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SPICES. Prepared : Karolina Chylaszek. SPICES. Food additives which contain taste and aroma substances. They enhance the taste of dishes and can have a good influence on the human body. In this group there are also herbal spices fresh, dried or frozen.
SPICES Prepared:Karolina Chylaszek
SPICES Food additives which contain taste and aroma substances. They enhance the taste of dishes and can have a good influence on the human body. In this group there are also herbal spices fresh, dried or frozen.
How a spice works: • 1.Irritates the sense of smell (aroma) • 2.Activates the sense of taste on your tongue (taste) • 3. Influences the sense of sight (appetizing image of dishes) • 4. Stimulates the digestive system.
Rules of using spices: A. Start with small quantities, the smallest number of spices for one dish is 3, the biggest 9. B. Very hot spices should be served in small containers, so that everybody could help himself. C. You can add spices to raw meat and fish before cooking. D. Fresh herbs and vegetables should be washed and dried, cut on glass or porcelain board. E. Very aromatic herbs are added at the beginning of cooking (thyme), digestive herbs(ground pepper, red peppers, nutmeg, cloves) should be added just before serving, like vinegar or mustard. F. Salt removes water from the cells, so it should not be added too quickly. G. Vegetables should be added to a souphalf an hour before the end of cooking time. Fresh spices are best added just before serving, dried herbs can be added at the beginning of cooking
Mixed spices: CURRY = pepper, cardamom, ginger, coriander, nutmeg, turmeric, cinnamon, chili, paprika,allspice and other. FIVE SPICES = anise, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, fenkul. GARAM MASALA = pepper and cloves. BAHARAT = nutmeg, pepper, coriander, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, paprika, chili peppers.
Seeds and fruit: Pepper Cumin Chili Anise Paprika Nutmeg Charlock Juniper allspice
Herbal pepper Use: A universal spice, used almost in any dish except sweet. Especially recommended for meat ( minced meat, roast meat), soups ( cabbage and bean), vegetables (salads), sauces and some vegetarian dishes. In meat dishes pepper should be added at the beginning, in other dishes during, or at the end of preparing them.
Use: Often used in Indian, Islamic and Latin-American quisine. The ground seeds spice up meat (roast pork, mutton, venison, geese), salads, soups, pates, are used for marinading sauerkraut, beetroots, cucumbers, mushrooms and herrings. Also used with making desserts; cakes, creams and ice cream. Is one of the most important ingredients of “curry”. Characteristics: Dried flower buds from an evergreen tree. The first crops are gathered after 20 years. Their shape resembles little nails. Characteristics: Dried flower buds from an evergreen tree. The first crops are gathered after 20 years. Their shape resembles little nails. Origins: China, Madagascar, Indonesia, Malesia, Grenada, Tanzania. Brought to Europe in the 20th century to Holland and France. Grown in the sea climate. Properties: They contain a lot of ethereal oils and tannins. Taste and aroma: Intense and sharp spicy smell, burning taste. Coriander
Application: Use for seasoning sweet and savory dishes. Cakes and cookies, especially with this gingerbread spice are gaining in clarity, its taste and aroma is mixed with vanilla, honey and caramel. Ideal for many types of meats, dairy products, steamed vegetables, mulled beer, wine or punch, stuffing the meat used in Italian cuisine and the Dutch. Characteristics and origin: of this spicy nutmeg seeds, the shape of the knob is slightly elongated. Knob to reach Europe with Crusaders. Properties: Used in the form of ground, the smell and taste are gaining in intensity, when the crush spices into small chips. Taste and aroma: Great, spicy, lightly pepper, very fragrant, the taste is bitter mace. Nutmeg
Application: Black and juncea to sauce, white to pickle and as a preservative besides that it is used to flavoring gherkins and many different vegetables in vingear, ensliage and meat. Ground charlock is add to fat meat, sausage, cooked fish, hot and cold sauce, casserole, braised vegetables, dishes from potatoes and beets, dishes from eggs and chees and chopped leaves to salad. Charatersitic: Found in several species: black, jucea and white. Is a annual plant, jucea form is easiest in cultivation. Charlock is a primary ingredient of mustard Origin: Regions of Mediterranean Sea an south - eastern Europe Characteristic ( Properties): Charlock seeds cotain significant quantity of fat: white-28% juncea-35% black-31% Teaste and aroma: Black has a spiciest taste CHARLOCK
