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Student Feedback via Screen Capture Digital Video:

Student Feedback via Screen Capture Digital Video:. Presented by. Do you want be to in the top 3 of the NSS survey for your discipline for Satisfaction and Feedback?. These lecturers where in 2010, 2011, 2012, next year it could be you.

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Student Feedback via Screen Capture Digital Video:

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  1. Student Feedback via Screen Capture Digital Video: Presented by

  2. Do you want be to in the top 3 of the NSS survey for your discipline for Satisfaction and Feedback? These lecturers where in 2010, 2011, 2012, next year it could be you.

  3. This is an example of their student feedback.It is one of the techniques they used to support the learning of their students.

  4. Click here if video not playing

  5. What are your initial thoughts? Before we review how it was done.

  6. Outline of the process

  7. Outline of the process Submission 1 The student prepares their work in electronic form. 2 The student work is uploaded to the VLE 3. The student receives an electronic submission receipt.

  8. Outline of the process Marking 4. The lecturer opens the student work, initiates the capture software, and starts recording the marking session. 5. The lecturer can add…... - a voice over, move the mouse pointer, highlight text, show other movies and text files, images, type comments - Pause and re-start the recording 6. When the marking session is finished the lecturer stops the recording and uploads the personalised video to the VLE.

  9. Outline of the process Feedback 7. The student downloads the video from the Virtual Learning Environment and can view it on Windows Media Player. They watch it again and again and again.

  10. Other examples Diagrammatical – Analysis and Design model Programming Textual - Reflection Sheet

  11. Diagrammatical The marking here includes a discussion of the students model and implications of the choices made. Click here if video not playing

  12. Programming The student’s program is run and the results are discussed, then the program structure and code is explored. Click here if video not playing

  13. Textual The lecturer is reading and at the same time commenting on the students work, pointing out and highlighting sections. Click here if video not playing

  14. Student Feedback by Screen Capture has potential? Does it? Click here to move onto the demonstration and by pass the research material

  15. It is not the answer for everyone. The research to back up the concept

  16. Student feedback via screen capture digital video: stimulating student's modified action Higher Education;Nov2012, Vol. 64 Issue 5, p593 Link to ebsco

  17. Abstract A new technique of providing assessment feedback to students is demonstrated via a case study of overseas MBA and undergraduate Accounting and IT students. The feedback method uses inexpensive and widely available screen capture digital video technology; it gives the student an impression of being present during the marking process. In addition it enables the tutor to provide a richer range of feedback.   Feedback via screen capture digital video takes engagement of the two parties, tutor and student, to a higher level of effective communication and helps avoid “un dialogue de sourds” through its qualities of being rich, natural and personal.

  18. un dialogue de sourds Students complain of a lack of adequate feedback Tutors claim that students fail to heed the advice given. The French have an apt phrase: un dialogue de sourds: literally a conversation between deaf people, metaphorically people who cannot, or do not want to understand each other.

  19. The Method • The feedback method uses inexpensive and widely available screen capture digital video technologies. • The student gets the impression that the tutor is present even when the video feedback is played at distance. • It enables the lecturer to provide a richer range of feedback

  20. Outline Background Description of method Where it has been used so far User responses and evaluations What is required to use it?

  21. Examples Numerical - Spreadsheet Diagrammatical – Analysis and Design model Programming Textual - Reflection Sheet

  22. Applications to date • Where it has been used so far • 5 modules in IT department • Office Applications, Multimedia, Programming, Analysis Design Techniques, Database • over 800 student assessment • 1 module for Accountants • 2 modules on MBA (Project Management, Health Informatics) • Demonstrated in workshops to 30 lecturers at UWIC • Demonstrated to 1 franchise UWIC university • HEA summer seminar attended by over 120 delegates 2010.

  23. Method evaluation From the Undergraduate students From the MBA students From the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Lecturers

  24. Undergraduate Feedback

  25. Quantitative findings Table 1 Perception of Feedback Content The only significant split in the respondents was for Question 5. A higher proportion agreed that tutors provided enough feedback. Table 2 The Video/Podcast as a Medium Figures indicate that the medium was positively received.

  26. Quantitative findings Table 3 Feedback Medium Assessment Comparison Thought sample group is small to generalise, for Question 5 over 50% of those who received written feedback still wanted more, while those who received video feedback clearly did not.

  27. Qualitative findings The tapes of the two groups were analysed using a constant comparative method • Social Anxiety • Control • Personalisation

  28. MBA Feedback

  29. MBA Profile for pilot The same piece of work: a 500 word reflection sheet for a module on Project Management is e-assessed and also assessed manually. Students are then asked to comment on the two methods. Population: 119 students, most from India. Average age: 21

  30. MBA Student Feedback Initial results suggest that students enjoy this new form of feedback, and that this encourages the students to learn from the tutor assessment of answers, rather than concentrating only on obtaining marks. There are other advantages: several students mentioned that they felt the presence of the tutor more keenly even if they were interrogating the feedback at distance. (This can be particularly useful if the student happened to be absent or had returned for a time to their home country in the middle of studies).

