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ADA Support in the Classroom: Rights, Responsibilities, Resources, Key Concepts & Helpful Hints for Accessibility and (hopefully) Success. * * * * * * * Carroll Community College CET Adjunct Faculty Information Session November 15 & 16, 2012
ADA Support in the Classroom: Rights, Responsibilities, Resources, Key Concepts & Helpful Hints for Accessibility and (hopefully) Success * * * * * * * Carroll Community College CET Adjunct Faculty Information Session November 15 & 16, 2012 Some information/language adapted from Ed.gov article: “Transition of Students with Disabilities to Postsecondary Education: a Guide for High Schools”
A Legal Definition: A person with a disability includes … “any person who (1) has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities [including walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, caring for oneself, and performing manual tasks], (2) has a record of such an impairment, or (3) is regarded as having such an impairment.” A “qualified person with a disability” is defined as one … “who meets the academic and technical standards requisite to admission or participation in the education program or activity.” Consider this: being disabled…it’s the only minority category that ANYONE can become a part of at any moment, a likelihood that happens to increase with age.
Disabled Student Population at CCC: • The number of identified students with disabilities enrolled at the College (credit and non-credit) during the Fall 2011-Spring 2012 semesters was more than 300. Although enrolled, not all choose to use support services every semester. Many more choose not to self-identify. Students with the following documented disabilities are enrolled at the College: • Asperger's Syndrome • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders • Blindness/Low Vision • Brain Injuries • Deafness/Hard of Hearing • Learning Disabilities • Physical Disabilities • Psychiatric Disabilities (including PTSD) • Other Disabilities (including chronic medical conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, AIDS and genetic disorders) • The largest population of students with disabilities on campus is learning disabilities (nearly 40 percent), followed by attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders, psychiatric, physical disabilities and Autism. Some disabilities are readily visible; more frequently, they are not and may be difficult to identify. Students may also have multiple disabilities.
Postsecondary Education & the LAW *Postsecondary institutions are governed by federal lawswhich include:--Title III of the ADA --VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION ACT of 1973 (Section 504).* These laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability, and * Guarantee equal access to programs, materials and services. * Includes concept of the “otherwise qualified” individual with a disability Important note: CCC Policies & procedures are carefully constructed around these and other laws – consult with ADA Office before acting independently!
An important concept: • Special educationas it was known • throughout K - 12 education • no longer exists. For many students • with disabilities, college marks a NEW • BEGINNNING!! • To start - in College, it is the student’s responsibility to seek out and request services (self-disclose), and to provide appropriate documentation of the disability. • They must initiate the contact and be actively involved in the process! (as you might imagine, this can cause quite a bit of panic & discomfort for the student… )
ACCOMMODATION PROCESS • Student submits documentation Includes identification of the disability & its impact; IEP or 504 alone may not be enough. • Initial Interview (sometimes with parents) REASONABLE accommodations are determined, rights & responsibilities are reviewed, academic & career plans discussed, also advocacy, organization, time management, etc. *Our approach is both individualized and holistic… • Students Memo Instructors Students are given green memos and it is up to THEM to provide to their instructors! Returning students must request them (in writing) for each new semester or registration.
Accommodations? • Are only ever provided with appropriate supporting documentation and a clear link to disabling condition • Are only intended to “remove a barrier” or obstacle and “level the playing field” – never to give an advantage • Should NEVER be provided without the green memo • Should NEVER be provided retroactively • Should NEVER compromise an essential standard/course objective • Are not technically “accommodations” if offered/provided to the WHOLE class • Once approved, may or may not be used (“gas & brake”)
If you believe a student in your class MAY have a disability… If you believe a student in your class is having an unusually difficult time, please discuss your concerns with the student. Speak with him/her confidentially. You might ask, generally, if they have ever received any type of support service in the past, but do not ask the student if he/she has a disability. Explain your observations and ask the student if he/she has considered seeking assistance. Refer the student to a number of possible resources, including Jackie Cowan (Retention Counselor), the Career Center, or refer them to your Program Manager. You may also use the Retention Alert system (on Web Advisor) to make a formal referral for academic or behavioral concerns. Finally, consider referring the student to the Office of ADA Support Services. You are welcome to contact me to discuss the student, but ultimately, the student has to decide that he/she wants or needs help and then follow-through with the ADA Office. If a student in your class does not have the green Accommodation Memo but discloses that he/she does have a disability… Be supportive, but do not provide any special accommodation you would not otherwise be willing to provide all students. Once they disclose, please refer the student to the appropriate resource as soon as possible (it is then up to the student to follow through).