Characteristics: Used as an aromatic spice in North Africa, in western China, India, Middle East, Mexico and Chile. It is often confused with caraway, but the resemblance is only visible in the name. The origin: probably dates from the eastern regions of the Mediterranean Properties: Includes properties to 4% essential oils and flavonoids. Fruits and herbs such as work anti-inflammatory, stimulates the heart and respiration stimulates the secretion of digestive juices. Taste and aroma: The bright taste and aroma of the seeds of the spices are mild, dark sharpen the taste of dishes. Application: Cumin added to the dishes of fried and boiled. Cumin
Charactersitic: Obtained from different kinds of pods of paprika, culitvated because of teaste it is used as spice. As mature has intense red color, there are many types of peppers. Origin: Peru Characteristic ( Properties): It has a very spicy taste wich is responsible kapsaicyna, it contains vitamin C. Teaste and aroma: Spicy Application: To dishes wiyh meat, fish and vegetables. Used as raw, dried, frozen, pickle and as ingredient of sauce, to dishes with onion, corn, bean and cauliflower - characteristic for Spanish and Mexican cuisine. Chili
Application: The use of pepper is the main spice in Hungarian cuisine, Mexican, Indian. It enriches the flavor of meat dishes, poultry and fish. Is also used in soups, vegetables, salads and cheeses. It is commonly used ingredient in many spice mixtures. Used in powdered form. Characteristics and origin is a spice obtained from dried and ground paprika fruit, plants grown in tropical regions of Central and South America and southern Europe. Properties is a popular food dye, aromatic, well-stained sauces (eg mayonnaise and sour cream) and choice of eggs, rice and poultry. Included in the paprika gives the burning taste of capsaicin and facilitates digestion. The taste and aroma is fragrant smell, and taste - depending on the species - a sharp and burning, or sweet. Sweet peppers
Description: Pimento or allspice it is fruit of medical bark, which comes from Jamaica a kind of tropical plant. This plant brought by Columb to Europe. It is forever green tree, which grows to 9 m height Berries are picked up when are ripe but still green, because later they lose their aroma. Application It is used as a substitute of black pepper. As a strong seasoning it must be use in moderately amount. It is suitable meat dish. It is added to some pastes, liqueur. Several whole or grinned granules add to sauces or other dishes makes that it comes delicious. It can be use for vegetables dishes also spinach, fried fish, salads, soups, jellies and pickled cucumber. It is also used to marinade and pudding. Additionally it is used to the dessert preserves. It is fine additive to plum pudding, baking, sausages in the form of powder. Pimento
Description: Yellow and green raw pepper-tree fruit, get dark in the process of drying, their skins rumple. Mellow fruit are red. After removing the outer skin we get white pepper. From the fruit of black pepper we get the spice black pepper. Origin: Comes from India, in ancient times brought to Near East and then to Greece and Rome. Today is grown in tropical areas. Properties: Most kinds contain a lot of ethereal oils and piperin alkaloid, which give it characteristic, burning taste. Flavour and aroma: Black pepper - strong, spicy and burning White pepper - milder Use: Universal spice, can be added to nearly all kinds of roast meat, poultry, fish, marinades, soups and gravies. A pinch of this spice enlivens the flavour of greasy broths and makes them more easily digestible. Many salads get their full flavour thanks to it. Black pepper
Caraway Also known as Meridian Fennel, or Persian Cumin, is a biennial plant in the family Apiaceae, native to western Asia, Europe and NorthernAfrica. The plant is similar in appearance to a carrot plant, with finely divided, feathery leaves with thread-like divisions, growing on 20-30cm stems. The main flower stem is 40-60cm tall, with small white or pink flowers in umbels. Caraway fruits (erroneously called seeds) are crescent-shaped achenes, around 2mm long, with five pale ridges. The plant prefers warm, sunny locations and well-drained soil. The roots may be cooked as a root vegetable like parsnips or carrots. Caraway is also used in liquors, casseroles, curry and other foods. It is more commonly found in European cuisine. For example, it is commonly added to sauerkraut.
