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  2. NUMBER OF HEART TRANSPLANTS REPORTED BY YEAR NOTE: This figure includes only the heart transplants that are reported to the ISHLT Transplant Registry.  As such, the presented data may not mirror the changes in the number of heart transplants performed worldwide ISHLT 2009

  3. NUMBER OF HEART TRANSPLANTS REPORTED BY YEAR NOTE: This figure includes only the heart transplants that are reported to the ISHLT Transplant Registry.  As such, the presented data may not mirror the changes in the number of heart transplants performed worldwide ISHLT 2009

  4. AVERAGE CENTER VOLUMEHeart Transplants: January 1, 2003 – June 30, 2008 ISHLT 2009

  5. HEART TRANSPLANTS:Donor Age by Year of Transplant ISHLT 2009


  7. HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival(1/1982-6/2007) HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival(1/1982-6/2005) N at risk at 22 years: 145 ISHLT 2009

  8. HEART TRANSPLANTATION Adult Recipients ISHLT 2009


  10. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Characteristics of Donors, Recipients and Transplants Continuous factors are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (range) ISHLT 2009 * Until mid-2004 PRA was collected as a single percentage. After this date, PRA was collected separately for Class I and Class II.

  11. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Characteristics of Donors, Recipients and Transplants (Cont’d) ISHLT Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (range) 2009

  12. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONCharacteristics of Donors, Recipients and Transplants (Cont’d) ISHLT 2009

  13. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTS:RECIPIENT AGE DISTRIBUTION BY LOCATIONTransplants between January 2000 and June 2008 Mean/median recipient age: Europe = 50.8/53.0 North America = 51.7/54.0 Other = 48.4/51.0 ISHLT 2009

  14. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTS:DONOR AGE DISTRIBUTION BY LOCATIONTransplants between January 2000 and June 2008 Mean/median donor age: Europe = 38.0/39.0 North America = 31.6/29.0 Other = 33.0/32.0 ISHLT 2009

  15. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Era (Transplants: 1/1982 – 6/2007) ISHLT 2009

  16. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONConditionalKaplan-Meier Survival by Era (Transplants: 1/1982 – 6/2007) ISHLT 2009

  17. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Age Group(Transplants: 1/1982-6/2007) ISHLT 2009

  18. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Age Group(Transplants: 1/2002-6/2007) ISHLT 2009

  19. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Kaplan-Meier Survival by Diagnosis(Transplants: 1/1982-6/2007) ISHLT 2009

  20. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Era (Transplants: 1/1982 – 6/2007)Diagnosis:Cardiomyopathy ISHLT 2009

  21. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Era (Transplants: 1/1982 – 6/2007)Diagnosis: Coronary Artery Disease ISHLT 2009

  22. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Era (Transplants: 1/1982 – 6/2007)Diagnosis: Congenital ISHLT 2009

  23. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Era (Transplants: 1/1982 – 6/2007)Diagnosis: Retransplant ISHLT 2009

  24. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Era (Transplants: 1/1982 – 6/2007)Diagnosis: Valvular ISHLT 2009

  25. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Kaplan-Meier Survival by Diagnosis Conditional on Survival to 1 Year (Transplants: 1/1982-6/2007) ISHLT 2009

  26. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Kaplan-Meier Survival by Diagnosis (Transplants: 1/2002-6/2007) ISHLT 2009

  27. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Diagnosis Conditional on Survival to 1 Year(Transplants: 1/2002-6/2007) ISHLT 2009

  28. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by PVR(Transplants: 1/2002-6/2007) ISHLT 2009

  29. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by PVR(Transplants: 1/2002-6/2007)PVR: 1- < 3 Wood units ISHLT 2009

  30. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by PVR(Transplants: 1/2002-6/2007)PVR: 3- < 5 Wood units ISHLT 2009

  31. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by PVR(Transplants: 1/2002-6/2007)PVR: 5+ Wood units ISHLT 2009

  32. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by VAD usage(Transplants: 4/1994-6/2007) ISHLT 2009

  33. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by VAD usage(Transplants: 1/2002-6/2007) ISHLT 2009

