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Right People, Right Skills DHS workforce design strategy

Right People, Right Skills DHS workforce design strategy. Jennifer Colbert Service & Workforce Planning. Human services workforce Key challenges. Factors impacting workforce supply Changing workforce demographics Changing working patterns & mobility Shrinking pool of workforce entrants

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Right People, Right Skills DHS workforce design strategy

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  1. Right People, Right SkillsDHS workforce design strategy Jennifer Colbert Service & Workforce Planning

  2. Human services workforceKey challenges • Factors impacting workforce supply • Changing workforce demographics • Changing working patterns & mobility • Shrinking pool of workforce entrants • Increasing specialisation & entrenched professional ‘silos’ lead to fragmentation of care • Factors influencing workforce demand • Increasing service demand • Changing technology and evolving models of care • Increasing client complexity

  3. Human services workforceEnablers for change • Getting national/state/local approaches & outcomes • Engaging with the VET, tertiary & post tertiary education sectors • Overcoming professional/industrial legacies • Adjusting workforce expectations • Acceptance of learning from overseas • Getting investment in workforce development • Willingness to embrace change

  4. National workforcestrategic framework • Established to guide national investment in health workforce • Allows better identification of workforce priorities that would benefit from national approaches • Provides capacity to promote collaboration between jurisdictions and reduce duplication • Work plan for 2004-05 includes: • Nationally consistent medical registration project • AMWAC Studies in surgical specialties • Alternative workforce planning approaches • Improving workforce data

  5. Developing a Victorian action plan • Key areas to be progressed include: • Increase workforce supply • Improve workforce distribution • Improve workforce data & analysis • Explore opportunities for role redesign • Combination of short, medium and long term strategies required

  6. Health workforce:Strategies & solutions Short term Medium term Long term Attract locally trained international students Improve Supplement existing overseas recruitment strategies workforce Expand strategies to encourage re - entry supply Increase funding for clinical placements E C R Fund growth in early graduate positions O F Improve K Establish alternative approaches to management & R workforce O allocation of early graduate & vocational training positions distribution W H Expand recruitment & retention strategies in priority services & occupations T L A E Fund projects to design & influence curriculum H Redesign Support skills mix projects the Expand training & utilisation of certificate trained staff workforce Fund local workforce innovation projects which pilot work roles &/or design

  7. Workforce StrategiesIntegration

  8. Role review & design:Principles • All role changes should improve the patient journey through the health care system • Ideally, follow on from service review • Allow professional staff to work at their training level – delegate technical and irrelevant work • Expand use of trained support staff • Maintain safety and quality

  9. Role review & design:Education & training • Improve liaison with higher education & VET sectors – tailor curricula to roles • Explore alternative education models – deliver skilled workers more efficiently • Encourage articulation between VET & higher ed – career paths and career flexibility

  10. Role review & design:Skills mix projects • Undertake statewide pilots to identify effective approaches and tools • Support local innovation, existing and proposed • Priorities for 2004-05: ·Extended roles for allied health assistants; ·Support roles in acute care; ·Support roles in rehabilitation; ·Extended roles in eye care (building on the VictorianOphthalmology Services Service Planning Framework; ·Support and professional roles in mental health; ·Extended allied health professional roles.

  11. Role review & design:Methodology

  12. Role review & design:Governance

  13. Role review & design:Going forward • More information please – forums, visits to services • Call for expression of interest from health services for redesign pilots • Communication, consultation & ongoing liaison with stakeholders • Formation of reference groups & teams • Development of redesign tools

  14. DHS workforce design strategy:Interested? Questions? Contact: Email jennifer.colbert@dhs.vic.gov.au Phone 03 9616 7872

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