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Comparative Analysis of RF Coupler Kick Factors for TESLA Structure

Explore the comparison of RF coupler kick factors for TESLA structure based on simulation results and methodologies from relevant papers and workshops, including calculations and tests for HOM couplers. Attend CAS2008 at Frascati, Italy, to delve deeper into this research.

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Comparative Analysis of RF Coupler Kick Factors for TESLA Structure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Friday meeting Nawin Juntong Halloween-2008

  2. ICHIRO RE-ENTRANT TESLA ECHO 2D and ABCI comparison ECHO 2D mesh= σz /5, ABCI mesh= σz /10, Values from papers for TESLA structure

  3. TTF-Style Coupler Non identical cells 9 cells run 4.5 cells run

  4. Upstream Downstream RF Coupler kick comparison 1 ILC Workshop, DESY, May 2007. 2 Wakefest07,RF coupler kick. 3 MOPP013, EPAC08. 4 MOPP042, EPAC08.

  5. kx is constant when vary the phase Φk

  6. HOM included simulation -Extract HOM geometry from Slava’s sat file in HFSS into new separated sat file for each part. -Import new sat files into MWS. -Tested simulation run with 20 lines/wavelength meshing in eigenmode solution. TDR (Z. Li @wakefest2007) NAWIN (MWS drawing by N. Juntong)

  7. NEXT • Obtain the rf-kick results from the simulation on fundamental mode and HOM couplers with MWS. • Attend CAS2008 at Frascati, Italy on 2-14 November 2008.

  8. BACK UP Slides

  9. PEC bc. PMC bc. How to calculate kick factor (Dr. G.Burt method) 1.Combine 2 SW fields to get TW fields 2.Integrate Lorentz force to get the change of momentum 3.Transverse kick factor is a ratio of the change of transverse momentum to the change of longitudinal momentum

  10. ˆ A is the fields from MWS How to calculate kick factor (B. Buckley and G.H. Hoffstaetter method) PRST-AB 10,111002(2007),Cornell-ERL-06-02 1.Combine 2 SW fields to get TW fields 2.Integrate Lorentz force to get the change of momentum 3.Transverse kick factor is a ratio of the change of transverse momentum to the change of longitudinal momentum

  11. TESLA-TTF beam pipe cavity TESLA 2001-33

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