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Market Surveillance in Europe

Market Surveillance in Europe. Jürgen Schmid, Referat 114, Regierungspräsidium Tübingen CLEPA Materials Regulation Event 22nd April 2015, FILharmony - Filderstadt. Overview. Requirements regarding market surveillance (MÜ) Main topics of market surveillance

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Market Surveillance in Europe

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  1. Market Surveillance in Europe Jürgen Schmid, Referat 114, Regierungspräsidium Tübingen CLEPA Materials Regulation Event 22nd April 2015, FILharmony- Filderstadt

  2. Overview • Requirements regarding market surveillance (MÜ) • Main topics of market surveillance • „Tools“ for Market surveillance • How is Surveillance organized in Baden-Württemberg • Conclusions CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  3. Regulation (EG) Nr. 765/2008 • The „765“ is a kind of umbrella regulation for market surveillance. It defines the main requirement for all Member States (MS) • Scope: Products covered by Community harmonization legislation, e.g.. • Electrical an electronic equipment according RoHS, • Batteries • Packaging • Vehicles and components • substances, mixtures and articles according REACH and CLP • energy using products • product safety: machines, toys, pressure equipment, recreational craft, … Regierungspräsidium Tübingen CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  4. Regulation (EG) Nr. 765/2008 • General requirements („Obligation for market surveillance“) • European Member States (MS) shall organise and carry out market surveillance, for each product category • Market surveillance is carried out by National Enforcement Authorities (NEA). In Germany legal enforcement is organised by the “Länder” • Unsafe products and products that do not conform to legal requirements are withdrawn from the market. • Market surveillance concepts and detailed programs are made by each MS, including a description of specific focus sectors • Communication of programs and concepts to the other MS and the Commission and make them available to the public CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  5. Regulation (EG) Nr. 765/2008 • Common frame work for market surveillance • follow up complaint and reports on issues related to risk (“reactive market surveillance”) • perform documentary, physical and laboratory checks on an adequate scale (“active” market surveillance) • entrust NEAs with the powers, resources and knowledge necessary for proper performance • Regularly evaluate survey activities • Regularly detailed reporting to Commission • Conclusion: EU examines the fulfilment of the legal requirements. MS have to provide (and to pay) sufficient personal stuff. Increasing demands on NEAs. Legislation has not only to be legally implemented but also to be carried out. CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  6. What are Unsafe ProductsMainly Legislation on product safety laser pointer, damage to sight Products that may damage human health Motor cycle, injuries The spring band clamps of the crankcase may have been fitted twisted by 180°. This could lead to damage to the rear brake system Hot stoves are always dangerous but they are intentionally hot. You have to teach your children not to touch Hot stoves CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  7. What are environmental risks (Legislation on chemicals REACh, CLP…) Most chemicals are dangerous, therefore they are labelled and packed to reduce risks. And there are also chemicals in articles Headphones, environmental risk, containing short chained chlorinated paraffines (SCCP). POP - substance The product (filler) contains a higher level of volatile organic compounds (VOC) than the 420g/l limit. Formation of photochemical oxidants Headtorch: Pb in rubber parts. Heavy metals in general, Pb, Cd, Hg. RoHS, ELV, Packaging, Batteries regulations CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  8. What are formal definiencies(All Legislation) • Missing address of producer or importer. The address is obligatory because of the producers/importers responsibility • Missing CE marking if applicable. Not all “harmonised” products need CE-conformity • missing product specific labelling, e. g. energy efficiency • Special science CLP CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  9. Tools for Market Surveillance –RAPEXRapid Exchange www.icsms.org Notifying country Product Description Characterisation of Risks Measures adopted by notifying country ec.europa.eu/consumers/safety/rapex/alerts/ EXFO - FhG-IPA, 21.4.2015

