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ECON 337: Agricultural Marketing

Learn about the agricultural farm programs that provide income support to farmers, including direct payments, countercyclical payments, and the marketing loan program.

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ECON 337: Agricultural Marketing

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  1. ECON 337: Agricultural Marketing Chad Hart Assistant Professor chart@iastate.edu 515-294-9911

  2. Today’s Topic Farm Programs

  3. Direct Payments Payments that provide income support to farmers “Fixed” – do not change with agricultural conditions “Decoupled” – do not change with individual decisions

  4. Direct Payment Base Payments are based on historical acreage and yields Payment rate is set by law Producers know the exact amount they will receive each year

  5. Direct Payment Rates

  6. Direct Payment Example Direct Payment = 83.3% * Payment Acreage * Direct Payment Yield * Direct Payment Rate $27.08 = 83.3% * 116.1 bu/ac * $0.28/bu

  7. Price Countercyclical Payments Payments that provide income support to farmers “Price Countercyclical” – payment rate changes with season average commodity price

  8. Countercyclical Payment Base Payments are based on historical acreage and yields Payment rate changes with price Producers do not know the exact amount they will receive each year

  9. Target Prices

  10. Loan Rates

  11. Countercyclical Payment Rate Countercyclical Payment Rate = Max(0, Target Price – Direct Payment Rate – Max(National Loan Rate, National Season Average Price)) Target Price, Direct Payment Rate, and National Loan Rate are set by Congress

  12. Countercyclical Payment Rate Countercyclical Payment Rate = Max(0, Target Price – Direct Payment Rate – Max(National Loan Rate, National Season Average Price)) $0.29 = Max(0, $2.63 – $0.28 – Max($1.95, $2.06))

  13. Countercyclical Payment Example Countercyclical Payment = 83.3% * Payment Acreage * Countercyclical Payment Yield * Countercyclical Payment Rate $29.52 = 83.3% * 122.1 bu/ac * $0.29/bu

  14. Countercyclical Payments

  15. Marketing Loan Program Government program meant to provide cash flow support during the marketing year Loans are nonrecourse, this means that the crop can be used as payment for the loan Available for over 20 commodities

  16. Loan Rates

  17. Marketing Loans and LDPs The program sets rates at the county level by crop Eligible production may either be put under loan or have a loan deficiency payment (LDP) taken on it The amount of the loan or LDP depends on the quantity you wish to use in the program

  18. Marketing Loans and LDPs The program is based on the county in which you will store your crop, not the county in which you produce the crop There may be advantages to growing the crop in one county and storing in another

  19. Marketing Loans Loans are for 9 months, but can be redeemed at any time To pay back the loan, you may either forfeit the crop as payment or pay an amount set by the minimum of the posted county price (PCP) or the loan rate plus interest Possible to pay back the loan at less than face value

  20. Posted County Prices (PCP) Estimate of local market prices Usually based on 2 terminal markets, takes the higher price Terminal prices are adjusted for transportation costs and other factors

  21. PCP Calculation • Example: Story County, Iowa, Corn 11/10/05 PCP = $1.40

  22. Loan Deficiency Payments (LDP) Alternative to taking the loan Works like taking the loan and paying it back the same day Can not take the loan and LDP on the same quantity If the PCP is greater than the loan rate, then you can only take the loan

  23. LDP Calculation Example: Story County, Iowa, Corn 11/10/05

  24. Loan vs. LDP The loan is like a free put option at the loan rate The loan protects you against downside price movements, but costs you interest if prices exceed the loan rate The LDP exposes you to downside price movements, but there are no interest charges

  25. Loan vs. LDP

  26. Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) • ACRE is a revenue-based counter-cyclical payment program • Based on state and farm-level yields per planted acre and national prices • Producers choose between the current price-based counter-cyclical payment (CCP) program and ACRE • Program has state and farm trigger levels, both must be met before payments are made

  27. Farmer Choice • Starting in 2009, producers were given the option of choosing ACRE or not • Could choose to start ACRE in 2009, 2010, or beyond • Once you’re in ACRE, you stay in ACRE until the next farm bill • If you sign up for ACRE, you must do so for all eligible crops • Producers choosing ACRE agree to 20% decline in direct payments and 30% decline in loan rates

  28. ACRE Settings ACRE is based on planted acres Total acres eligible for ACRE payments limited to total number of base acres on the farm Farmers may choose which planted acres are enrolled in ACRE when total base area is exceeded

  29. ACRE Set-up for Iowa Corn in 2009 So the expected state yield would be 171 bushels per acre and the ACRE price guarantee would be $4.13 per bushel.

