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This article provides an overview of Clostridium difficile, including its notorious ribotype 027, diverse outbreaks since 2000, and the increase in morbidity, mortality, and costs associated with CDI. It also discusses the risk factors for CDI, the epidemiology of the infection, and various studies on CDI in different settings. The article concludes with information on diagnosis and treatment options for CDI.
Clostridiumdifficile BATAM bijeenkomst 17 mei 2013 Dr DJ Bac, MDL-arts DrMA Schouten, arts-microbioloog
CDI • Berucht vanwege ribotype 027 • Diverse uitbraken sinds 2000 • Toename morbiditeit + mortaliteit + kosten
Clostridiumdifficile • Gram positieve anaerobe staaf • Produceert sporen • Produceert toxines • Nr 1 oorzaak nosocomiale diarree
Risk factors clostridium difficile • Ziekenhuisopname • Antibiotica: • > 65 jaar • IBD • PPI ?? • sondevoeding • diverticulose • chemotherapie • (GI) chirurgie • dialyse
Epidemiologie clostridium difficile Drager • Gezonde personen ~3% • Ziekenhuis ~20% • Jonge kinderen tot 80% Diarree • Hospital-acquired: ~ 10 % • Community-acquired: ~ 1,5-2 %
1elijns probleem? • Clostridiumdifficileinfection: it’s a familyaffairUK 2007-2012: 238 patiënten met CDI; verspreiding na ontslag? slechts in 3 gevallen verspreiding thuis (1) • Community-associatedClostridiumdifficileinfection: Howreal is it? (2)Studie CDC: CA= diarree niet voorafgegaan door ziekenhuis bezoek afgelopen 3 maanden, >10.000 gevallen; 32% CA: hiervan 25% opgenomen na vaststellen CDI, recurrencerate 9%, PFGE type NAP1, NAP11, NAP4Risicofactoren CA CDI: AB gebruik, protonpomp remmersliteratuur: vlees, huisgenoten met CDI, kinderen < 2 jaar. 1: ICHE 2013, 2: Anaerobe 2013
1elijns probleem? • Clostridiumdifficilecarriage in healthyinfants in the communityasymptomatischdragerschap volwassenen 1-7%Kinderen tot 2 jaar 2-75% drager maar zelf zelden ziekStudie: 10 gezonde kinderen van 1 jaar gevolgd + screening 2 dagopvangcentraAlle 10 verwerven CD en bleven maanden POSDagverblijf 45% van de 85 kinderen CD POSRisicofactoren: ab gebruik, gebruik ab moeder zwangerschap, verandering voeding (met name bij verdwijnen Bifidobacteriumcave melk / BV minder CD, flesvoeding meer CD)Geen relatie met aantal siblings of dierenRecente ziekenhuis opname enige risicofactor voor kolonisatie pathogene stam CID 2012
1elijns probleem? • Clostridiumdifficilecontamination of public tap water distribution system during a waterborneoutbreak in Finland • Nov-dec 2007 drinkwater Nokia gecontamineerd met rioolwater • Grote uitbraak gastro-enteritis; Rol Clostridiumdifficile ?10.000 inwoners, 8000 ziek, 1000 behandeld, 17 CD POS (65 getest) • 12 CD isolaten gevonden in water (5 kraanwater, 7 riool) • Aantal malen zelfde stam in water en patiënt SAGE 2013
Dieren • Clostridiumdifficileinfection in the community: a zoonoticdisease? (1) • Review LUMC; CD komt zowel bij mensen als dieren voor; verschillende biotypes • Bij vinden nieuwe types als verwekker humane infecties dan zoeken naar dierlijk reservoir • Clostridiumdifficilein faecesfromhealthydogs and dogswithdiarrhea (2) • Stockholm; 50 gezonde honden: 2 met CD; niet toxine producerend20 honden met diarree: 2 met CD; toxine producerend, humane types 1: CMID 2012, 2: AVS 2013
Voeding • Detection of Clostridiumdifficilein retailgroundmeatproducts in Manitoba • 48 porties vlees (rund en varken); 6,3% CD POS • Verschillende types; wel allemaal bekend humane toxine producerende stamen JIDM 2012
Diagnostiek • Gold standard: cytotoxicity assay • Kweek met toxinebepaling • Elisa (toxin A and or B, or GDH) • 72-92 % sensitiviteit • 89-98 % specificiteit • PCR • Sensitiviteit 92% • Specificiteit 96% • Sigmoidoscopy
Behandeling • De beste behandeling is nog steeds preventie! • Lokaal: antibioticum formularium ZGV • Gebaseerd op SWAB richtlijn • SWAB weer gebaseerd op ESCMID
“Infection control” strategie Kelly & Lamont. NEJM 2008;359:1932–40 Vonberg et al ClinMicrobiol Infect 2008;14(Suppl. 5):2–20
Behandeling: ESCMID recommendations:An initial mild episode of CDI • Discontinuation of the antibacterial treatment that induced CDI, if possible • Avoidance of treatments that reduce gut transit • e.g. opioids, including those used in diarrhoea relief (loperamide etc) • Provision of supportive care • e.g. fluid and electrolyte replacement • Observation for signs of clinical deterioration Bauer et al. ClinMicrobiol Infect 2009;15:1067–79.
Behandeling: ESCMID recommendations:First episode of CDI • Aim of treatment is to eradicate C. difficilefrom the intestines and promote restoration of the normal colonic microflora • Cessation of antibacterial therapy, if possible, is usually the first step * Intravenous (IV ) if oral therapy is not possible Bauer et al. ClinMicrobiol Infect 2009;15:1067–79.
