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MTN CLUB 100 ONLINE SURVEY RESULTS January 2012. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. Objective : to evaluate the feelings and attitudes of members towards the MTN Club 100. A structured questionnaire was compiled for approval by the Club management.
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY • Objective: to evaluate the feelings and attitudes of members towards the MTN Club 100. • A structured questionnaire was compiled for approval by the Club management. • It was mailed to 971 members from a mailing list supplied by the Club. • A total of 329 responses were received representing 34% of club members. • This is an extremely representative sample and is statistically more than adequate for results that represent the true opinion of the Club 100 members. • The Report: provide data for the following: • Total Sample • Gender, Age Group, Income Group, Education Level • Further demographics notes where applicable. ACTUAL SAMPLE DEMOGRAPHICS
MTN CLUB 100 AGE PROFILE • KEY OBSERVATIONS • 86% of those 50 years plus are men • Amongst the 7.3% that are up to 29 years old: • 0.3% are 12-15yrs • 1.2% are 16-18yrs and • 5.8% are 19-29 yrs 1
CLUB COMMUNICATION WITH MEMBERS KEY OBSERVATIONS • Overall 99.4% of members are happy with the Clubs communication with them. • Men are slightly more happy than females although both are exceptionally pleased. Question: “Are you happy with Club Communication / access to information? CLUB COMMUNICATION / ACCESS TO INFORMATION
PREFERRED METHOD OF COMMUNICATION KEY OBSERVATIONS • Respondents were probed on the various methods of communication they prefer. • Virtually all members are happy with e-mail notifications. • The second most popular choice was SMS amongst a third of respondents. • Twitter was mentioned by less than 10% of members. What methods do you prefer for such communication? METHODS OF COMMUNICATION PREFEERED BY MEMEBERS
PREFERRED SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM WITH CLUB KEY OBSERVATIONS • Facebook was the preferred platform overall by more than 44% of members. • This was particularly true of women with over 60% mentions for Facebook, compared to just 40% amongst men. • In contrast, Linkedin was slightly more popular amongst men (14.7%) than women (11.7%). • Twitter was mentioned by 16% of members. • Approximately 25% of members are yet to adopt social media preferrence. Which of the following Social Media platforms would you prefer for communication with the club? SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS PREFERRED BY MALE MTN CLUB MEMEBERS SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS PREFERRED BY FEMALE MTN CLUB 100 MEMBERS
RATING OF SERVICES PROVIDED BY CLUB ON ORGANISED RIDES KEY OBSERVATIONS • Female members rated the clubs performance higher on each service than the Male members • MARSHALLS were rated highest by both groups followed closely by SAFETY. [Over 90% of both groups rated these services as above average]. • START TIMES also faired well amongst both groups with 89% of Males & 82% of Females rating this service as Reasonable to Excellent. [Note: 8% of Females rated this as Not Really good] • Although largely positive, the ROUTES received the lowest scores with over 15% of members rating this from Average to below average. Respondents were given services provided by the club and asked to rate them out of a score of 5 (where 5 is excellent). RATING ON SERVICES PROVIDED BY CLUB ON ORGANISED RIDES [MALES] RATING ON SERVICES PROVIDED BY CLUB ON ORGANISED RIDES [FEMALES]
