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Discover the impact of Title I at Lake Orienta Elementary School and our commitment to high-quality education for all students. Learn about our initiatives, data insights, and ways you can support teaching and learning.
So what is Title I? Lake Orienta is a School-wide Title I School Title 1 of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (formerly known as ECIA, ESEA or Chapter 1) is the largest federally funded educational program. This program, authorized by Congress, provides supplemental funds to school districts to assist schools with the highest student concentrations of poverty to meet school educational goals.
Purpose of Title I, Part A To ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. Focus of Title I, Part A Title I, Part A focuses on promoting reform in high-poverty schools and ensuring student access to scientifically based instructional strategies and challenging academic content.
How can Title I funds be used at the school site?Title 1 funds must be used to promote:
What does good teaching and learning look like at Lake Orienta? High Order Thinking as a constant in every classroom. Math and Reading Specialists working with small groups on specific skills. Challenging, Hands-On daily lessons. Incorporating teamwork and partnerships in problem solving.
What does our data say about Lake Orienta? Lake Orienta is a 5-Star School and Golden School Lake Orienta Earned a “B” for 13-14 school year. As of today, we do not yet have scores from the spring administration of FSA. We will provide updated information as we receive it from the FL Department of Education.
What major initiatives are we implementing to improve teaching and learning at Lake Orienta? Implementation of the Marzano Instructional Model Kagan Strategies iReady software for differentiated instruction Before School Tutorial Program Family Involvement Initiatives Walk-to-Intervention Use of SRI, Progress Monitoring Assessments in Reading, Math, and Science, and common assessments used across the grade levels
How are we using our Title I funds to improve teaching and learning at Lake Orienta? Reading Coach, Math Coach, Intervention Specialists iReadyLab iPads Additional staff Mimios (Technology to make white boards interactive) Audio-enhancement Systems Parent Involvement Nights
How can you help us improve teaching and learning at Lake Orienta? Participate in the development of the Parental Involvement Plan and School-Parent Compact Attend family events Read at home every night for 20 minutes Talk with your teacher regularly Use the planner daily to improve communication with the schools Sign up for a library card and check out books to read at home with your child Ask your child essential questions daily about school (Tell me about something you read today? What new word can you teach me today?)
Who can you call when you have a question? Donna Weaver- Principal- 407-746-2600 Mary Walters-Clark- Asst. Principal- 407-746-2601 Stephanie Beasley- Title I Contact- 407 746-2651