Juice fromlemon Lemon: small, green tree from China. At present cultivate, in numerous variety in many countries, mediterien and California. It owns prickly shoots, leaves about 20 cm length, which include white flower and fruits about length ok. 10 Cm, they consist sour folding, juicy pulp. Acid juice is used for seasoning salad and other dishes.
Delicacies Characteristic A mixture of dried and candiedfruitsareusedwhole, flakedorbrokenintolargechunks. For groceriesinclude: almonds, walnuts, raisins, prunes, apricots, dates, figs, orangepeel and lemon. Properties Goodnutritionalvalue, tasty Taste and aroma Sweet Application In confectionery, thenecessaryallowance for certaintypes of cakes: keks, mazurkas, and gingerbreadicecream and a decoration of many kinds of cakes and pastries.
Raisins Characteristic Theyareripegrapes, usuallydriedinthesunin a specialdrying. Knownvarieties of grapesare: California, theSultan and the royal. Origin Turkey, USA, Greece Properties Contain much sugar / fructose / sugar to dissolveitcan be brieflyimmersedinwater, Taste and aroma Very sweet Application Theycan be eatenraworusedinbakingsuch as cakes / cheesecakes, and used as an ingredient inbatters, salads, sweet,
Dried plums Characteristic For driedfruitshould be ripe, withslightlywrinkled skin, goodquality, thebestareHungarian - intheshape of an elongated, fruits, and a bluevioletcolor. A valuablecomponent of our diet, thenutritionpyramidstands out amongthemthe products that we shouldeatdaily. Origin Foundin a tombinEgypt Any architect, to Europe hit some of thetwentiethcentury, aregrowninorchardsinRome, Poland / variety: Hungarian, stanley, renklody, opal. Properties Contain much carbohydrate / sucrose and glucose /, B vitamins, vitamin PP, and theyarerichinfiber, whichhelpsburnfat, Taste and aroma Sweet and tasty Application Theycan be usedincakes, roastmeats, salads, yogurt and drawfromthem, compotes, liqueurs.
Nuts Characteristic Nutsaredryfruits. Thefollowingtypes of nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, coconut, pistachio, Indian and Brazilian. Theyaretasty, healthy and nutritious. Theyare a constant part of the standard and traditionalfoodin many countries. Walnuts - theseedsarecoveredwith a hardwoodyshell, surrounded by a greenhusk. Shell bursts and releasesthe nut, itiscomposed of twohalvescoveredwithbitterepidermis. Origin Balkans, southeastern Europe, Asia, commonlycultivatedin Poland Properties Theyprovide a goodsource of protein, vitamins E and B, and fat, but theyareveryhealthy, theyhavepositiveimpact on our skin and our health. Taste and aroma Sweet Application appetizers, maindishessuch as spinach rissotto, desserts / icecreamcaramel nut / addition to salads, salads and cakes, pastriesaredecorated /
Almonds Characteristic fruit of thealmondtreeseeds, fruitconsists of inedibleinsidethepericarp, whichis a pit containing a seedcalledalmond.Itissurrounded by a thin, brown skin. Youcandeleteitafterburnedwith hot water. Origin Central Asia, Mongolia, China, Europe hit by merchantstravelingtheSilk Road, and thencame to America, wheretoday 75% of worldproductiontakes place Properties Containabout 50% fat and 20% protein and minerals Taste and aroma Sweet orbittertastesimilar to vanilla, whitechocolate, Application In kitchentheycan be usedwith sweet meal. Pastries, creams, desserts, icecream, marzipan, a decorative element, a component of thericedishes, poultry, fish, salads, as a topping - minced,
Flowers and flower parts Cloves Capers Saffron Marigold
CLOVES Use: In sweet and spicy dishes, enhances the taste of fruit soups, compotes and salads. Added to heated wine, liqueurs. Also in meat, fish dishes and fruit marinades. Ingredient of Indian “curry” or Chinese “five spices”