RATING OF CLUBS ADMINISTRATION ON SERVICES PROVIDED KEY OBSERVATIONS • Again, Females scored the club higher on all the services listed. • More than 80% of both groups rated “CLUB INFO” as excellent. • However whereas 82% of Females also scored “EVENT INFORMATION” as excellent, only 61% of males did the same. • Over 80% of members rated the HANDLING OF ENTRIES as Reasonable to Excellent. A much higher percentage of females (57%) rated this as excellent compared to just 41% of males. • Technical Information scored the lowest with 20% of members rating this as average or worse. Out of a score of 5 (where 5 is best) rate the clubs administration on the following services? RATING OF CLUBS ADMINISTRATION ON VARIOUS SERVICES MALES MEMBERS RATING OF CLUBS ADMINISTRATION ON LISTED SERVICES BY FEMALE MEMBERS
SUPPORT FROM CLUB AT EVENTS What support would you like from the club at events? KEY OBSERVATIONS • Approx 50% of males would like Mechanical, Nutritional support and a Place for family to wait at events. • Transport is less important at only 35% for men. • For members aged 30-39, Transport increases to 46% and Family support to 57%. • For females, Mechanical support is the most pressing (64%). It is equally important for younger members aged under 39 years (+60%). • Transport assistance for bike/ self is ranked second in importatnce for females. • Nutrition and a place for family supporters is less in demand. A place for family to wait was also ranked lower by those +50yrs. SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS FROM CLUB AT EVENTS – MALES [%] SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS FROM CLUB AT EVENTS – FEMALES [%]
AWARENESS FOR THE QHUBEKA INITIATIVE KEY OBSERVATIONS • There is very strong awareness for the Qhubeka initaitive • Men were slightly more aware (78%) than women (74%). • Interestingly, 85% of the older Club members (50+ years) were aware of this initiative compared to just 65% of the younger mebers ( those up to 29 years old). • The older the age group, the higher the awareness. Have you heard of the Qhubeka initiative? AWARENESS OF THE QHUBEKA INITIATIVE
PARTICIPATION IN ORGANISED CLUB RIDES How often do you part take in the organised club rides? OBSERVATIONS • Overall, 51% of members claim to take part in club rides often, 41% Sometimes and only 7% never. • The majority (53%) of male members OFTEN take part in organised club rides. • By comparison a significant but slightly fewer 47% of female riders take part OFTEN. • Overall 93% of Males & 92% of females actively take part in club rides at least sometines. • Roughly an eqaul number of Female members claim to participate in club rides often or sometimes • How many events do you do a year? • On average members take part in 7 events per year. • This is the roughly the same for males (7.2) and females (6.8) • Younger members (up to 29 years) average slightly higher at 8.5 events per year.
MOST PREFERRED START VENUE What is your most preferred start venue for Club Rides? KEY OBSERVATIONS • Broadacres is the preferred start venue for the majority of Saturday riders. • Amongst males Broadacres is slightly more popular (66%) than amongst females (56%). • Woodmead Mugg & Bean is the clear second choice amongst 37% of females and 33% males. • On Sundays, Paulhof Mugg & Bean is the preferred location to 91% of females & 85% of Males. PREFERRED START VENUE - SATURDAY (JOHANNESBURG) PREFERRED START VENUE - SUNDAY (JOHANNESBURG)
PARTICIPATION IN ORGANISED CLUB RIDES Do you stay for post ride breakfast or coffee? OBSERVATIONS • Overall, 42% of members claim to stay for post ride breakfast or coffee. • Adding those that “sometimes stay” , only 21% of Females and 22% of Male members say they do not stay for post ride breakfast or coffee. • By comparison a slightly higher number of Female members (48%) claim to regulalrly partake in post ride breakfast / coffee then their male counterparts (40%).
INTEREST IN PRIZE GIVING CEREMONIES OBSERVATIONS • Only 13% of Males & 10% of Females regulalrly stay for prize giving. • Approximately 30% of members leave as soon as they have finished their ride. • For the majority of members (58%) their decision to stay or leave varies from event to event. Do you stay after events for prize giving or leave as soon as you have finished your ride?
