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"Magic of Making Up Course Review" Controlling Behavior: When some women (you know who you are) get into relationships, they start to view their man as property. They will attempt to control who their boyfriend is with, ask him where he is at 24/7 and generally act very controlling. This is the completely wrong attitude to have. You see, women who attempt to control their man are really doing so from a place of insecurity. Perhaps they feel threatened by other women, or they want his attention focused solely on them and not on “the guys”. In any case, this behavior is needy, weak and comes from a place of insecurity. It demonstrates to your boyfriend that you are threatened, and only low value women feel threatened. Examples of how women unnecessarily control their man: • Insist he not go to any events without her present. • Follow their boyfriend around and generally hover over him while at these events. • Try to stop him from hanging out with “the guys”. • Ask him a million and one questions: • • “Where were you last night?” • • “Who was that woman I saw you talking with before?” • • “Who are you hanging out with this weekend?” It is understandable that you should want to be around the man you love, but try to understand that overtly attempting to force loyalty will only result in the opposite effect. “She who is the least controlling, controls the relationship.” Write that out one hundred times if you have to. Jealousy Jealous and controlling behavior go hand-in-hand. This is because when feeling jealous, women will often try to control the situation in an attempt to make those feelings go away. The cold, hard truth is that nothing kills relationships more so than jealousy. Hands down, bar none. Jealousy stems from a place of fear and insecurity. In other words, it turns you into a weak, sad, emotional wreck. I cannot stress to you enough how poisonous jealousy can be.