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We’d like to re-introduce ourselves. How can we help you?. Henry J. Cavazos, J.D . Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Mary Ellen Beaupre Student Liaison. Theresa Pye Affiliation Agreement Coordinator.
We’d like to re-introduce ourselves How can we help you? Henry J. Cavazos, J.D. Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Office of Academic and Student Affairs Mary Ellen BeaupreStudent Liaison Theresa PyeAffiliation Agreement Coordinator Darlene BordelonOffice Administrator Michelle ConleyAlumni Affairs, Recruiting and Events
Office of Academic and Student Affairs The Office of Academic and Student Affairs (ASA) performs a number of roles for its constituents: students, staff, faculty, department chairs, and the dean. These include a wide range of student services such as recruitment, marketing, admissions, academic support, counseling, tutoring, student organization sponsorship, student advocacy, and representing students on a variety of institutional committees and task forces. ASA supports the student grading and promotion committees of each department and of the school by interpreting UT System and institutional policies and procedures and overseeing student academic appeals and disciplinary proceedings. • Other Services Our Office Provides: • Maintain clinical affiliation contracts • Coordination of student background checks • Compilation and management of commencement programs • Compilation and management of SHP bulletin • Maintain school academic calendars • Coordination of Emergency Management • Student Grievances • Coordination of course scheduling • Coordination and compilation of school book orders • Coordination of SHP grades • Liaison between SHP and Academic Resources, Bookstore, Library, & Enrollment Services • Approval of access to student portals such as Campus Solutions, MyStar & MyUTMB • Review student audits for clearing of graduates/completers • Coordination and management of SHP organizations • Tutoring
Office of Academic and Student Affairs Additional roles include: Liaison role–between school/departments/students and specific service areas, e.g., Enrollment Services, Library, Auxiliary Enterprises, Classroom Services, external faculty evaluation vendor. Ministerial functions–conducting degree audits and clearing students for recommendation to the faculty to award their degrees; preparing or reviewing periodic reports to the University, Board of Regents, Texas Coordinating Board, legislative bodies, accrediting agencies, professional associations and others; preparing and submitting for approval the school bulletin; developing student fee and tuition proposals; negotiating and preparing agreements for faculty outside the school who teach interdisciplinary SHP courses; overseeing school’s affiliation contracts; conducting external academic reviews; maintaining and publishing the school academic calendar. Teaching duties–ASA faculty members maintain teaching duties and participate in the faculty practice plan; serve on departmental, school, and institutional committees and task forces. Help desk recommendations–referring individuals to the appropriate individuals, offices and units regarding academic policies, procedures, and services. Clearinghouse mission–collecting and disseminating news and information used in decision making, planning and evaluation. Special assignments—as determined by the dean.
Henry J. Cavazos, J.D. Associate Dean for Academic and Student AffairsP409.772-3004 E hcavazos@utmb.eduO # 4.222 What I do • Provide strategic management leadership to SHP department chairs and faculty for program accreditation/reaccreditation, external academic review, academic issues, faculty development and evaluation, curriculum development and review, legal matters, compliance with UT Regents Rules and institutional policies, student recruitment and admission, student handbooks, student support services, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, student background checks, student infractions and discipline, ADA accommodations compliance, Title IX compliance, student degree audits, departmental student policies • Prepare reports for UTMB and UT System leadership, the Texas Coordinating Board, SACS, and other state and federal agencies • Oversight for student grievances • Oversight for SHP Curriculum Committee • Oversight for SHP Commencement • Oversight for SHP Orientation • Oversight for tuition and fee changes • Review and approve academic forms • Teaching duties within Respiratory Care
Darlene BordelonOffice AdministratorP409.772-9411 E debordel@utmb.eduO # 4.224 • Maintain the SHP Academic Calendar • Manage the ASA website • Oversight for staff & faculty access requests for MyStar/Campus Solutions & MyUTMB • Oversight for course scheduling within MyStar/Campus Solutions • Manage incoming students purchased background checks • Prepare the SHP Bulletin • Prepare the SHP Dean’s List • Serve as liaison to legal office, bookstore (compile book orders), parking office, campus security, Biocommunications, Classroom Services (submit yearly room requests), and Enrollment Services • Serve as “super user” for SHP within MyStar/Campus Solutions, providing SHP staff & faculty with support in navigation of systems What I do • Maintain and process all CUF forms, course numbers and names of all SHP courses, while serving on the school’s Curriculum Committee as an ad-hoc member • Process all students’ electronic academic forms (i.e., grade changes, course credit, schedule change, registration forms) • Process all student tutor hires and submit payroll for processing • Clear students eligible for graduation by verification of coursework • Prepare the SHP Commencement Program • Provide backup for Affiliation Agreement Coordinator • Serve as course coordinator for ASA faculty courses • Oversee ASA functions (i.e., budget process, timekeeping, etc.) • Manage inventory for ASA department