  34. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by VAD usage(Transplants: 1/1999-6/2007)Conditional on Survival to 6 Months ISHLT 2009

  35. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by VAD usage and Era(Transplants: 1/1999-6/2007) ISHLT 2009


  37. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSFunctional Status of Surviving Recipients(Follow-ups: 1995 - June 2008) ISHLT 2009

  38. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSFunctional Status of Surviving RecipientsFor the Same Patients(Follow-ups: 1995 - June 2008) ISHLT 2009

  39. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSEmployment Status of Surviving Recipients (Follow-ups: 1995 - June 2008) ISHLT 2009

  40. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSEmployment Status of Surviving RecipientsAge at Follow-up: 25-55 Years(Follow-ups: 1995 - June 2008) ISHLT 2009

  41. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSRehospitalization Post-transplant of Surviving Recipients (Follow-ups: 1995 - June 2008) ISHLT 2009

  42. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSInduction Immunosuppression (Transplants: January 2002 – June 2008) ISHLT Analysis is limited to patients who were alive at the time of the follow-up 2009

  43. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSInduction Immunosuppression (Transplants: 1997, 2002 and 1/2008-6/2008) ISHLT Analysis is limited to patients who were alive at the time of the follow-up 2009

  44. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Induction Type(Transplants: 1/2000-6/2007, conditional on survival to 14 days) ISHLT 2009

  45. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSMaintenance Immunosuppression at Time of Follow-up(Follow-ups: January 2005 - June 2008) NOTE: Different patients are analyzed in Year 1 and Year 5 ISHLT 2009 Analysis is limited to patients who were alive at the time of the follow-up

  46. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSMaintenance Immunosuppression at Time of Follow-upFor the Same Patients(Follow-ups: January 2000 - June 2008) ISHLT 2009 Analysis is limited to patients who were alive at the time of the follow-up

  47. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSMaintenance Immunosuppression at Time of 1 Year Follow-up NOTE: Different patients are analyzed in each time frame. ISHLT 2009 Analysis is limited to patients who were alive at the time of the follow-up

  48. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTS Maintenance Immunosuppression Drug Combinations at Time of Follow-up(Follow-ups: January 2005 - June 2008) NOTES: Different patients are analyzed in Year 1 and Year 5. In the Year 1 cohort 72.55% of patients were on prednisone; in the Year 5 cohort 52.13% of patients were on prednisone. ISHLT 2009 Analysis is limited to patients who were alive at the time of the follow-up

  49. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTS Maintenance Immunosuppression Drug Combinations at Time of Follow-upFor the Same Patients(Follow-ups: January 2000 - June 2008) ISHLT Analysis is limited to patients who were alive at the time of the follow-up 2009

  50. Overall 18-44 45-62 63+ Female Male PERCENTAGE OF ADULT HEART TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS EXPERIENCING REJECTION BETWEEN TRANSPLANT DISCHARGE AND 1-YEAR FOLLOW-UPStratified by Type of Induction (Follow-ups: July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2008) Overall: no induct vs. poly (p<0.0001); no induct vs. IL2 (p<0.0001), no induct vs. OKT3 (p=0.048), poly vs. IL2 (p=0.038) 18-44: no induct vs. poly (p=0.009); no induct vs. IL2 (p=0.001) 45-62: no induct vs. poly (p=0.024); no induct vs. IL2 (p<0.0001) 63+: no induct vs. poly (p=0.015); no induct vs. IL2 (p<0.0001); no induct vs. OKT3 (p=0.002) F: no induct vs. poly (p=0.001); no induct vs. IL2 (p<0.0001) M: no induct vs. poly (p=0.011); no induct vs. IL2 (p<0.0001); poly vs. IL2 (p=0.021) No induction: N=3,133 Polyclonal: 1,304 IL2R-antagonist: N=1,866 OKT3: N=161 Treated rejection = Recipient was reported to (1) have at least one acute rejection episode that was treated with an anti-rejection agent; or (2) have been hospitalized for rejection. No rejection = Recipient had (i) no acute rejection episodes and (ii) was reported either as not hospitalized for rejection or did not receive anti-rejection agents. ISHLT 2009 Analysis is limited to patients who were alive at the time of the follow-up

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