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Taking PDP Forward: building capacity to support change Norman Jackson. * Where have we come from? * What are we trying to change? * What do we need to do to change? * How can we facilitate change?. our vision
Taking PDP Forward:building capacity to support change Norman Jackson * Where have we come from? * What are we trying to change? * What do we need to do to change? * How can we facilitate change?
our vision ‘The ideas contained within this consultation offer one of the most exciting changes to students’ educational experience in many years. The opportunity for developing independent empowering learning in a supportive and serious manner will benefit individuals, the sector and society measurably.’ NPC response to consultation
the journey so far 1970’s 1980’s 1990 1997 2000 03 05 100 Implementation targets PF guidelines Progress File policy development % HEIs with policy fwk Dearing HEQC GSP Goodison Review NRA in schools 0 LTSN ILT Sub.Ben. FDTL 4/5 IMS project principles of RoA in Schools DfEE Innovations FDTL projects HEI-initiatives PDPHE Scotland HEI L&T strategies DfEE EHE Capability CRA
PDP project for higher education idea shaping ideas though discussion & consultation policy fwk exemplify and interpret policy working guidance change the practice of most academics and the experience of most students evaluate policy and practice Still to do
scale and complexity of change Personal Development Planning • motivate institutions • and people • change cultures • change the way people • think and behave • change systems • share practice • share resources • create new resources • evaluate what we’ve done Personal Records Transcript our goals enhance the capability of students improved information about learning and achievement
why do we change? self-motivation response to external pressure
FORCE the way we change? technical-rationalmanagerial world internalisation of change forces cultural world (subjects) psychological self- motivation CHANGE
please let me in! market ‘survival’ standards & accountability PDP more students professionalisation employability skills communications & IT learning through life local pressures doing more with less Barriers to change ‘primacy of subject,’ RAE, overwork, weariness, conflicting values and beliefs
the power of activity groups PDP FORCE external support ideas,information, examples,tools, facilitation cultural context HEIs LTSN CRA PDPScot other CHANGE module/programme team; curriculum review team, working group; team preparing for subject review or prof.body accreditation !
EMERGENT MODEL : CREATING THE CONDITIONS FOR PDP managerialworld (institution) 2. Conditions that are more or less favourable to development of policy in context of L&T strategy knowledge helps create conditions cultural world (departments) networks 1 Limited PDP at grass roots but many curriculum initiatives relevant to PDP coming soon
PROJECT-LED CHANGE MODEL FOR PDP managerial world (institutional) 3. Working group or policy committee formulates principles or framework 2. Senior management support steering gp Knowledge informs policy cultural world (departments) networks 1 PDP project within one or several departments 4 Policy created and implemented in departments customisation building on existing practice encouraged. External or internal funding
PDP INTEGRAL TO EDUCATIONAL APPROACH managerial world (institutional) 3. PDP policy formulated as part of major review of modular scheme, graduate characteristics or personal tutor system 2. Senior management support Knowledge informs policy cultural world (departments) 1 Existing PDP in departments 4 Implementation integral to curriculum delivery and/or student support. May be standard, customised or mixed. networks
What next? Your views on the sorts of things LTSN/ CRA/PDP Scotland and other groups might do to help you and your institution
Things we are already planning to do LTSN-CRA-PDPScot. UUK-SCoP-QAA * advocacy * network building * opportunities for learning * subject focus working through SCs * building a research agenda * supporting transfer through facilitation * supporting staff development
policy communities of practitioners managerial world PDP Scot NUS NPC cultural world CRA other HEIs SEDA HEDG ILT psychological world LTSN GC/SCs Ufi skills networks subject communities Prof. Bodies