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HIST2086 Bismarck: The Iron Chancellor

HIST2086 Bismarck: The Iron Chancellor. The German Empire: Structures and Challenges Lecture 14 2 November 2010. Birth. Founding of German Empire at Versailles , France ( 18 Jan 1871):

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HIST2086 Bismarck: The Iron Chancellor

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  1. HIST2086Bismarck: The Iron Chancellor The German Empire: Structures and Challenges Lecture 14 2 November 2010

  2. Birth Founding of German Empire at Versailles, France (18 Jan 1871): • Bismarck’s use of German patriotism to put strong pressure on 4 South German states (Bavaria, Baden, Württemberg, Hesse) to join ‘Reich’ • Final agreement on ‘Reich’ as federal state • King William I initially reluctant to become German Emperor (Kaiser) + preferred ‘Emperor of Germany’ = unacceptable for King of Bavaria

  3. Imperial Constitution (1) Fundamental purpose: • To ensure dominance of conservative Prussian monarchy over its own citizens • To ensure Prussian dominance over the other German States

  4. Imperial Constitution (2) Federal State (Bundesstaat): Powers + functions divided between: → Central or Federal government (Reichsleitung): few substantial internal rights → 25 Federal states(Bundesstaaten) governments: substantial internal rights retained

  5. Imperial Constitution (3) • German Kaiser = Prussian King: Head of imperial executive + civil service, commander-in-chief, power of declaring war + making peace, appointed/dismissed Federal Chancellor • Federal Council (Bundesrat): Representation of Empire’s Federal States (Bundesstaaten) • Parliament (Reichstag): Elected by universal manhood suffrage (democratic element) • Federal Chancellor (Bundeskanzler): Only Minister + representative of Kaiser in Bundesrat

  6. Imperial Constitution (4) Strong divergence between theory + practice: • Various disparate elements + conflicting authorities • Self-creation of Bismarck to keep control over different competing power groups • Huge problems of control for weak-unable chancellor + in times of crisis = Polycracy → Bureaucratic chaos

  7. Europe + Germany (1) • No European guarantee of German Empire’s existence + integrity + security →Reason: Its creation by wars against isolated enemies without international acceptance • No European certainty about future foreign policy of German Empire → Reason: Its creation based on destruction of German Confederation + on division of German nation

  8. Europe + Germany (2) Traditional European power structure totally changed →Reason: • Before 1871: Major factor of European stability = Divided + powerless centre of Europe • After 1871: Major factor of European concern + fear = United German power potential under Prussian leadership

  9. Europe + Germany (3) • Germany’s threat: population, economic + military potential • Germany’s strength: Stronger than any of other 4 big powers (F, R, A, GB) = Potential danger of German hegemony over Europe

  10. Comparison of 3 European economies in 1870

  11. Europe + Germany (4) But: • Germany’s weakness: Not strong enough against alliance of big powers → ‘half hegemony’ • Germany’s fear: Encirclement by alliance of big powers → ‘Sword of Damocles’ = Latent German tendency to expand, to enforce full hegemony, to defend herself by making war = Constant European feeling of threat + mistrust towards Germany

  12. Dominating factors of German Foreign Policy • Centre position of Germany → Cauchemar des coalitions (Nightmare of coalitions) • France’s permanent hostility + revenge feeling→ Nightmare of Alsace-Lorraine • Structural dependency on Austria + Russia→ Nightmare of involvement in national conflicts + external rivalries

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