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Understand how the cell size, surface area to volume ratio, and diffusion rates are interconnected, with examples and calculations. Learn how altering cell shape and division can impact efficiency and exchange of materials. Explore strategies for cells to maintain functionality as they grow in size.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Copy table into your notebook How “Cell” Surface to Volume Ratio affects Rate of Diffusion Xtra line needed

  2. Cell size Limits • The cell must be • large enough to hold materials it needs • small enough to be controlled by the genetic material • ***have large enough surface to volume ratio to allow for efficient exchange of materials with environment at a rate fast enough to sustain life • Most cells are between 10- 20um Nutrients Waste

  3. Each side 1cm x1cm = 1cm2 / side X 6 sides 6cm2

  4. Volume = 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm = 1 cm 3 Sfc/vol = 6:1 6:1 6cm2 1 cm 3

  5. Complete chart for other 2 sizes 6cm2 6:1 1 cm 3 24cm2 3:1 8cm 3 28cm2 8cm 3 3.5 : 1 1cm x 2cm x 2 sides = 4cm2 1cm x 4 cm x 2 sides = 8cm2 2cm x 4 cm x 2 sides = 16cm2

  6. In general cells are rarely larger than 20 um. But not always, Can U think of a cell type that can be over a meter long? How could an organism increase its size wo decreasing efficiency?

  7. Surface: volume ratio can be increased by • Altering cell shape: elongating ex. Microvilli, alveolar epithelium

  8. Surface: volume ratio can be increased by • Altering cell shape: elongating , foldsx. Microvilli, alveolar epithelium • Cell ÷  creating more cells w/ same total vol. ex multicellular organism ppt3

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