RANKING OF FAVOURITE MTN CLUB 100 EVENTS KEY OBSERVATIONS • The MTN Qhubeka Club 100 Breakfast Ride, the PE to Cape Town Tour and the Sun City Long Run where ranked the top three rides overall as well as by Male Members. • The Ladies / Beginners ride, while ranking 4th overall scored predicably much lower amongst men. • The Walkerville MTB Classic also scored well amongst Men • The Valverde Spring Cup was the least preferred of the list. Members were asked to Rank their favourite MTN Club 100 Events Average ranking shown where 1 = Top Rank & 5 = Last Rank RANKING OF SPECIAL EVENTS [MALES]
RANKING OF FAVOURITE MTN CLUB 100 EVENTS KEY OBSERVATIONS • The Ladies / Beginners ride, while ranking 4th overall was rated number 1 amongst women. • Two of the top three rated events overall – namely The Sun City Long Run & The MTN Qhubeka Club 100 breakfast ride also made the Ladies top three rides. • The Walkerville MTB Classic and the Valverde Spring Cup was the least preferred on their list. • All three races in the Cape / Garden route also scored well amongst females. Members were asked to Rank their favourite MTN Club 100 Events Average ranking shown where 1 = Top Rank & 5 = Last Rank RANKING OF SPECIAL EVENTS [FEMALES]
SUPPORT FOR A MEMBERS ONLY CLUB CHAMPS Would you partake in a club championship for Club 100 riders only event i.e. to crown a club champion? KEY OBSERVATIONS • Approximately 47% of MTN Club 100 members indicated that they would like to participate in a members only club Champs. • Men were slightly more positive (49%) than women (40%). PARTICIPATION IN A MEMBERS ONLY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP FOR MEMBERS ONLY
RANKING OF SPECIAL EVENTS ENJOYED MOST Members were asked to Rank the below list of special events. Average ranking shown where 1 = Top Rank & 5 = Last Rank KEY OBSERVATIONS • Respondents were asked to rank special events which the enjoyed most or where most likely to participate in. • The Vaal Dam ranked first amongst both males & females follwed closley behind by the Long Rides (i.e.; Sun City) and the Local Tour. • The weekend Tour was not as popular as the above , with the International Tour fairing relatively poorly by comparison. RANKING OF SPECIAL EVENTS
RANKING OF FAVOURITE GENERAL EVENTS IN CALENDAR KEY OBSERVATIONS • From the list of General Events, the 94.7 and the Argus where clear and away favourites amongst all members. • Isolating Males, the Cape Epic was rated 3rd overall (2.98) slightly higher than the Amashova (3.14). • Amongst females, the Provincial Champs was ranked a clear 3rd overall (2.33) followed by the Amashova (3.02). • The cape Epic was ranked much lower by females (3.82). • Both Males and females rated Zoo lake at the bottom of their list. Members were asked to Rank the below list of General Events. Average ranking shown where 1 = Top Rank & 5 = Last Rank RANKING OF FAVOURITE GENERAL EVENTS [%]
DISCIPLINES MEMBERS PARTICPATE IN Please tick what Primary & Secondary disciplines you do; KEY OBSERVATIONS • Respondents were probed on both their PRIMARY and SECONDARY disciplines that they participate in. • Results clearly show that Road is the primamry discipline of most members (84%). • It is however also clear that the majority of members (62%) also list MTB as a Secondary Discipline. • Additionally, MTB is the clear second choice in Primary Disciplines. • [Note: Totals may add up to more than 100% as some members will list more than 1 primary or secondary disciplines]. PRIMARY DISCIPLINES OF MEMBERS [Percent] SECONDARY DISCIPLINES OF MEMBERS [Percent]
LEVEL OF INTEREST – SERIOUS vs. SOCIAL KEY OBSERVATIONS • Overall 32% of members race in events seriously . • A greater percentage of men are serious than women. • Whereas 35% of men are serious, 77% of women race in events just for fun / socially. Do you race in events seriously or just for fun / socially? .
