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Judging A Play

Judging A Play. Writing Informed, Useful Evaluations of Dramatic Works. There are many elements to consider when evaluating a play. Does it belong to a particular type of drama? Also, remember that theaters impose some conventions. Classic Greek Theater uses a CHORUS

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Judging A Play

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Judging A Play Writing Informed, Useful Evaluations of Dramatic Works

  2. There are many elements to consider when evaluating a play. • Does it belong to a particular type of drama? • Also, remember that theaters impose some conventions. • Classic Greek Theater uses a CHORUS • Many Shakespearian plays use SOLILIQUOY • Some plays are MUSICALS. Evaluating a Play

  3. How well does the play fulfill its own conventions? • If the play is a tragedy that wants you to feel for the protagonist, has it done that? • Are the main characters fully rounded and believable? • Do their actions follow from their personalities? Does the play rely on some deus ex machina device? • What is the theme? • Is it universal? How easy is it to apply to the real world outside of the play? Aspects for Critique

  4. What are your own reactions? • It is impossible to truthfully judge a work without involving our own reaction to it. • Be careful to distinguish a production from the play itself. • It is important to distinguish between direction, acting, setting, etc that are elements of production and the script itself. Aspects for Critique

  5. What type of play is it? • What are the conventions of this type of play? • How well does the play fulfill those conventions? • Are the main characters fully realized? • Do their actions follow from their personalities, or do the actions seem imposed on them? • Do any symbols stand out? What are their meanings? • What emotion does the play evoke? • What is the play’s theme? Is it universal? Checklist for Evaluation

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGPa2-TcByE Trifles

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