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Red Dog Shelters is a company that designs and produces high end mobile shelters for people that need to work in difficult weather conditions. <br><br>For more information, visit:http://www.reddogshelters.com/<br>
Red Dog Shelters is a company that specializes in the development of mobile shelters that are suitable for high risk working areas. These blast resistant tornado shelters can provide with adequate protection to people even when they need to work in difficult conditions. designing and Red Dog Shelters work with Red Dog Hazard Abatement Safety System and they make safe room enclosures which have awesome features like bullet proof body, blast resistant structure, FEMA EF5-rated cages that can be used for military and industrial purposes. This is why the portable protection shelters designed and crafted by Red Dog Shelters have been reviewed as the best in the industry. that they are equipped with powerful aerodynamic anchoring system which makes them extremely safe in hostile weather and working conditions. Red Dog Shelters provides with products like Bigdog and Towdog that provide users with 32 person capacities and 12person capacities. Media Contact Red Dog Shelters Phone: 806.370.3711 W W W . R E D D O G S H E L T E R S . C O M