information System (SIMS) in 575 schools in the nodal areas • Improve the quality of data collected through the EMIS • Develop data quality control systems and schools sampling network • Establish and enhance the reporting system for learner performance at district level • Develop an Education Information Website
PROGRAMME 3: GENERAL EDUCATION R’mR’mR’m 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 Total allocation 231 236 247 Compensation of employees242526 Operational expenses207 211 221 This programme will mainly be responsible for: • Consolidating quality following the introduction of the RNCS into Grades 0-6 • Revising the language policy • Investing in quality teaching: • National Framework for Teacher Education • Management and rewarding performance • Expand ABET and Literacy programmes • Improved institutional governance and district support • Ongoing implementation of inclusive education strategies • Development of an assessment protocol
PROGRAMME 3: GENERAL EDUCATION (CONT.) HIV and Aids – R142 million • Conditional grant to provinces • Coordinate and support the structured integration of life skills and HIV and Aids programme across all Learning Areas in the school curriculum • Ensure access to an appropriate and effective, integrated system of prevention, care and support for children infected and affected by HIV and Aids • Deliver life skills, sexuality and HIV and Aids education programmes in primary and secondary schools RNCS: Curriculum 2005 – R10 million • Implement the RNCS – Grade 7 in 2006 and Grade 8 in 2007. • Research projects targeted at teachers teaching English as a second language and indigenous languages in the General Education and Training band will be conducted. ECD – R4 million • 100 000 additional Grade R learners in 2005. • To ensure the development of a competent cadre of ECD practitioners for grade R and early years
PROGRAMME 3: GENERAL EDUCATION (CONT.) Children and youth literacy – R6 million • Implementation and promotion of reading, writing, and numeracy programmes in the foundation phase • Provision of a set of Africa’s 100 best books of the 20th century to all grade 9 schools in the nodal areas is the second objective to be achieved SANLI – R11 million • Monitor and ensure that basic literacy programmes are delivered • Provide learner support material for adult learners EMGD projects – R5 million • Norms and standards in place for school management and governance • 5% more schools with financial and general management capacity • Develop monitoring and evaluation instruments for innovative management projects, such as women in and into management and leadership, alternatives to corporal punishment and school records • Develop and distribute flyers on the roles and responsibilities of parents, learners, and public schools
PROGRAMME 3: GENERAL EDUCATION (CONT.) • Disseminate admissions information through the radio and TV, newspaper advertising, municipality bills, social grant pay slips and bulk SMS messages • Monitor the impact of the campaign at school community level, particularly in the less literate communities • Improve efficiency and effectiveness of a sample of 18 education districts across the provinces (two per province) in fulfilling their key role of supporting schools Teacher Development: Curriculum 2005 – R15 million • 50 000 Senior phase teachers and 1 050 provincial master trainers received training in the RNCS monitoring and quality assurance Teacher Development: Maths and Science – R5 million • 500 new teachers of maths, science and technology commence with training in 2005 • Monitor and support current teacher training in mathematics, science and technology through visits during contact and examinations
PROGRAMME 3: GENERAL EDUCATION (CONT.) • Conduct external evaluation of the implementation of the programme National Teacher Awards – R2 million • Advocacy for the initiative • Capacity building of provincial officials to manage nominations • Develop adjudication procedures to enhance common standards • Support provinces to hold the provincial ceremonies • National adjudication, verification processes, and national gala Upgrading of under-qualified and unqualified educators - R2 million • Facilitate the selection and registration of target under-qualified teachers in the provinces • Liase with SETA and ATDP on implementing the upgrading programme
PROGRAMME 4: FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING R’mR’mR’m 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 Total allocation 212 664 668 Compensation of employees62 66 69 Operational expenses 150 598 599 This programme will mainly be responsible for: • Conducting credible external examinations for schools and colleges • Implementing the national curriculum in Grades 10 to 12 • Ensuring that FET College staff are qualified and competent • Well managed and governed modern institutions, with efficient system • Partnerships with business and SETAs • National Resourcing Plan for the FET Sector • Finalisation and implementation of programme based funding for Colleges • Development of quality assurance systems for FET College programmes • Upgrading the security of the examination system