Mary Ellen BeaupreStudent LiaisonP: (409)772-3030 E: mebeaupr@utmb.edu O#: 4.226 What I do • STUDENT LIAISON • Admissions/Orientation duties. • Request student roles for IS applications for incoming students. • Distribute welcome emails to incoming students. • Manage updates to modules within Blackboard SHP Orientation 101 module. • Maintain SHP Users email distribution group. • Request and distribute badges, and troubleshoot badge problems. • File and route documentation of background checks to students when requested. • Compliance training coordinator. • Assign locker rentals. • Monitor student non-disclosure status for both active students and those on leave of absence. • Lead the SHP Student Ambassador Society, meeting with the ambassadors and supporting their events. • Assist organizations in finding resources. • Act as student liaison to Student Life Office for student organization resources. • Oversee student organization re-registration each fall. • Promote student participation in Syndrome and coordinate SHP photo submissions. • Arrange room reservations for student groups, tutoring and events through Classroom Services Produce posters for student activities. • Assist and support Coordinator II as needed with student related events such as commencement, and activities. • Conduct student enrichment workshops. • Review and relay email announcements to students. • Review, approve and monitor postings on SHP bulletin boards. • Assign tutors to student and faculty requests. • Coordinate the SHP student tutor assignments. • Approve tutor time cards. • Proctor ADA accommodation exams for SHP students, time permitting. • Track students' ADA accommodation requests and prepare usage and effectiveness reports. • NEWSLETTER EDITOR • Editor of the SHP Student Electronic Newsletter (The Splash! Page). • OTHER DUTIES • Answer primary ASA Student Affairs phone line and direct calls accordingly and refer students to appropriate campus resources. • Provide other clerical support, accounts payable and travel, services.
Michelle ConleyAlumni Affairs, Marketing, Recruiting and EventsP409.772-3006 E maconley@utmb.eduO # 4.230 Recruitment & Marketing • Marketing coordinator for the entire school in the creation of brochures, programs, marketing and recruitment materials, communications, web-site updates, and presentations as required for events as needed ensuring brand/identity standards and guidelines. • Work closely with designated faculty from each department to design plans that address their particular needs and target their intended audiences. • Establish and refine the school’s recruitment plan, documenting and reporting on target prospective students, tracking RFI’s and prioritizing programs. • Prepare statistical and informational reports for presentation to Dean’s office, Chairs and UT System. • Provide program information to potential students, current students and departmental faculty and staff by developing a comprehensive knowledge of the nature, functions and trends of the school’s programs. • Coordinate and participate in student recruitment activities to include Open Houses, Transfer and Graduate Fairs. Academic and Student Affairs Support • Serve as Co-chair and Secretary for the SHP Scholarship Committee and manage the SHP student scholarship award process and distribution. • Coordinate and participate in new student orientation events for both SHP and in collaboration with University Student Services. What I do Special Events • Coordination and logistical aspects of all special events working in conjunction with the Office of the Dean and the academic and administrative departments as necessary to include development functions, Advisory Council activities, Student Scholarship Luncheon, Commencement, SHP Causeway FunD Run/Walk, and other school-wide events. • Student recruitment and retention events include Open Houses, Career Fairs, New Student Orientation and other student related events. Alumni Affairs/Relations • SHP Liaison to the Office of Alumni & Parent to assist in the development and implementation of programs designed to strengthen the alumni network and to foster the work of the Alumni Association, as well as organize alumni related activities for SHP. • Provides updates to University Advancement Services for Raiser's Edge, the institutional development database. Development • Works with the Dean’s Office, Chairs and the Office of Department to identify key individuals for cultivation, stewardship, and recognition at special events and programs. Collaborate with the Office of Development to assist and support coordination of fundraising efforts such as annual fund campaigns to solicit alumni and friends for funds for student support and scholarships. • Development Stewardship the SHP with regard to fundraising, acknowledgment letters, and preparation of appropriate reports such as gift transmittal receipts.
Theresa PyeAffiliation Agreement Coordinator What I do as a part-time employee: • Oversee and process contracts with clinical affiliates and preceptors • Maintain clinical affiliations databases • Communicate to SHP Clinical Education Directors and their counterparts at clinical facilities the status of pending contracts • As necessary, negotiate contract clauses and terms with facilities’ clinical education directors and legal officers • Prepare clinical affiliations reports and updates for SHP Chairs’ Council and the SHP Clinical Education Directors meetings
UTMB Catalog and SHP Bulletin The catalog of The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston consists of five separately published components. The UTMB Catalog provides general information, including degrees and programs offered, admission, orientation and registration, tuition and fees, academic policies, student life, student support services, and the institutes. Each bulletin for the four UTMB schools provides the school’s calendars, program–specific degree requirements, course offerings, and other school–specific information. The catalog is effective with the 2012–2014 academic year, and each of the component bulletins is effective until a subsequent bulletin is published. Copies of the most current issue of the catalog or any of the bulletins are available on line at http://www.utmb.edu/enrollmentservices/catalog.aspApproved corrections, edits, deletions and additions to the catalog and bulletins are also available at this site. Below are the links to the General Information CatalogSchool of Health Professions Bulletin