Help US to help THEM… 1. Faculty members can help proactively by minimizing need for formal accommodation: (See Hand-out): 2. Provide clear statement re: ADA Support Services in syllabus, and verbally, at start of class 3. Meet with students to discuss their accommodations – make sure you on are on the “same page” with use of Testing Center, etc. 4. Protect CONFIDENTIALITY – the only person who should ever disclose a student’s disability is the STUDENT him/herself!!
Students with disabilities at CCC have… The RIGHT to: The RESPONSIBILITY to: • Meet qualifications and maintain essential institutional standards for the programs, courses, services, jobs, activities, and facilities; • Identify to the Office of ADA Support Services as having a documented disability in order to receive accommodations and to seek information, counsel and assistance as necessary; • Provide documentation to the Office of ADA Support Services from a qualified professional about how their disability limits participation in courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities along with reasonable recommendations; • Follow published procedures for obtaining reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services. • Adhere to the College’s Code of Integrity • Equal access to courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities offered by the College; • Equal opportunity to work, learn, and receive accommodations, academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids and services; • Confidentiality of information regarding their disability as applicable laws allow; • Information available in accessible formats.
Carroll – as an institution (and think of yourself as its agent/representative) has… The RIGHT to: • Identify and establish essential functions, abilities, skills, knowledge, and standards for courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities and to evaluate faculty, staff, and students on this basis; • Request and receive, through the Office of ADA Support Services, current documentation from a qualified professional that supports requests for accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services; • Deny a request for accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids, and services if the documentation does not demonstrate that the request is warranted, or if the individual fails to provide appropriate documentation; • Select among equally effective accommodations, adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services; • Refuse to provide an accommodation, adjustment, and/or auxiliary aid and service that imposes a fundamental alteration on a program or activity of the College. The RESPONSIBILITY to: • Accommodate the known limitations of an otherwise qualified student with a disability; • Provide information to faculty, staff, students, and guests with disabilities in accessible formats upon request within a reasonable timeframe; • Ensure that courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities, when viewed in their entirety, are available and usable in the most integrated and appropriate settings; • Evaluate faculty, staff, students, and applicants on their abilities, not their disabilities; • Provide or arrange accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services for faculty, staff, students, and guests with disabilities in courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities; • Maintain appropriate confidentiality of records and communication, except where permitted or required by law; • Maintain academic standards by providing accommodations without compromising the content, quality, or level of instruction.
“In a Nutshell” • Students with disabilities must meet the same academic and behavioral standards as any other student (Access vs. Success) • Students (and faculty/the College) must abide by established policy & processes for accommodations (federal law): “green form, nothing more” • Balance: be supportive, but no “special ed” • Preserve academic integrity of course/program/institution • When in doubt, reach out!
Collaborative Effort Student (& sometimes Parents) Office of ADA Support and other resources: * Program Managers * Jackie (Retention Counselor) * Joel/CARE Team (Retention Alert) * Career Center, etc. Faculty Positive Experience
Resources/Contacts • Jackie Cowan Retention Counselor Office K117 Email: jcowan@carrollcc.edu Phone • 410-848-5332 (Home – Faculty use only) • 443-340-0086 Personal Cell • 410-977-9044 College Cell • Career Development Office A118 Email: careers@carrollcc.edu Phone: 410 386-8523 • Faculty/Staff Guide: Optimizing the Learning Environment for Students with Disabilitieson iweb.carrollcc.edu under “Disability Resources” • “In Their Shoes” Training • Your Program Manager • CARE Team (Joel Hoskowitz) • Retention Alert
Final Questions? Thank you for attending our information session! Please visit us on the Carroll Community College website for more detailed information: www.carrollcc.edu/services/disability Contact information ~ Office of ADA Support Services (A101, Admissions): Joe Tatela, Director Shawnee Burns, Disability Services Counselor (410) 386-8327 (410) 386-8327 jtatela@carrollcc.edusburns@carrollcc.edu
10 Very, very, very common questions: • What should I do if I believe a student has a disability? • Should I give extended time…on overdue ASSIGNMENTS? • What about excessive absences? • Can I see the student’s documentation/get more information? • What if a student has a seizure in class?!? 6. A student just gave me a memo before the final exam…can they DO that? 7. How exactly do I provide “note-taking support”…? 8. What if a student is disruptive/disrespectful/non- compliant, etc.? 9. What is considered “unreasonable”? Can I say “no”? 10. What should I do if a student with a disability is failing?
Captain Obvious’s ‘Key Differences Between High School and College’ In High School: In College: ADA = “access” IEP/504 Plan does not apply Lecture format in most classes Professor feedback/contact is more limited Bulk of work is done outside of classroom Student is responsible for learning, seeking out accommodations and support • I.D.E.A. = “success” • IEP/504 Plan guides/modifies instruction • Individualized instruction • Class meets daily • Intensive Teacher support and regular feedback • Bulk of work done in class • School is responsible for learning , accommodations and support