Metronidazol 3 dd 500 eerste keus: po en iv geen selectie VRE Goedkoop vaak recidieven Behandeling (10-14 dgn) • Vancomycine • 4 dd 125-500 mg • tweede keus: • alleen po • selectie VRE • Duur • vaak recidieven Ernstige colitis vancomycin
Snapshot of current treatments for initial episodes of CDI in Europe Treatments used in an initial episode of CDI in a recent European survey Bauer et al. Lancet 2011;377:63–73.
Cure rates: Metronidazole & vancomycin p=0.02 p=0.36 p=0.006 39/40 69/71 30/31 37/41 66/79 28/38 *Patients were stratified by mild or severe disease based on severity assessment score developed for this study. Patients received one point each for age >60 years, temperature >38.3°C, albumin level <2.5 mg/dL, or peripheral white blood cell count >15,000 cells/mm3 within 48 hours of enrolment. Two points were given for endoscopic evidence of pseudomembranous colitis or treatment in an intensive care unit. Patients with ≥2 points were considered to have severe CDI. Zar et al. Clin Infect Dis 2007;45:302–7.
Recurrence of CDI • Recurrence of CDI has been identified by ESCMID as the most important problem in the treatment of CDI1 • CDI recurrence is common, occurring in up to 32% of cases within 30 days following treatment2–4 • Rate of reported recurrences strongly depends on definition applied1 • Recurrence appears to be related to a combination of:5 • A failure to re-establish the colonic microflora • The presence in the intestines of spores of C. difficile • A sub-optimal host immune response to the infecting organism and its toxins Bauer et al. ClinMicrobiol Infect 2009;15:1067–79; Louie et al. N Engl J Med 2011;364:422–31; Lowy et al. N Engl J Med 2010;362:197–205; Bouza et al. ClinMicrobiol Infect 2008;14:S103–4; DuPont. N Engl J Med 2011;364:473–4.
Risk factors for a recurrence of CDI • Immunocompromised patients1 • Exposure to other antibacterial agents that disrupt the normal colonic microflora2–5 • Previous episode of CDI2,4–6 • Renal impairment7,8 • Aged 65 years or over2,4,9 • Impaired immune response to C. difficile toxin A2 • Severe underlying disease2 • Prolonged hospitalisation9 • Concomitant use of antacid medications (PPI)10 • Intensive care unit (ICU) stay5 PPI, proton pump inhibitor McFarland et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2002;97:1769–75; Do et al. Clin Infect Dis 1998;26:954–9; Bauer et al. ClinMicrobiol Infect 2011;17(Suppl 4):A1–A4; Pépin et al. Clin Infect Dis 2005;40:1591–7; Kwok et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2012;107:1011–9. Cohen. J PedGastroenterolNutr 2009;48:63–5; Kyne et al. Lancet 2001;357:189–93; Bauer et al. ClinMicrobiol Infect 2009;15:1067–79; Bauer et al. Lancet 2011;377:63–73; Hu et al. Gastroenterology 2009;136:1206–14;
Pharmacotherapy of CDI: First recurrence • ESCMID recommends treating a first recurrence as a first episode unless the disease has progressed from non-severe to severe *Intravenous (IV ) if oral therapy is not possible; tid, three times daily; qid, four times daily Bauer et al. ClinMicrobiol Infect 2009;15:1067–79.
ESCMID recommendations: Second and later recurrences • ESCMID recommends treating second or later recurrences in the same way as severe first recurrence • With the option of using tapered or pulsed dosing regimens Bauer et al. ClinMicrobiol Infect 2009;15:1067–79.
ESCMID recommendations:Surgical intervention • In the minority (<5%) of patients who develop fulminant colitis, surgical intervention (colectomy) may be needed • Surgical intervention carries a high rate of mortality • Optimal timing for colectomy has not been established • Current guidelines recommend intervention before: • The disease becomes too severe • Serum lactate levels exceed 5 mmol/L Bauer et al. ClinMicrobiol Infect 2009;15:1067–79.
Clinical limitations associated with current treatments for CDI • Although metronidazole and vancomycin are effective in a first episode of CDI, therapy remains suboptimal • Among the most significant drawbacks of current therapy for CDI are: • Rates of treatment failure with metronidazole of up to 18%1 • Rates of recurrent infection following treatment with metronidazole and vancomycin of up to 32% within 30 days following treatment2–4 • Risk of overgrowth of vancomycin-resistant enterococci(VRE) in patients who are already colonised with VRE5 Aslam et al. Lancet Infect Dis 2005;5:549–57; Louie et al. N Engl J Med 2011;364:422–31; Lowy et al. N Engl J Med 2010;362:197–205; Bouza et al. ClinMicrobiol Infect 2008;14:S103–4; Al-Nassir et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2008;52:2403–6.
Fidaxomicine • Macrocyclisch antibioticum • Remt bacteriële RNA polymerase • Smal spectrum; Gram negatieve bacteriën resistent • Remt sporenvorming • Remt toxine productie • Wordt beperkt geresorbeerd: lokaal werkzaam • Zwangerschap / lactatie: onbekend • Bijwerkingen: misselijkheid, braken, obstipatie... • Dosering 2 dd 200mg 10 dagen
Fidaxomicine • Extramuraal vergoed via GVS mits 18 jaar of ouder CDI Recidief na metronidazol behandeling Ernstige infectie • 1620 euro per kuur