PROGRAMME 4: FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING (CONT.) • Improved teacher training in mathematics and science Recapitalisation of FET College Sector - R50 million • To develop an FET Sector plan • Finalise national, provincial and college recapitalisation plans • Collect data/information on skills shortages and labour market trends • Ensure that tenders and contracts are developed and awarded by the beginning of the 2006/07 financial year FET Curriculum writing & implementation – R8 million • Implement the national curriculum statement in Grade 10 in 2006 • Support teacher development, printing of learning programme guidelines, technical subjects, religious studies and agriculture subject statements Phasing OBE into FET – R4 million • Finalise policy for additional subjects for the national curriculum in Grades 10 to 12 • Training of teachers and develop learner and teacher support material and advocacy
PROGRAMME 4: FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING (CONT.) Historical Records – R4 million • To establish a national historical records of the former examining bodies • To ensure that these records are accessible to all provincial education bodies and related institutions Integrity and credibility of FET and Assessment – R1 million • Credible examinations and assessment for schools and colleges • Incident free and efficient conduct of all examinations Cuban Tutors – R5 million • Support for Cuban tutors dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of mathematics and science • Increased number of mathematics and science graduates from the focused schools Dinaledi – R3 million • Institutional support to 102 schools focused on mathematics and science
PROGRAMME 5: QUALITY PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT R’mR’mR’m 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 Total allocation 95411421199 Compensation of employees23 2525 Operational expenses 931 1117 1174 This programme will mainly be responsible for: • Continuous improvement in learning outcomes, while bridging the quality divide • Levers to be used: • Regular assessment of achievement in critical learning areas at key levels of the system • Support to Whole School evaluation policy • Focus on health programmes at school, including NSNP
PROGRAMME 5: QUALITY PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT (CONT.) • Policy guidelines for the promotion and governance of school sports, arts and culture • Increase participation in rural and urban nodes • Support for the Ministerial Committee on Gender Equity Systemic Evaluation – R1 million • Disseminate findings of systemic evaluation survey among 1 000 schools with Grade 6 in 2004 • Develop a new national assessment model to strengthen understanding of how learners perform in identified Learning Areas/Programmes in the system Whole School Evaluation – R1 million • Refine and print whole school evaluation instruments • Further design and develop the quality promotion and assurance monitoring and evaluation system • Provide training to new supervisors, district officials and principals on the implementation of the whole school evaluation policy to evaluate and support schools
PROGRAMME 5: QUALITY PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT (CONT.) Social issues management – R1 million • Development of policy and programmes to address the negative impact of the environment on children and education National sports, arts and culture – R1 million • Increase participation and link it with talent search, development, and support in sport, arts and culture and music in school • The programme for promotion of disability sports, arts and culture initiated Mini Olympic Games initiated at district level National School Nutrition Programme – R918 million • Reach about 15 000 poorest schools or schools serving poorest communities • Feed about 5 million learners at the identified 15 000 schools • Feed for a minimum of 156 school days in all provinces • Monitoring of the project • 10 Functional gardens per province by March 2006
PROGRAMME 6: HIGHER EDUCATION R’mR’mR’m 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 Total allocation 10810 11453 12169 Compensation of employees13 14 14 Operational expenses 10931 11439 12155 This programme will mainly be responsible for: • Transfer payments to HE institutions – R9 770 million • Transfer payments to NSFAS – R864 million • Restructuring of the HE system to ensure affordability and sustainability • Revised policy for evaluation of research outputs for the creative and performing arts • To support the production of quality graduates needed for the social and economic development of the country • Enrolment Planning • Greater articulation between FET and HE
PROGRAMME 6: HIGHER EDUCATION (CONT.) • To provide support to institutions for governance and management • To promote and support a leadership role for South Africa in Africa and the world • A national conference on African studies • Curriculum development linked to identity and values The Higher Education Management Information System project is included in this programme
PROGRAMME 7: AUXILIARY AND ASSOCIATED SERVICES R’mR’mR’m 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 Total allocation 32 34 37 Compensation of employees1415 16 Operational expenses 18 19 21 This programme will mainly be responsible for: • Co-ordinating, cohesive and effective communication in the education sector • Provincial support and co-ordination • Eastern Cape initiative • Monitoring the administrative performance of education departments • Set-up of a customer care centre to minimise undue delays in responding to public queries • Operationalising foreign policy priorities, and strengthening international relations, especially within SADC, Africa and the South (IBSA)
PROGRAMME 7: AUXILIARY AND ASSOCIATED SERVICES (CONT.) • Alignment of UNESCO programmes with government priorities