  10. RAPEX – Alert System- Public • “Rapid Exchange of Information System“ Alert System for dangerous non-food products – its public! • Risks of products with deficiencies are evaluated according to a specific Rapex procedure. In case of high or serious risk they are put info the database and published. • Informs and warns public about and against unsafe products or chemicals • Informs authorities automatically about dangerous products. In case of high risk NEA will take action. • The database is searchable Regierungspräsidium Tübingen CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  11. Tools for Market Surveillance www.icsms.org EXFO - FhG-IPA, 21.4.2015

  12. ICSMS – Internal Information System • “Information and Communication System for Market Surveillance “ • Information exchange for European authorities. • Contains information on all products examined by European Authorities. • Originally developed for Germany and for product safety…today European wide system for product safety, chemical and RoHS legislation. • Transparent, „eternal“ file. Stores all product and all companies ever inspected, both „good products“ and faulty products Regierungspräsidium Tübingen CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  13. Organisation of Market Surveillance in Europe Every MS has its own system… CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  14. Organisation of Market Surveillance in Gemany Its federal!! Within the next 2 hours … no, just in brief CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  15. Organisation of Market Surveillance in Gemany • Enforcement of laws is „Ländersache“ • The German „Länder“ are responsible for the enforcement and for carrying out market surveillance • This means we have 27 different ways of market surveillance in Europe and we have another 16 different ways in Federal Germany CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  16. Regional Structure of Baden-Württemberg • Baden-Württemberg is subdivided into 4 Regierungsbezirke (regional governmental areas) • 4 Regierungspräsidien (regional authorities) are responsible for these areas CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  17. Structure of Baden-Württemberg Stadt und Landkreise • in Baden-Württemberg there are 44 Stadt- und Landkreise (Municipalities and „counties“) • The organisation of the other Länder is somehow similar but not the same • there are sufficient possibilities for 16 different type of enforcement CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  18. Organisation of Market Surveillance in Baden-Württemberg • RegierungspräsidiumTübingen is responsible for whole Baden-Württemberg in the non food sector • Market surveillance for non-food is centralised at RegierungspräsidiumTübingen • One Mail box: marktueberwachung@rpt.bwl.de • About 100 inspectors for whole Baden-Württemberg CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  19. CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015 Marktüberwachung Baden-Württemberg ab 2014 Ministries Regierungspräsidium Tübingen – Division 11 – Market Surveillance Department 111 Law and Administration (Central functions) Direction in Tübingen Department 112 ProductSafety/ Investment Goods Direction in Freiburg Department 113 ProductSafety/ Consumer Products Direction in Karlsruhe Department 114 Chemical Safety Direction in Tübingen Department 115 Energyusingproducts (Eco-Design), Building andConstruction Direction in Stuttgart Coordination Location Tübingen Spatial Distribution of departments 112 through115 on different locations Tübingen, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Heilbronn, Göppingen, Donaueschingen and Riedlingen with focus on Tübingen

  20. Neue Themen für den Vollzug ab 2015 Ministry Supervision MLR UM, SM, MVI, MFW Regierungspräsidium Tübingen Food Product Safety ChemistryREACh, CLP Ecodesign EnVKG Construction Consumer Goods Greenhouse Gases Ozon Depletion about 20 specific Regul. about 10 specific Regul. Cosmetics 32. BImSchV Biocides Energylabell. ab. 10 specificRegul. tobacco Products 28. BImSchV Detegents Medical Devices RoHS, Batteries Market Surveillance responsibility mainly Stadt- und Landkreise Labellingof textiles Packaging ELV CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  21. Campaigns 2015Chemistry CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  22. Conclusiones • Market surveillance in Baden-Württemberg in the non food sector is centralised. „Service out of one hand“ • legal certainty, equal treatment , more efficient • Good cooperation with customs • Cooperation of market surveillance within Germany fairly good • Cooperation of market surveillance within Europe should be improved Regierungspräsidium Tübingen CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

  23. Thank you for listening ! Regierungspräsidium Tübingen CLEPA, 22. 04. 2015

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