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Join us for the August RNS Meeting where Dr. Sepehr Khonsari, Kelli McSwan, PhD, and Brian Roberts will discuss the medical management, neuropsychological screening, and benefits of a comprehensive concussion program for athletes. Don't miss it!
RNS Newsletter August 2010 Mission Statement: The Rehabilitation Nurses Society is a membership organization that provides continuing education and networking for medical care coordination. The professional goal of its members is to advocate for quality patient care while utilizing community resources in a cost effective manner. Come join friends and colleagues for a time of lunch and learning! August’s Educational Topic CONCUSSION: A CONUNDRUM presented by Dr. Sepehr Khonsari, Kelli McSwan, PhD, and Brian Roberts, Certified Athletic Trainer We know that athletes want to get back on the field as soon as possible. They may not listen to their body or understand the potential consequences of a concussion. After all, the symptoms can be subtle and easily go unnoticed by athletes, their family members, team medical staff or coaches. This is why it is so important that case managers learn about concussions. Dr. Sepehr Khonsari will discuss medical management of concussed patients, Kelli McSwan, PhD will discuss neuropsychological screening of concussed patients and Brian Roberts, Certified Athletic Trainer will discuss the benefits of a comprehensive concussion program in returning athletes to play and injured workers back to work after concussions. LOCATION: Quiet Cannon Date: August 26, 2010 Cost: members - $25.00 900 Via San Clemente Registration: 11:30 – 12:00 pm non-member - $35.00 Montebello, CA Lunch: 12:00 – 1:00 pm CEU’s: approved for 2 hours 323-724-9284 Presentation: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm BRN provider # 01219 CCM/CDMS - 2 CEU’s If you register, you are responsible for paying for the meal, even if you don’t attend. Please RSVP by e-mail, phone or mail by August 20, 2010. E-mail: administrator@cchomenurses.comCall Kellie Kerr or Maryanne Sawoski. Office: (818) 753-5106 cell (818) 730-8490 Number of members _____ at $25.00 Number of non-members: _____ at $35.00 Name: ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: _________ ZIP: ____________________ August 26, 2010 RNS Meeting Detach and mail to…. ( Please include your check) Maryanne Sawoski, c/o RNS Continuity Care Home Nurses 12722 Riverside Drive, Suite #108 North Hollywood, CA 91607 Attention: Kellie Kerr
President’s Message By Renae Paulson, RN August 1, 2010 Dear RNS Members and Friends, August: The month I was born. The anniversary of my birthday makes me a bit more philosophical as I ponder where I came from and where I am going. Examining life principles that direct my paths and guide my responses to life’s situation helps me to recommit to doing my best. Allow me to share some of these truths with you… Do your best and trust that others do their best. And be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa~ How much are you worth? I'm not talking about money. We confuse self-worth with net worth, but they are very different. Your value has nothing to do with your valuables. How much are you worth? I once read an article in the Journal of Hospital Practice that calculated how much each of the enzymes and hormones and all the different things in your body are worth. The author added them up and if you are an average size person you are worth six million fifteen dollars and forty-four cents ($6,000,015.44) based on your weight. (Some of us are worth more!) You're a six-million dollar man or a six-million dollar woman! The article's author also estimated that, if you calculate the cost of creating each cell in your body, it would be about six thousand trillion dollars. You are priceless. ~ Rick Warren ~ Each of us makes his own weather, determines the colour of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits. ~ Fulton Sheen ~ I wish to thank Laura Nugent with Pro Active Physical Therapy for her talk on Industrial Rehabilitation. The key to obtaining positive outcomes is having an understanding of the principles of movement and treatment goals. A hearty ‘Thank You’ to our business partners that continue to provide goodies to raffle at each meeting and this meeting was no exception! Francine Aron from Casa Colina, Ken K with Advantage Plus, Barbara Tucker with Dr. David Heskiaoff, Brett McKee with American Ramp, Cindy Dixon with Special Care Nursing Service, Sandra Bross with Integrated, and Continuity Care home Nurses. Stay well and I hope to see you at the RNS meeting on August 26, 2010. Renae Paulson, RN RNS President
SAVE THE DATE! Thursday, October 7, 2010 8:30 am to 3 pm Neuro Rehabilitation Management: Innovations in Brain Injury Treatment and Recovery Presented by Northridge Hospital Medical Center Center for Rehabilitation Medicine 5th Floor IFL Penthouse (includes breakfast buffet & garden lunch) Speakers Neurosurgical Interventions in Brain Injury & Impairment Neurosurgeon Dr. T. Todd Gravori Latest in Neuro-Imaging Related to Clinic Aspects of Brain Injury Diagnosis & Management. Radiologist Dr. Bonnie Freitas Advances in Seizure Management & Current Research Neurologist Dr. Ronald Ziman Progress & Controversies in Post Acute Brain Injury Management. Open Forum Featuring: Physiatrists Dr. Thomas Hedge, Dr. Joel Rose, Dr. Alex Lin, and Dr. Kevin Pidgeon, Teresa Dwight, MS, CCC-SLP This program provides 4 CE hours for: California BRN Provider #12584 Board of Behaviroal Sciences #PCE3927 CCM #CM350 CME Category 1 credits For more information or to register, contact Patricia Klein at (818) 700-5606 or patricia.klen@chw.edu 2010 Board of Directors Renae Paulson President(818) 240-1234, ex. 2601 renae.paulson@libertymutual.com Rita Pathmanaban Vice President (714) 336-3212 ritapath@cox.netKaren York Corresponding Secretary/ (newsletter and web-site) (818) 240-1234, ext. 2043 karen.york@libertymutual.com Maryanne Sawoski Treasurer(818) 753-5106 Cell (818) 730-8490 administrator@cchomenurses.com Nancy PersonRecording Secretary (818) 240-1234, ext. 2669 nancy.person@libertymutual.com Diana Campos Member at Large (membership) (818) 894-7879 dcampos@assistedca.com CHECK US OUT …WE’RE ON THE WEB! www.rns-ca.org
Mark your calendar to attend the August 26 meeting ….. and don’t forget to RSVP by August 20! To e-mail your reservation, send an e-mail to: administrator@cchomenurses.com To RSVP by phone, call Kellie Kerr or Maryanne Sawoski (818) 753-5106 You can mail your registration to: Maryanne Sawoski, c/o RNS Continuity Care Home Nurses 12722 Riverside Drive, Suite #108 North Hollywood, CA 91607 Do you want your newsletter by e-mail or have an address change? If so, send an e-mail to Karen York ……. Let us know if you know anybody who would be interested in becoming part of a dynamic professional organization committed to the education and networking needs of its members. Karen will e-mail a copy of the newsletter to them. We’re on the Web! see us at www.rns-ca.org RNS c/o Karen York 5429 Tyler Ave. Temple City, CA 91780