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Remember each question will be in the form of an answer and you must respond with a question.

Let's Review. Remember each question will be in the form of an answer and you must respond with a question. GOOD LUCK Here are the categories. Mitosis and Meiosis. DNA/RNA/Protein Synthesis. Genetics. Sex-Linked Diseases/Blood Types. Human Genetic Diseases. Potpourri. Meiosis/ Mitosis.

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Remember each question will be in the form of an answer and you must respond with a question.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Let's Review Remember each question will be in the form of an answer and you must respond with a question. GOOD LUCK Here are the categories

  2. Mitosis and Meiosis

  3. DNA/RNA/Protein Synthesis

  4. Genetics

  5. Sex-Linked Diseases/Blood Types

  6. Human Genetic Diseases

  7. Potpourri

  8. Meiosis/ Mitosis DNA/RNA/Protein Synthesis Human genetic diseases Genetics Sex-linked/ Blood types Potpourri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  9. What type of cell does meiosis produce? Mitosis? $100

  10. Meiosis: gameteMitosis: somatic (body) cell $100

  11. If a human has 46 chromosomes in a normal body cell, how many chromosomes will a daughter nucleus contain after meiosis? Mitosis? $200

  12. Meiosis: 23Mitosis: 46 $200

  13. How many cells are produced at the end of meiosis? Mitosis? $300

  14. Meiosis: 4Mitosis: 2 $300

  15. What is crossing over and what is it’s purpose? $400

  16. When homologous pairs change pieces to create genetically different gametes $400

  17. What phase is this picture showing? $500

  18. Anaphase 1 $500

  19. If the template strand of DNA is CTGAATACG, what is the complimentary strand of DNA? $100

  20. GACTTATGC $100

  21. What amino acids are formed from the DNA:CCTGAA $200

  22. Gly-Leu $200

  23. The tRNA molecule AUG codes for what amino acid? $300

  24. Tyrosine $300

  25. 1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.__________________ 1 2 3 1 Label the parts of the nucleotide $400

  26. 1. Phosphate2. 5-carbon sugar3. base $400

  27. What are the 4 steps in DNA replication? $500

  28. 1. Helicase unzips DNA at weak H-bonds2. DNA polymerase inserts correct bases3. new sugar phosphate backbone4. DNA polymerase proofreads $500

  29. What gametes could be made from this:CCDd $100

  30. CD and Cd $100

  31. Complete the cross:FF x ffwhere F= free earlobes and f= attached earlobesWhat are the genotype and phenotype ratios? $200

  32. Genotype: 4 FfPhenotype: 4 free earlobes $200

  33. In parakeets, the gene for blue feathers (b) is incompletely dominant to the gene for yellow feathers (y). A cross between blue and yellow birds in the P generation produced an F1 of all green parakeets. Cross the 2 birds from the F1 generation. What is the genotype/phenotype ratio? $300

  34. Genotype: 1BB: 2BY: 1YYPhenotype: 1 blue: 2 green: 1 yellow $300

  35. Daily Double

  36. In Guinea pigs, there are three different fur color alleles: BA is dominant over all the others; B is dominant to b. Each pigeon can only have two alleles.BA = tan furB = black fur b = white furIn a cross between a tan guinea pig and a black guinea pig some of the offspring have white fur. What is the probability that they will have offspring with black fur? $400

  37. 25% $400

  38. A farmer has a flock of sheep. In sheep, white wool is dominant to black wool. If the farmer has a white sheep, how can he tell if she is pure-breeding or not? $500

  39. Look at the offspring in the punnett squares: if all the offspring are white, the mother is purebreeding. If you see some black offspring, she is a hybrid $500

  40. Jill has blood type A, and Jack has blood type B. Assume both Jack and Jill are heterozygous. What are the possible genotypes for their offspring? $100

  41. IA i IB i 1 IAIB: 1 IBi: 1 IAi: 1 ii $100

  42. What chromosomal abnormality does this show? What is the sex of this person? $200

  43. Down’s Syndrome (trisomy 21)sex= female $200

  44. . Red-green color blindness (b) is a recessive sex-linked trait. A colorblind male marries a normal female. Their daughter is colorblind. What are the genotypes of both parents and the daughter? $300

  45. Genotypes of parents: XbY and XBXbGenotype of daughter: XbXb $300

  46. What are autosomes and sex chromosomes? What is coded for in each? $400

  47. Autosomes are chromosome number 1-22and they code for traits like hair color, eye color, ectSex chromosomes are the 23 pair that determine a person’s sex $400

  48. A woman with type B blood believes that a man with type AB blood is the father of her child. The child has type O blood. Can he be the father? Why or why not? $500

  49. He cannot be the father because type O genotype is ii IB IA IB i $500

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