Charactersitic: In the past leaves were used as vegetable. It was appreciated already in the antiquity - it's powdered leaves were used to falsification valuable saffron. Flowers of merigold contain stable yellow dye. Origin: Probably comes from Mediterranean Sea area or Iran, where it is found today in it's natural habitat. Characteristic ( Properties): It has effec of antiseptic and makes wounds heal faster. Teaste and aroma: Flowers of merigold tightens teaste of food. Application: To color the food (eg.rice) on yellow, we can throw to it fresh leaves during cooking or throw dried powdered leaves. Marigold
Roots and root parts Turmeric Ginger Horseradish
Taste and aroma Spicy-sweet, a little beat lemon smell and spicy, burning taste.Implementation It is added to dishes from seafood, it improve taste of bland dishes and fat meats for example duck and pork. Minced is added to sweet dishes for example biscuits, cakes, fruit salad, backed apples and goulash, wine, beer and liqueur, dishes from the easterly cuisines. Characteristic and origin: A plant from ginger’s family, tuberous rhizome comes from China and islands of Pacific Ocean, there are 85 types of them. Dry and minced- popular in Poland tastes different than fresh and it can’t be used interchangeably. Raw ginger should be always cut and the best way is cut the skin by knife only form part which will be used.It shouldn’t be combined with herbs in any dish because it disagrees with his aroma. It’s great composition with spicy spices: allspice, bay lea, cloves, nutmeg and pepper. Properties: It includes mix of resign and essential oil; it is used dry and minced. Ginger
Turmeric Is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. Turmeric grows wild in the forests of Southeast Asia. It has become the key ingredient for many Indian, Persian, Thai and Malay dishes, not only in curry, but also in masak lemak, rendang and many more. In Indonesia , the turmeric leaves are used for Minangese or Padangese curry base of Sumatra such as rending, sate padang and many other varieties. Although most usage of turmeric is in the from of root powder, in some regions (especially in Maharashtra), leaves of turmeric are used to wrap and cook food. This usually takes place in areas where turmeric is grown locally, since the leaves used are freshly picked. This imparts a distinct flavor. In non-South Asian recipes, turmeric is sometimes used as an agent to impart a rich, custard-like yellow color. It is used in canned beverages and baked products, dairy products, ice cream, yogurt, yellow cakes, orange juice, biscuits, popcorn color, sweets, cake innings, cereals, sauces, gelatins, etc. is a significant ingredient in most commercial curry powders. Turmeric is mostly used in savory dishes, as well as some sweet dishes such as the cake Sfouf. Although usually used in its dried, powdered form, turmeric is also used fresh, much like ginger. It has numerous uses in Far Eastern recipes, such as fresh turmeric pickle which contains large chunks of soft tumeric.
Kora Cinnamon
CINNAMON The Cinnamon it is the bark of cinnamon. Forever green tree of cinnamon achieves 10 meters height. It grows on dry- tropical forest area. It has got big elongated leaves which are vein. The young leaves are glittering and red. Flowers and little fruit are inconspicuous. All parts of plant give out characteristic scent of cinnamon. In order to achieve the bark of cinnamon you have to cut the twigs of the cane length, next the bark is pulled off then dried bark gets on the international trade Specificity The most important component of cinnamon is volatile oil, resin, mucus, starch. Application Cinnamon has nice sweet-spicy smell and savor. It is suitable in kitchen for sweet dishes superbly as well as piquant. It applies for lamb, for dishes with rice, stewed fruit especially from pears, for desserts, honey cake apple-pies, pastes with nuts, in fat buds fried tea, punch wines. This seasoning is popular and in gastronomy generally taken advantage. The cinnamon cane is used in stewed fruit, fruit juice wines it is also used in Chinese and Indian cuisine.
