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This presentation outlines the 2017/18 Business Plan, expenditure analysis, Recovery Plan, and Programme Specific Interventions of the Human Settlements Department in Limpopo Province. It evaluates the department's performance, challenges faced, and measures taken for improvement. The presentation aims to inform the Portfolio Committee on the achievements, recovery strategies, and future plans to enhance human settlements in the province.
PRESENTATION OUTLINE • 2017/18 Business Plan • Expenditure and Performance Analysis • Recovery Plan • Programme Specific Interventions • Way Forward
PURPOSE OF THE PRESENTATION • The presentation serves to; • Appraise the Portfolio Committee on progress relating to implementation of HSDG for Limpopo Province. • Highlight the recovery plan the department has embarked on and, • Outline the impact of the plan on performance thus far and • Provide a way forward.
Expenditure Analysis Financial analysis • Expenditure is R553, 496, 915.25 • Translating to 39% of Annual Target • Average expenditure per month is R79,070,987,88 • Required expenditure rate is R94, 885, 185,48
Housing Units Analysis Housing Units Delivery Analysis • Units delivered to date are 5, 487 on all housing programmes. • Translating to 50% of Annual Target + the roll over target • Average delivery per month is 782 units • Required delivery rate is 1084
Serviced Sites Analysis Serviced Sites Delivery Analysis • Sites serviced to date are 1, 339 • Translating to 26% of Annual Target • Average delivery per month is 191 sites • Required delivery rate is 762 sites
BACKGROUND TO THE RECOVERY PLAN • The following have been identified as the overarching key challenges hampering human settlements delivery and performance in the period under consideration; • Delays in claims processing and payments • Ineffective project and contract management processes • Delays in procurement processes • Ineffective project planning and pipelining (preparing projects for implementation) • However programme specific challenges have also been identified and mitigatory measures put in place in order to turn things around so as to meet the set targets in the short, medium and long term.
Title Deeds • The Annual target is 7559 • 70 Properties Registered • 1777 title deeds were issued. • Challenges • Late appointment of Service Providers. • Conveyancers applications rejected at the Deeds Office due to the name change of Municipalities. • Unproclaimed townships. • Interventions • HDA and Ministerial Task Team Member roped in to assist with proclamation of the townships. • Service Providers appointed from conveyancers database are now on site. • Proposed new names advertised for objections and closed. Gazetting will be done.
Military Veterans Programme • Backlog is 411 • The Annual target for 2017/18 is 200 units. • Delivery is 3 units. • Challenges • There has been gross under performance on the programme in the financial year that has seen only 3 units delivered in the financial year. This has been largely attributed to economic viability of constructing 75m2 which was demanded by the beneficiaries instead of the 50m2. • The province acceded to the demands of the Military Veterans. • Interventions • A MINMEC decision was taken for provinces to revert back to 50m2 as prescribed by national policy. A Ministerial directive was issued to all provinces to upscale delivery and comply with policy on 50m2 house. • The approval to rescind the decision on house sizes was granted and the province is geared to deliver on 50m2 military Veterans houses.
MINING TOWNS • 4 Areas identified namely: • Elias Motsoaledi, • LIM 476, • Thabazimbi, and, • Lephalale. • Challenges • Elias Motsoaledi and LIM 476 do not have projects on serviced sited due to process of upgrading informal settlements still underway. The delay is as a result of authorisations from different departments e.g, LEDET with environmental Record of decision (ROD). • Thabazimbi returned allocation of units as a result of not having development areas. • Interventions • Service providers are appointed to formalise informal settlements and do township proclamation. 2 service providers are appointed for formalisation and contracts are in force up to end of financial year. • Sites are serviced in Thabazimbi in order to construct top structure.
Way Forward The above interventions of claims and contract management will place the department in a position to double the monthly expenditure from R70 000 000 to R120 000 000.00 per month. This will be made possible by appointment of additional contractors to deliver 2002, 6000 and and 5000 units by the HDA. Further to this, all services contractors have finalized designs and are on site to implement the ir respective projects. The average delivery per month is expected to be 1032 units and 759 sites. Since outstanding procurements namely, 2002 units to 13 performing contractors, 6000 units to 72 contractors and 5000 units for high capacity contractors through HDA have been concluded and construction is expected to commence by 15 November 2017, delivery and expenditure will be upscaled. 4 contractors have been introduced to respective municipalities. The remaining 9 will be introduced and take sites in the week of 6/11/2017. 72 contractors have signed their service level agreements. HDA contractors are expected to take sites by the 10/11/2017. The department will deliver at least 7342 units by end of December with the efforts of monitoring the contractors to convert 1102 foundations and 1395 wallplates into completions that will yield 2497 completions. All the outstanding serviced sites will be delivered by March 2018. Additional capacity in project planning and pipelining has been availed through the HDA and PMU that will result in addressing current planning challenges and enhanced project packaging and pipelining for the next financial year.
Way Forward The department will deliver at least 7342 units and 1205 sites by end of December with the efforts of monitoring the contractors to convert 1102 foundations and 1395 wallplates into completions that will yield 2497 completions. The projected expenditure by the end of December 2017 for all programmes is expected to be R266,319,000. All the outstanding serviced sites will be delivered by March 2018. The total to be delivered is 3794 sites at a total budget of R135,397,550. Additional capacity in project planning and pipelining has been availed through the HDA and PMU that will result in addressing current planning challenges and enhanced project packaging and pipelining for the next financial year.