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SOCIALISM. From Utopia to Reality. Patti Harrold, NBCT Edmond Memorial High School, OK apeuro@cox.net www.edmondschools.net/memharrold. Definition. Advocating public ownership of means of production, with work and products shared. Ideology. Wealth was concentrated in few hands

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  1. SOCIALISM From Utopia to Reality Patti Harrold, NBCT Edmond Memorial High School, OK apeuro@cox.net www.edmondschools.net/memharrold

  2. Definition • Advocating public ownership of means of production, with work and products shared

  3. Ideology • Wealth was concentrated in few hands • Working class was deprived of what was rightfully theirs • Social mechanism had to be developed to justly distribute society's wealth

  4. UTOPIAN SOCIALISM Robert Owen Count de Saint-Simon Charles Fourier Louis Blanc

  5. Antediluvian Socialism • Before the flood of revolutions of 1848 • 1815 to 1848

  6. Ideology • Endorsed productive capacity of industrialism • Denounced its mismanagement • Organized society as community, not competing individuals • End ruthless, capitalist individualism

  7. Ideology • Society regarded its ideas as too idealistic with little practical application • Little political or social support • Failure of 1848-49 revolutions discredited Utopian Socialists

  8. Robert Owen • 1771-1858 • England/Scotland • One of the first socialists and one of the first cotton lords • Became crusader for social reform

  9. Robert Owen • Created model community for employees-New Lanark, Scot. • Paid high wages • Reduced working hours • Built schools, housing, & stores • Established New Harmony in Indiana (1825-1830)

  10. Count de Saint-Simon • 1760-1825 • France • Social hierarchy based on productivity • Among first exponents of planned society

  11. Count de Saint-Simon • Advocated public ownership of industrial equipment & other capital • Captains of industry would be in control • Captains plan and coordinate labor and resources of society

  12. Charles Fourier • 1772-1837 • France • Dreamer (Schemer??) • Proposed that society be organized in small units (phalansteries)

  13. Charles Fourier • Determined there were 810 distinct personality types • Phalanstery would contain 1,620 people (1 male/1 female each) • Each person would do the work suited to his/her natural inclination so crime would end

  14. Louis Blanc • 1811-1882 • France • Journalist • Organization of Work (1830) one of the most constructive of early socialist writings

  15. Louis Blanc • Proposed system of “social workshops” (state-supported manufacturing centers) • Workers work for themselves • No intervention of capitalists • Believed government should guarantee workers a job

  16. CHRISTIAN SOCIALISM Charles Kingsley

  17. Short-lived • 1848-1890s • England

  18. Ideology • Industrial evils could be ended by following Christian principles • Tried to bridge gap between anti- religious drift of socialism and need for Christian social justice

  19. Charles Kingsley • 1814-1875 • Best-known proponent • His writings exposed social evils of industrialism


  21. Ideology • Created by Marx as primary ideology of protest & revolution • Communist philosophic system • Founded on inherent goodness of man • Rousseau-influenced position

  22. Ideology • Men are corrupted by artificial institutions (states, churches, etc.) • History of humanity is history of class struggle (economics)

  23. Ideology • The age of bourgeois domination of working class (proletariat) • Most severe and oppressive phase of struggle • Would lead to its own destruction

  24. Ideology • The proletariat: • Needed to be educated • Would lead violent revolution & destroy institutions that perpetuate struggle & suppression of majority • Dictatorship of the proletariat would then occur

  25. Ideology • Theory of Surplus Labor • True value of product was labor • Worker received small amount • Capitalist "stole" surplus labor (difference in price and workers’ pay)

  26. Ideology • Dialectic Materialism • Hegel's dialectic was idea • Marxian dialectic was action • Driven by dynamics of materialism with classless society as synthesis

  27. Karl Marx • 1818-1883 • German philosopher • Lived most of his adult life in London • Born to Jewish lawyer who had converted to Christianity

  28. Karl Marx • Atheistic Marx studied philosophy at Univ. of Berlin before turning to journalism & economics • Read widely in French socialist thought • Shared many of Fourier’s views on marriage

  29. Karl Marx • Wrote: • The Communist Manifesto (1848) • Critique of Political Economy (1859) • Das Kapital (1863-1864)

  30. Karl Marx • His arguments • Put forth in scientific form • From extensive, accumulated data • Developed in persuasive rhetorical style

  31. ANARCHISM William Godwin Auguste Blanqui Pierre Proudhon Michael Bakunin

  32. Definition • Situation where there would be no property or authority • Attained through enlightened individualism • Emerged in early 19th century as consequence of Ind. Rev.

  33. William Godwin • 1756-1836 • England • Married to Mary Wollstonecraft • Although once a minister, he became an atheist

  34. William Godwin • Wrote The Enquiry Concerning Political Justice (1793) • Best-known work • Expounded his theories of philosophical anarchism

  35. William Godwin • Convinced of • The individual perfection of human beings • Human being’s ability to reason • Found all forms of control from without unreasonable

  36. Auguste Blanqui • 1805-1881 • France • Advocated terrorism to end capitalism and the state • Revolution achieved only with small cell of men leading it

  37. Pierre Proudhon • 1809-1865 • France • Attacked principle of private property because it denied justice to common people

  38. Pierre Proudhon • Wrote What is Property? (1840) • Stated that: • Change achieved through education • No violence necessary

  39. Michael Bakunin • 1814-1876 • Russia • Violent, terrorist actions were necessary to move people to revolt against their oppressors

  40. SYNDICALISM Georges Sorel

  41. Ideology • Variation of anarchism • Anarcho-syndicalism • Direct economic actions to control industries • Strike & industrial sabotage frequently used by syndicalists

  42. Georges Sorel • 1847-1922 • France • Supported Alfred Dreyfus • Accused of anarchism and convicted of treason • Influenced young Mussolini

  43. REVISIONIST SOCIALISM Sidney & Beatrice Webb George Bernard Shaw Edward Bernstein Jean Jaures

  44. Ideology • Reconsideration of Marxism began before Marx’s death • Revolutions not inevitable in bringing about socialist society • Democratic societies had mechanisms to gradually evolve socialism

  45. Ideology • World revolution was not imminent and directable • Historical processes endured, difficult to redirect and reform

  46. Fabians • British leftists • Said they were Marxists • But they differed from Marx • People • Sidney and Beatrice Webb (1859-1947) (1858-1943) • George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

  47. Social Democratic Party (SPD) • Germany • Established as orthodox Marxism • Leader-Edward Bernstein (1850-1932) • Influenced by Fabians • In the 1890’s redirected SPD toward revisionism

  48. French Section of the Working-Class International • France • Leader--Jean Jaures (1859-1914) • SFIO moderation led to developing acceptance of its ideas during tumultuous years of Dreyfus Affair

  49. End of Orthodox Marxism • Orthodox Marxists denounced revisionist movement • By 1914 majority of socialists were revisionists willing to use democratic process to bring about their goals

  50. SOCIALISM From Utopia to Reality Patti Harrold, NBCT Edmond Memorial High School, OK apeuro@cox.net www.edmondschools.net/memharrold

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