Bulbs Garlic Onion
Origin He comes from Asia, where was spread to Europe as and north Africa, with time encountered other continents. Characteristics It is a vegetable, a spice and a medicinal plant known usually only under the generic name, as the garlic. The garlic is being ranked both to vegetables, as well as spices. Properties Used in the form of fresh clove, of powder, marinade of vinegar or oil. The taste and the aroma Penetrating, sharply-spice Application However it is applied in the kitchen mainly as the spice for salads, soup, sauces, fish and vegetables. Garlic added to cooked and fried dishes however it is losing the unpleasant smell and then the peculiar taste is concentrating the dish. Garlic
Application: For eating raw, as a condiment for salads and dressings, ingredient extracts, meat dishes, fish, vegetarian, półmięsnych unwrought or zrumienionym, essential side dish, a raw material for freezing, canning, pickles. Characteristics of plant species belonging to the family czosnkowatych .. Botanical name of this plant is garlic, onions, in use, however, is primarily the name of an onion. Onion consists of: head, tooth, leaves, shells, heel, and the root. Dining onions are fleshy leaf sheath (white, purple, yellow) forming the bottom of the onion plant. The leaves also grow onions - green, round and inflatable. They are rarely eaten. Origin of Central Asia Properties of its high nutritional value and dietary onion owes substances such as volatile oils, pectin, vitamin E, B1, B2, B6, C, sulfin acetate (responsible for watery eyes while chopping onions) and flavonoids. Taste and flavor: As a spice spicy or mildly hot flavor. Onion
Herbs and leaves Basil Savory Thyme Sage Melisa Parsley Chives Mint Oregano Rosemary Fennel Lovage Marjoram
SAVORY Characteristics: Savory it is species of the one-year-old plant about 25cm height. Flowers are Lilac, pink or white. Origin: Savory was know and cultivated in ancient Rome. Nowadays it is know in Europe, Asia, America, Northern and Southern Africa. Properties: This plant contains essential oils, which improves digestion. Savory shouldn’t be cook for a long time because is getting bitter. It’s better to cut the leaves into stripes instead to chop them. Taste and aroma: Lightly pepper. Application: Savory is an excellent seasoning for dishes with legume (plant) and addition to bean soup. Suitable for some flavor salads, dishes with mushrooms, fish, rabbit, meat, cheese, potatoes, pickles. It is used to pickle - sweet sour used during pickle or preservation of cucumbers or peas.
Description: 30-60 cm high, with light-green, shiny 5 cm leaves. There are various kinds of basil - e.g. cinnamon, lemon, dark opal, Thai purple. Used as a spice, for making liquer and as decoration. The leaves can be frozen ( you have to smear them with some oil first ), put in oil with some salt or just in salt. Origins: South Asia, Middle East, South America. Properties: Contains ethereal oils, tannins and vitamins. The aroma comes out in the process of heating, dried basil is less spicy. Flavour and aroma: Pepper-sweet, hot, nice and spicy smell. Use: For tomato, beans salads, herb and tomato sauces, crab salads, fish, meat and poultry dishes. Also goes well with garlic. Good for soups, eggs, omelettes, cottage cheese, pork chops, herb butter. Italian pesto is the best known dish with basil as the basis. Used to aromatize vinegar and oil. Basil
