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Join us on Thursday, August 28th at 6:30 pm for Lake Orienta Fourth Grade Curriculum Night. Learn about our school, curriculum, and expectations for student success. Explore our classroom discipline plan and support services. Discover our daily schedule and core subjects. Don't miss out on this informative event!
“Success for Every Student” Lake Orienta Fourth Grade Curriculum Night Thursday, August 28th at 6:30 pm
About Us: • Principal: Mrs. Donna Weaver • Assistant Principal: Mary Walters-Clark • Title I School: 65% (Percent of children from low income families.) Title I is a federally funded program available to school with a high percentage of students eligible for free and reduced lunch. These funds are above and beyond the district funds given to schools and are used to enhance student achievement. In Seminole County, Title I serves (14) public elementary schools. • School Demographics: 64% White, 27% Black, 7% Multiracial, and 2% Asian. • Enrollment: 780 Students School Grade: “B”
DressCode • STUDENTS MUST FOLLOW THE SCPS DRESS CODE GUIDELINES. • STUDENTS NEED GYM SHOES/SNEAKERS on PE Days • Students are encouraged to wear our school colors of red, white and blue
2014-2015 Classroom Discipline Plan for Lake Orienta Elementary Work Habits 1) Putting forth his/her best effort 2) Using materials appropriately 3) Managing time wisely Study Skills 4) Listening and following directions 5) Working in an organized manner 6) Working independently 7) Working with others cooperatively 8) Doing class work in the assigned time 9) Participating in class activities/discussions Citizenship 10) Respecting authority 11) Getting along with peers 12) Practicing physical self control 13) Practicing verbal self control 14) Respecting rights/opinions of others 15) Accepting responsibility for his/her own actions When walking in line, students are asked to remain: Safe, Silent and Straight.
Behavior Consequences for Grades 3 - 5
Communicating Behavior with Parents
Guidance Department Ms. Johansson and Mrs. Doig, Guidance 407-746-2607 kristina_vogt@scps.k12.fl.us Jennifer_doig@scps.k12.fl.us • Screening for IQ • Individual Support--Students come to guidance with personal problems and the guidance department provides short-term counseling. Students may also be referred to community resources. • Consult with Teachers, Parents or Outside Resources • Small Groups--Students meet with guidance in small groups for a variety of topics based on student need. • Classroom Guidance--Based on the needs of the students lessons are presented to entire classrooms focusing on strategies to help students succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. • Behavior Contracts--Work with classroom teachers in preparing behavior plans for students. • Parent Conferences and IEP Meetings
MTSS: Multi-Tiered System of Support Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is referenced in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act as well as in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) reauthorization of 2004. MTSS represents a systematic method for evaluating the needs of all students and for fostering positive student outcomes through carefully selected and implemented interventions.
MTSS: Multi-Tiered System of Support
Schedule of the Day 8:30 Arrival 8:30-8:40 Morning Announcement/Write Down Homework Assignments 8:40-10:40 Class with Homeroom Teacher (Block 1) 10:40-11:20 Specials (Wednesdays 10:10-10:40) 11:30-12:00 Reading and Math Intervention 12:00-1:00 Class with Afternoon Teacher (Block 2) 1:00-1:40 Lunch and Recess 1:45-2:45 Class continued with Afternoon Teacher 2:45-2:55 Pack up for Dismissal in Homeroom 3:00 Dismissal (Wednesdays 2:00)
Reading Reading instruction will focus on strategies using fiction and nonfiction test. Scott Foresman Reading Street is our curriculum. • Strategies include: • Monitor Comprehension • Activate and Connect • Ask Questions • Infer Meaning • Determine Importance • Summarize and Synthesize • Using iReady • Students will be encouraged to read • both in school and at home, and to record the books they have read through the use of a daily Reading Log as part of their homework. • *Students will also be encouraged to participate in the Accelerated Reading (AR) program.
Math • Go Math! Curriculum • -Each student will receive a consumable math textbook and homework workbook. • -The Math series and supplemental materials are designed to better prepare students for the F.S.A. This will be infused with Common Core and Florida Standards. • -There are many opportunities for intervention, re-teaching and enrichment practice. • -Includes in depth coverage of the critical areas, with practice for higher level thinking.