  30. ACRE Structure ACRE revenue guarantee = 90% * ACRE price guarantee * Expected state yield For Iowa corn in 2009, the ACRE revenue guarantee is 90% * $4.13/bu. * 171 bu./acre $635.61/acre

  31. Beyond 2009 The ACRE revenue guarantee is updated each year using the same rules 5 year Olympic average for yields 2 year average for prices But the ACRE revenue guarantee can not change by more than 10 percent (up or down) from year to year

  32. ACRE Guarantees

  33. ACRE Structure ACRE Farm revenue trigger = Expected farm yield * ACRE price guarantee + Producer-paid crop insurance premium Let’s assume farm yields equal to state yields and use the average producer-paid crop insurance premium for 2011 171 bu./acre * $5.69/bu. + $24.23/acre $997.22/acre

  34. ACRE Payment Triggers ACRE actual state/farm revenue = Max(Season-average price, ACRE Loan rate) * Actual state/farm yield per planted acre Given our example, ACRE payments are triggered when ACRE actual revenue is below $709.50/acre and ACRE actual farm revenue is below $997.22/acre

  35. ACRE Payments • Payment rate = Min(ACRE revenue guarantee – ACRE actual revenue, 25% * ACRE revenue guarantee) • ACRE payment adjustment: Payment multiplied by ratio of Expected farm yield to Expected state yield • Payments made on 83.3% of planted acres in 2009-11, 85% in 2012 (up to total base acres)

  36. ACRE Payment Timing Payments can begin as soon as practicable possible after the end of the marketing year So 2012 ACRE payments could start to be paid out in October 2013 There are no provisions for advance payments

  37. ACRE vs. CCP No CCP payments CCP pays If price = $6.00, yields below 118 bushels per acre will trigger a payment. If price = $4.00, yields below 177 bushels per acre will trigger a payment. No ACRE payments ACRE pays out

  38. An Example for 2012 To start, we need the expected state and farm yields and the ACRE price guarantee Expected state yield 171 bu/acre Expected farm yield 160 bu/acre 2007-11 Olympic average of yields per planted acre ACRE price guarantee $5.69/bu Average of 2010 and 2011 season-average prices ACRE Revenue Guarantee $709.50 ACRE Farm Revenue Guarantee $934.63 $5.69 * 160 bu/acre + $24.23/acre

  39. Example (continued) For 2012, we need the actual state yield, the actual farm yield , and the season-average price Actual state yield 140 bu/acre Actual farm yield 155 bu/acre Season-Average Price $5.00/bu ACRE Actual Revenue $700.00 $5.00/bu * 140 bu/acre ACRE Farm Actual Revenue $775.00 $5.00/bu * 155 bu/acre

  40. Example (continued) State Trigger ACRE Revenue Guarantee $709.50 ACRE Actual Revenue $700.00 So we’ve met the state trigger • Farm Trigger • ACRE Farm Revenue Guarantee $934.63 • ACRE Farm Actual Revenue $775.00 • So we’ve met the farm trigger

  41. Example (continued) ACRE Payment $7.40 Min(25%*$709.50, $709.50 – $700.00) * (160 bu/acre / 171 bu/acre) * 83.3%

  42. Farmer’s Choice In deciding about ACRE, farmers must weigh: The loss of 20% of their direct payments, a 30% drop in the marketing loan rate, and no access to CCP payments versus The potential for payments under ACRE

  43. Comparing Program Parameters For Iowa Corn Under the current CCP program CCP Yield Average = 122.1 bushels per acre CCP Effective Target Price = $2.35/bushel In our example, for ACRE ACRE Yield Guarantee = 171 bushels per acre ACRE Price Guarantee = $5.69/bushel 20% of average Iowa corn direct payment = $6.50 per acre

  44. Factors to Consider ACRE looks more attractive if: You think prices will fall in the future, but stay above the current loan rates Markets continue to show higher price volatilities Current programs look more attractive if: You think prices will rise in the future Potentially no ACRE payments combined with cut in direct payments

  45. Quick Comparison(Your results may vary) Source: William Edwards, ISU Extension Analysis for 2009

  46. Summary of Programs Direct payments – Crop-specific income support Counter-cyclical payments – Crop-specific price support Marketing loans – Crop-specific price support ACRE – Crop-specific revenue support SURE – Whole-farm revenue support

  47. 2012 Senate Proposal Just came out last week Eliminates direct payments, countercyclical payments, and the ACRE program Keeps marketing loan program Creates the Ag. Risk Coverage program

  48. ACR instead of ACRE Revenue-based support program Farmer chooses county or farm-based guarantee Choice determines the % of land covered by the program

  49. ARC Guarantees Based on 5-year Olympic averages of price and yield Price is national season-average price Yield is farm yield for farm-based coverage and county yield for county-based coverage Yield is per planted acre Guarantee = 89% * Ave. Price * Ave. Yield

  50. ARC Set-up for Corn in 2013 So the farm and county yields would be 164 bushels per acre and the ACR price would be $4.75 per bushel.

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