Description: A thick bush, up to 30 cm high. Origins: From Mediterranean countries. The Greeks made cooling drinks out of thyme. Thyme honey was well known and highly prized by gourmands. The Benedictines started to grow it in Europe. Now is grown in many European and American countries as a plant for curing, decorating and a spice. Properties: In France thyme wine was regarded as a wonderful cure for head, lungs, liver, stomach, digestive system, kidney and spleen conditions. Flavour and aroma: Strong aromatic smell and slightly bitter taste, hot. Use: In the kitchen, used both fresh and dried herb. Typical for French cuisine. Thyme is added to meat broths, gravies, thick soups ( pea or bean soup), roast duck, venison, rabbit, veal, beef, fish, potato dishes, goat and sheep cheeese, herbal vinegar Thyme
Characteristics: It is a kind of green bush, about 2m high. Leaves rolled on edge, dark- green on top, Flowers blue or pink. Origin: It occurs in southern Europe. Crop plant, currently the largest producers are :France, Spain, Italy, Greece and Mexico Properties: Rosemary is an important component of the spice mixtures. Rosemary is cooked together with food. I is also very good composition with savory and marjoram. This aromatic herb is use in small amounts. Taste and aroma: It has got strong spicy and bitter taste. Application: Spice plant, use for meats, sausages and sauces. Flowers are added to salads. The stem can be use as a skewer for kebabs - Gives them a unique aroma and taste. In addition, it is use for meat dishes with lamb Italian dishes, poultry, fish, dishes with vegetables and potatoes and sauces. Rosemary
TARRAGON Is a perennial herb in the family Asteraceae related to wormwood. Corresponding to its species name, a common term for the plant is “dragon herb”. It is native to a wide area of the Northern Hemisphere from easternmost Europe across central and eastern Asia to India, western North America, and south to northern Mexico. The North American populations may, however, be naturalized from early human introduction. Tarragon grows to 120-150cm tall, with slender branched stems. The leaves are lanceolate, 2-8cm long and 2-10mm broad, glossy green, with an entire margin. The flowers are produced in small capitulate 2-4mm diameter, each capitulum containing up to 40 yellow or greenish-yellow florets. Tarragon is one of the four fines herbes of French cooking, and particularly suitable for chicken, lasagna, fish and egg dishes. Tarragon is one of the main components of Bearnaise sauce. Fresh, lightly bruised sprigs of tarragon may be steeped in vinegar to impart their flavor. Tarragon is used to flavor a popular carbonated soft drink in the countries of Armenia, Georgia and, by extension, Russia and Ukraine. The drink-named Tarhun, which is the Armenian, Persian and Russian word for tarragon is made out of sugary tarragon concentrate and colored bright green. Cis-Pellitorin, an isobutylamide eliciting a pungent taste, has been isolated from Tarragon plant. In Slovenia, tarragon is used as a spice for sweet pastru called potica.
DILL A plant of the parsley family. It grows to 40-60cm with slender stems and alternate, finely divided, softly delicate leaves 10-20cm long. The ultimate leaf divisions are 1-2mm broad, slightly broader than the similar leaves of fennel, which are threadlike, less than 1mm broad, but harder in texture. The flowers are white to yellow, in small umbels 2-9cm diameter. The seeds are 4-5mm long and 1mm thick, and straight to slightly curved with a longitudinally ridged surface. Dill has aromatic seeds and leaves, both of which are used for flavoring food. Dill is native to Eurasia, having small yellow flowers clustered in umbels. Dill includes vitamins like: C, A and B and also PP. Fresh and dried dill leaves (sometimes called “dill weed” to distinguish it from dill seed) are used as herbs, mainly in the Baltic and central Asia especially for flavoring pickles.