GROUP PREFERENCE (A-E) - ROAD KEY OBSERVATIONS • Overall for ROAD, the highest percentage of members (40%) prefer to ride in Group C. • Amongst males the preference for Group C increases to 45%, whereas amongst females, the greatest preference is for Group D (44%). • While 36% of Males prefer Group A or B, this number drops to 13% amongst females. What Group (i.e.; Group A-E) do you prefer to ride with? Road
GROUP PREFERENCE (A-E) - TRACK KEY OBSERVATIONS • Overall for TRACK, the majority of riders (57%) prefer to ride in Group E. • Amongst females the preference for Group E increases up to 74%. • The majority of males also fall with Group E. • Only 7% of females & 14% of males prefer to ride in Group A & B. What Group (i.e.; Group A-E) do you prefer to ride with? Track
GROUP PREFERENCE (A-E) - MTB KEY OBSERVATIONS • For MTB, the the preferences are more equally spread amongst the various groups, particularly amongst men. • While over 70% of females still fall within Groups D & E, there are still reasonable numbers in Group B & C. • Amongst males the preference for Group C is highest at 25%, with between 17-22% mentions for all other Groups. What Group (i.e.; Group A-E) do you prefer to ride with? MTB
PREFERRED SPEED FOR TRAINING RIDES Which of the following bands of speed do you prefer for your training rides? KEY OBSERVATIONS • The majority of men (64%) prefer to train from 28kph and above. • By comparison only 26% of females train at these speeds. • The most popular training sped band is 28-29kph for men and 26-27kph for women. • 42% of females prefer to train at 25kph and below.
RATING OF CLUB KIT BY MEMBERS KEY OBSERVATIONS • Females rated the club kit higher on all the values listed. • 60% of women were totally satisfied with the Range, Quality and Comfort (57%) – This is 10% higher on average then the men scored the same items. • Price and availability scored the lowest amongst men with only about a third of members totally satisfied. • Women again rated both these much higher with 49% totally satisfied with price and 55% with Availability. • Overall less than 20% of both Males & Females were not at least somewhat satisfied with on all of the elements. Out of a score of 5 (where 5 is best), rate your satisfaction with the club kit in terms of the following: RATING OF CLUB KIT BY MALES MEMBERS RATING OF CLUB KIT BY FEMALE MEMBERS
USE OF CLUB BRANDED KIT KEY OBSERVATIONS • Overall 62% of members always ride in club kit. • A greater percentage of women (71%) always use club kit, versus only 60% of men. Do you always ride in club branded kit?
SUPPORT FOR AN ONLINE SHOP ON THE CLUB’S WEBSITE KEY OBSERVATIONS • Overall 72% of members were positive on the idea of an Online shop on the clubs website. • A greater percentage of women (75%) said they would make use of the online shop compared to 70% of men. • 65% of members 50 years and older were also positive on the online shop. Although slightly lower this would have to be considered strong support for this age group category. Would you make use of an online shop on the Club's website?
PRODUCTS MEMBERS WANT AVAILABLE IN ONLINE SHOP KEY OBSERVATIONS • Amongst those who would use an online shop on the clubs website, the 1 product they would most like to see available is clothing. • Combined approx 50% mentioned clothing in some form or another. • Those who were more specific listed Club Kit / kit, shirts, bibs and shorts. • More than 6% of respondents also mentioned accessories / equipment and Nuitrition supplements / energy drinks. • Bikes were only mentioned by 2%. Which 1 product would you most like to see available on the online shop? 1 PRODUCT MEMBERS WOULD MOST LIKE TO SEE AVAILABLE ONLINE [Percent]
OTHER SPORTS MEMBERS PARTICPATE IN [MEN] KEY OBSERVATIONS • 40 percent of MTN Club 100 male members are also golfers. • Road Running and swimming also feature prominently amongst male cyclist…. As some cyclist may also particiapte in multi-sports events such as triathlon, etc. • Tennis is the only other sport code which received more than 10% mentions from male club members. What other Sports do you participate in? OTHER SPORTS MEMBERS PARTICIPATE IN – MEN
OTHER SPORTS MEMBERS PARTICPATE IN [WOMEN] KEY OBSERVATIONS • 58% percent of MTN Club 100 female members also participate in Road Running. • As with Men, swimming also features prominently amongst …. Again some cyclist may also particiapte in multi-sports events such as triathlon, etc. • Swimming is also a very popular sport amongst South African females. • Golf iis the only other code which received more than 10% mentions from female club members. • Tennis also received some reasonable support at 9%. What other Sports do you participate in? OTHER SPORTS MEMBERS PARTICIPATE IN – WOMEN
