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Effective Cash Flow Management for Schools: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn the essentials of planning, managing, and optimizing cash flow in educational settings. Explore strategies to balance expenses and income, handle payrolls, optimize purchases, manage funds, and prepare for contingencies.

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Effective Cash Flow Management for Schools: A Comprehensive Guide

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  1. Disbursements Planning and Managing

  2. Planning-Starter Concepts What is your beginning balance? What are the “Outflows” of cash on a monthly basis? What are the “Inflows” of cash on a monthly basis? How to mitigate any “Negative” cash flow by borrowing?

  3. Historical Payroll Project monthly payroll costs Account for any OPEB payouts (Golden handshakes) Leave of absences (surgery, maternity) Long-term substitutes Coaching and Extra Pay Stipends

  4. Services and Supplies Review the timing of payments either, monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually Account for any peaks in costs such as utilities or fuel costs Make any large purchases in months that have better cash position (just-in-time vs. bulk purchases)

  5. Contracts and Leases • Track expense trend lines then compare and adjust to cash availability • Contracts payments (copiers, pest control, professional services) • Leases or loan payments • Membership or subscriptions • Conferences or trainings • SELPA Transportation • Transfers are in August and February • August transfers have no admin fee • February transfers include a 2% admin fee

  6. Managing As cash gets depleted, priorities will need to be set in order to determine what gets paid first Maximizing the use of the billing cycle will become important Preparing a contingency plan for cash shortages Ensuring you do not have any negative monthly ending cash balances

  7. Other Funds Funds other than the General Fund can help or hurt cash flow • Review each one • Is the fund healthy or at risk of requiring a contribution from unrestricted funds (i.e. Cafeteria fund, Child Development, or Adult Education)? • Are there funds that you can borrow from (set-up “Due To” from fund 17, or 40)?

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