Characteristics and origin: of the mixture of herbs from Provence, a region located on the south of France. The mixture is used for cooking, and it consists of the following herbs: rosemary, basil, thyme, sage, peppermint, summer savory, and marjoram origan. Properties are also used in the salt-free diet. Contain large quantities of active substances: volatile oils, tannins and bitter. Taste and flavor compounds stimulate the sense of smell and taste, stimulates appetite and facilitates digestion Application of Herbs de Provence are used for soups, sauces herbs, salads, white cheese, eggs, and in preparing roasts, ground meat, grilled dishes, stuffings, and fish dishes and poultry Herbs prowanalskie
Is a species of Origanum of the mint family that is native to Europe, the Mediterranean region and southern and central Asia. It is a perennial herb, growing from 20-80cm tall, with opposite leaves 1-4cm long. The flowers are purple, 3-4mm long, produced in erect spikes. Oregano largely varies in intensity: Good quality is so strong that it almost numbs the tongue, but the cultivars adapted to colder climate have often unsatisfactory flavour. Is used for tomato sauces, fried vegetables and grilled meat. Together with basil, it makes up for the character on Italian dishes Oregano can effectively combined with basil, it makes up for the character of Italian dishes. Oregano can effectively combined with pickled olives and capers or lovage leaves; other than most Italian herbs,, oregano harmonizes even with hot and spicy food, as is popular in Southern Italy. The cuisines of other Mediterranean countries make less use of it, but it is of some importance for Spanish and French cooking. Oregano
LOVAGE Is a plant, the leaves and seeds or fruit of which are used to flavor ford, especially In South European cuisine. The fruit of the lovage plant can be used as a spice. Lovage tea can be applied to wounds as an antiseptic, or drunk to stimulate digestion. The root of lovage, which contains a heavy, volatile oil, is used as a mild aquaretic. Lovage root contains furanocoumarins which can lead to photosensitivity. Lovage is considered a “magic bullet” companion plant; much as borage helps protect almost all plants from pests, so lovage is thought to improve the health of all plants. Lovage is usually added to soups, meat, sauces.
PARSLEY Its two years old plant which grows to 80 cm the seasoning includes dried leaves of parsley, which grows, on the area of Mediterranean. It is dating on third century B.C. by Roman who used it as a decoration and aroma. Nowadays it is used not only in Europe but also in America and Australia. The most important components are vitamin A beta-karoten and C, folacyna, mineral components iron, iodine, copper. Parsley is used to soup, sauces, fishes, salads, and salads, potatoes, with vegetables dishes, meat dishes, cheeses, and eggs.
Description: One- or two-year plant. Collected before blooming in July and August. Origins: Comes from the south-east Mediterranean, south Asia and north Africa. Is grown in all countries with warm and temperate climate. Properties: Contains 2% of ethereal oil, changing slightly in the environment. Flavour and aroma: Has nice, spicy smell and taste, strong, hot flavour when dried. Use: Popular kitchen spice, also used with ham. Improves the taste of fried and roast meat, patés, soups, fish, poultry, potatoes , one-pot dishes, gravies, boiled vegetables and salads. Majoran
Description: It’s cultivated in Mediterranean and Black Sea area. For cooking purposes dried bay leaves are mainly used and they can be whole, crushed or ground before cooking. It contains essential oils and it’s flavour is very spicy. Use: Enhances the taste of various soups, meat dishes (especially game and beef). It improves the taste of sauce, goulash, cooked fish and seafood meals like crabs. Bay leaves are crucial in vegetable (cucumbers, beetroot, cabbage), meat, fish and mushroom marinades. The spice is also used in broths, braises and roast meat. Bay leaf
Other spices Salt Mustard
Use: Is used as a preservative and spice. Description: Mineral - consists of sodium and chlorine. Comes from natural sources. Very important element of food. Origin: Is found as rock and manufactured. Properties: Gives taste to dishes, is white and odourless. Flavour and aroma: Salty. Salt
Taste and aroma: acute, mild The use of mustard: is used to enhance the flavor of food, mainly meats. Mustard is an important component of mustard sauces Characteristics: of spice, whose main component is a grain of mustard seed - white, black or Indian mustard, and water, vinegar, salt, sugar, ginger, pepper, tarragon, cloves, nutmeg. In many languages as mustard function word mustard. Origin: was founded in ancient Rome at the beginning of our era. Properties: from the beginning considered it as a condiment with therapeutic values(rheumatic pains, stimulates the digestion of fats, antibacterial, and lowers blood pressure). Mustard
Concentrates spices Vanilla sugar Gingerbread Bpice powder Baking food acids such as citric acid Vinegar