  31. MBA Lecturer’s Feedback Students arriving in the UK to study at ‘M’ level in a second language (English) warm to this sort of assessment and assessment feedback. The podcast as a channel has the added advantage of the student being more attentive and engaged with the feedback. Before they would look quickly at the comments and pay a lot of attention to the mark. Now they listen and are talked through the comments and their own text in a fun way. It is no longer a chore or necessary evil to receive feedback and advice. One future research recommendation is to see if there is evidence of correlation between the new channel and student improvement over the semester i.e. is closer attention to the feedback helping the student to do better?

  32. Conclusions

  33. The Benefits Compared to traditional written annotations on their work:  Students may still require a complement of feedback.  The students indicated that they preferred feedback lodged on the VLE  Video feedback medium as a means of communication with the tutor was positively received.  The Lecture’s voice was more important than the images  The Lecturer’s workload is not increased, and may be reduced.  There are particular benefits for distant learning students  The feedback medium re-enforces learning in a classroom setting.

  34. The Issues The voice can give “unintended messages” It is difficult for the tutor discussing the work of student 100 and to be as enthusiastic as that for student 1. Tutor must be focused and uninterrupted If the student work is a Fail, the channel may not lend itself to bad news. Need to ensure continuity and fluidity in communication (may need advance preparation) Security? It can be on YouTube the next day!

  35. Technical Issues Marking sessions over 10 minutes could take time to upload to the VLE if you are marking from home. The type of video compression used for this does not handle a large variety of colours well and colours may be altered.

  36. Demonstration

  37. Demonstration work My name is Nigel Jones I am undertaking research into the experience of scuba divers in the cold waters of the United Kingdom. I am writing to you to ask you to promote a website to aid me in my research (http:\\www.coldwaterdiving.org\). You will see on the web site that most research about recreational diving has been undertaken in warm waters, and that diving regularly in the colder UK waters has been overlooked. I wish to address this oversight and gain an understanding of the cold water diving experience. My interest in the field extends from my own diving experience, I am no longer a regular diver, but achieved my BSAC instructor qualification in 1999 The first stage of the study requires the determination of any sensation seeking traits of divers compared to the general public. Divers visiting the site are asked to complete an international psychological test used to establish sensation seeking traits in many other sports and leisure activities. The 20 forced-choice items takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. The project has been reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UWIC and your confidentiality will be completely safeguarded during and after the course of the research.

  38. Playback work just recorded Demonstration Click here to move onto the questions and by pass the practical

  39. The Practical • Headsets • Safety - Volume Control Check before playback • The Screen Capture • Any Screen Capture Software

  40. Activity • Using C:\Test to save in • Follow the instructions on the Workshop pages in teacher.studentpages.org.uk • Please complete the Questionnaire on the web page as we value your feedback. • Any Questions

  41. The Team Panicos GeorghiadesSenior Lecturer in MultimediaDepartment: Information Systems and International StudiesRoom No: O2.55cTelephone No: +44(0)29 2041 6302Email Address: pgeorghiades@uwic.ac.uk Nigel JonesSenior Lecturer in Information Systems and Research Fellow of UWICDepartment: Information Systems and International StudiesRoom No: O2.55eTelephone No: +44(0)29 2041 6395Email Address: njones@uwic.ac.uk John GunsonSenior Lecturer in Information Systems/ Visiting Reader University of Geneva SES/HEC MBA Health Sector Management TutorDepartment: Business and ManagementRoom No: O1.41eTelephone No: +44(0)29 2041 6370Email Address:jgunson@uwic.ac.uk

  42. Thank you for watching and listening

  43. Ala-Mutka, K. (2005). A survey of automated assessment approaches for programming assignments. . Computer Science Education, 15(2), 83-102. Charmaz, K. (2006). A pratical guide through qualitative analysis. London: SAGE. Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). The SAGE handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Gipps, C. (2005). What is the role for ICT-based assessment in universities. . Studies in Higher Education, 30(2), 171-180. Lamaster, K., & Knop, N. (2004). Improving web based instruction: using action research to enhance distance learning instruction. Educational Action Research, 12(3), 387-412. Lin, S. S. J., Liu, E. Z. F., & Yuan, S. M. (2001). Web-based peer assessment: feedback for students with various thinking styles. . Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, , 17(4), 420-432. Matsumura, A., & Hann, G. (2004). Computer anxiety and students’ preferred feedback methods in EFL writing. . The Modern Language Journal, 88(3), 403-415.

  44. Microsoft (2010a). About the Windows Media Codecs. MSDN Library Retrieved 2/10/2010, 2010, from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg153556(v=VS.85).aspx#windows_media_video_9_screen <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg153556(v=VS.85).aspx> Microsoft (2010b). Using the Windows Media Video 9 Screen Codec. MSDN Library Retrieved 2.10.2010, 2010, from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff819485(VS.85).aspx Orrell, J. (2006). Feedback on learning achievement: rhetoric and reality. Teaching in Higher Education, 11(4), 441-456. Weaver, M. (2006). Do students value feedback? Student perceptions of tutors’ written responses Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 31(3), 379-395. URL to Microsoft Encoder (Expression Encoder 4) http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/forpros/encoder/default.mspx

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