OTHER SPORTS MEMBERS FOLLOW AS SPECTATORS [MEN] KEY OBSERVATIONS • Other than cycling, Rugby is the most popular spectator sport amongst both male (81%) and female(57%) club members. • Cricket is a clear second amongst both genders as well. • For males, Golf also ranks very strong with interest by over 40% of members. • Golf is however far more popular amongst the 50+ year old members (42%) than the under 29 group (12%). • Soccer & Tennis also have reasonable support amongst male club members. • 0 What other Sports do you follow as a spectator? OTHER SPORTS MEMBERS ARE INTERESTED IN – MEN
OTHER SPORTS MEMBERS FOLLOW AS SPECTATORS [WOMEN] KEY OBSERVATIONS • Other than cycling, Rugby is the most popular spectator sport amongst both male (81%) and female(57%) club members. • Cricket is second amongst both genders as well. • For females, Tennis also ranks very strong with interest from 40% of female members. • Road Running & Soccer also have reasonable following of more than 20% of members.. • Golf and Swimming were also mentioned by approx 15% of females. What other Sports do you follow as a spectator? OTHER SPORTS MEMBERS ARE INTERESTED IN – WOMEN
CELL PHONE OWNERSHIP AND NETWORK PROVIDER CLAIMED SERVICE PROVIDER OF MEMBERS • Notes: • 100% of all members claimed to own a cell phone. • As illustrated, the numbers add up to more than 100% as some individuals may have contracts with more than one supplier. • Given the upper income groups of most MTN Club 100 members, the percentage of those who claimed to use MTN as their service provider is well above national averages.
PREFERRED BRAND – CELL PHONE MAKE Which of the following brands / products do you use /support? KEY OBSERVATIONS. • MTN Cycle Club 100 members are clearly prone to smart phones. • Blackberry is currently the clear first pick with almost 50% of both males & females. • Apple iPhone is a clear second choice with Nokia a distant third overall. • HTC and Samsung received some support albeit less than 5%.
PREFERRED BRAND – BANK Which of the following brands / products do you use /support? KEY OBSERVATIONS. • Whereas Standard Bank is the clear favourite amongst men (31% share), the Top 3 (FNB, Standard & ABSA) are fairly equally supported amongst women (23-26%) • Whereas FNB was 1st amongst women and 2nd among men, the opposite was true for Standard Bank. • Interestingly, Nedbank edged out ABSA for 3rd spot amongst males, but was only 5thbehind Investec with female members. • The other banks received less than 5% support. • ABSA- ranked only 3rd overall - would expect higher market share in the upper LSM Groups.
PREFERRED BRAND – MEDICAL AID KEY OBSERVATIONS. • For Medical Aid, there is Discovery Health and then then everybody else. • More than 55% members support Discovery, with no other brand receiving even 10%. • CAMAF did however receive more than 6% support from males and just under 3% from females. • Other brands that received up to 5% support include Profmed, Momentum and Bankmed. • Liberty received 2.5% support overall. Which of the following brands / products do you use /support?
PREFERRED BRAND – TYPE OF AUTOMOBILE KEY OBSERVATIONS. • Both Men (23%) & women (14%) rated BMW first overall. • VW (14%) tied first amongst women but was fifth with just 5% support from men • The opposite for Mercedes - a clear 2nd choice (17%) with men but only joint 5th with Honda at 8%support with women. • Toyota & Honda appeared joint third on both lists with 10-11% support. • Isolating those under 29yrs VW was first (17%) followed by Mercedes (13%). BMW only received 4% support from this age group. • BMW & Mercedes were clear favourites with the 50yrs + group. Which of the following brands / products do you use /support?
PREFERRED BRAND – SUPERMARKET KEY OBSERVATIONS. • Both Male & Female MTN Club 100 members are in agreement on their preferred list of supermarkets. • Woolworths is a clear first choice, with PNP a clear second. • Whole Spar is a distant third choice, it received double the support (15%) from men than from women (8%). • Both Woolworths and PNP received higher support from the female contingent. • Checkers received very little support from the members. Which of the following brands / products do you use /support?