Science and Social Studies Florida History • Florida Studies Weekly Newspaper will be used to teach the topics related to Florida’s History and state systems. • Weekly quizzes and classwork will make up your child’s Social Studies grade. Science Science will be taught through hands on, inquiry based lessons. Students will use textbooks, interactive websites and virtual labs. The science curriculum is divided into four Bodies of Knowledge: • Nature of Science • Earth and Space • Physical Science • Life Science
F.S.A. – Florida Standards Assessment The new test replacing the FCAT is based on the new Florida Standards and is called the FSA – Florida Standards Assessment. The new portal can be found at: http://www.fsassessments.org/ This portal is your source for information about the Florida Standards Assessments. You may take a practice test at this location. Dates* April 22 – May 2, 2014 Writing, Reading, Math, and Science *dates are subject to change
Physical Education susan_adams@scps.k12.fl.us Phone: 407-746-2691 Physical EducationDress For Participation Coach Adamswould like all students to have a fun time in PE. Wear Tennis Shoes • closed toeflat soled shoes--NO heel • covered heel • properly fastened Wear Standardized Dress for PE WATER ONLY! Bring a plastic sealed bottle (no straws/cups) with your name on it. 10:40-11:20 3 times a week
Media Mrs. Beasley Media Specialist 407-746-4101 stephanie_beasley@scps.k12.fl.us • ”Read Every Day!” • Reading Initiative: Read, Read, Read! • Scholastic Book Fair Week, November 3 – 7, 2014 • Scholastic Book Fair Week, March 2 – 6, 2015 • Scholastic BOGO (Buy One, Get One) Book Fair, May 6 - 8, 2015 • Third Annual Reading Extravaganza May 7th
Afternoon Dismissal • Siblings and parents cannot go to the classrooms to pick up children. • Siblings can get together at the car ramp, walker/biker gate, or the cafeteria if they ride the bus. • Teachers will take students to the car ramp and the bus ramp for parent pick-up. • Make sure you have a Lake Orienta Car Tagif your child is going to be a car rider. • PLEASE remain in the car rider line and do not get out of your car to pick up your child—we will take your child to the car. • Car riders are not walkers and should not be picked up in the back of the school. • This school is a smoke free zone. Please refrain from smoking while on campus. • Any change in your child’s transportation MUST either be in writing to the teacher or phonedinto the main office 407-746-2650. • Please notify your child’s teacher when phone numbers or address changes occur.
Cafeteria COMPLIMENTARY BREAKFAST FOR ALL STUDENTS 8:05 - 8:30 AM Milk, juice, cereal, toast or choice of hot breakfast. 3 Lunch Choices: • HOT LUNCH • SALAD • BAG LUNCH Menu is available online.
PHOTOGRAPHY Changes to photography permission may now be done on Skyward.
Internet Exclusion Form ALL STUDENTS HAVE INTERNET/COMPUTER ACCESS UNLESS AN INTERNET EXCLUSION FORM IS ON FILE AT LAKE ORIENTA ELEMENTARY. THIS REQUEST MUST BE PUT IN WRITING AND SUBMITTED TO THE FRONT OFFICE EACH YEAR. STUDENTS USE THE INTERNET FOR MANY EDUCATIONAL REASONS: • EDUCATIONAL GAMES ONLINE • TEACHER-LED RESEARCH • VIRTUAL FIELD TRIPS Many of the educational programs offered are facilitated online and/or use the school network. If a child has an exclusion form on file, he/she will not be able to participate in these programs.
ParentalInvolvement • Parent Teacher Association—PTA functions as a means of communicating between home and school, organizes fundraisers and sponsors educational programs. • School Advisory Council—SAC represents our school community and assists in the preparation and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan. The School Advisory Council meets monthly. • “Family First Night” 11/19 and 1/28
DIVIDENDS • BECOME A DIVIDEND! • Dividends are volunteers who help teachers and students with particular educational skills, computers, reading and/or helping teachers with clerical duties, or sharing a special skill or hobby. • Chaperone a field trip for your child’s classroom—you must have a Dividends form completed two weeksprior to the field trip every year on-line at: http://www.scps.k12.fl.us/dividends/Home.aspx • Volunteer in your child’s classroom, the Media Center, art room, or ask teachers how you can help.
Planners • Planners are the main source of daily communication with your child’s teacher. • Please check and initial your child’s planner daily.
Field Trip • St. Augustine Field Trip – Feb. 20th, 2015 • There will opportunities to make three installments prior to the trip. • The first installment will be due on October 17th. • You can pay online and in full when you receive the permission slip. • Each class will take chaperones on the trip. Please apply as soon as possible to be an SCPS Dividend if you are interested. You must be an approved Dividend to attend. • The teachers will contact you about chaperoning.
Conferences: Conference Day – Friday, Oct. 10th Look for information in your child’s planner as we get closer to that date.
Lake Orienta P.T.A. First Family Night: *Sept. 18th General Membership Meeting and Mad Science Night *Food 5-5:45 ($1.50 hot dog, chips and a drink) *General Membership Meeting 5:45-6:00p.m. *Mad Science Night 6:00-7:30 p.m.