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Cellular Respiration Power point Power point to accompany Carbon Teaching Experiment Written by: Jonathon Schramm A , Eric Keeling B , Dijanna Figueroa C , Lindsay Mohan A , Michele Johnson C , and Charles W. Anderson A
Cellular Respiration Power point Power point to accompany Carbon Teaching Experiment Written by: Jonathon SchrammA, Eric KeelingB, DijannaFigueroaC, Lindsay MohanA, Michele JohnsonC, and Charles W. AndersonA Culturally relevant ecology, learning progressions and environmental literacy Long Term Ecological Research Math Science Partnership 2012 Disclaimer: This research is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation: Targeted Partnership: Culturally relevant ecology, learning progressions and environmental literacy (NSF-0832173). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Mitochondrion Scale: 10-6 meters = 1 µm = 1 micrometer MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Matter & Energy Process Tool Energy Outputs Energy Inputs Process: Cellular Respiration (plant living in the dark) Scale: Macro Matter Inputs Matter Outputs Solid Solid Liquid Liquid Gas Gas MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Matter & Energy Process Tool Energy Outputs Energy Inputs Chemical energy +Heat Process: Cellular Respiration (plant living in the dark) Scale: Macro Chemical Energy Matter Inputs Matter Outputs Glucose Solid Solid Water Liquid Liquid Carbon Dioxide Oxygen Gas Gas MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Matter & Energy Process Tool Energy Outputs Energy Inputs Process: Cellular Respiration (plant living in the dark) Scale: Atomic-Molecular Matter Inputs Matter Outputs Solid Solid Liquid Liquid Gas Gas MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Matter & Energy Process Tool Click here to see video Energy Outputs Energy Inputs Process: Cellular Respiration (plant living in the dark) Scale: Atomic-Molecular Chemical Energy + Heat Chemical Energy Matter Inputs Matter Outputs Solid Solid Liquid Liquid Gas Gas MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Cellular respiration VS Photosynthesis Cellular respiration 6CO2 + 6H2O + C6H12O6 + 6O2 MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
ATP and ADP Scale: 10-7 meters = 100nm = 100 nanometers MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
What are functions of ATP and ADP? • Plant cells need energy for all their functions, such as moving the plant in response to light, moving water, minerals, and sugars around, and making smaller molecules into larger molecules • Plant cells use ATP as the energy source for all of these functions • The purpose of cellular respiration is to make high-energy ATP molecules by combining lower-energy ADP molecules with phosphate from soil minerals MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Matter & Energy Process Tool Heat chemical energy (in ATP) Chemical Energy (in glucose) Glucose + Oxygen Water+ Carbon Dioxide ADP + P ATP Cellular respiration (ADP to ATP ) MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Matter & Energy Process Tool Heat Chemical Energy (in ATP) Chemical Energy (for cellular function) Glucose + Oxygen Water+ Carbon Dioxide ATP ADP + P Cellular respiration (ATP to ADP) MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment