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Spanish Monastery. Fairchild Gardens. Coconut Grove Cemetery. Vizcaya Gardens. The Hard Rock Casino. Hollywood Beach Broadwalk. Villa Paula. Bayside Marketplace. Adrienne Arsht Center. Van Dyke Cafe. The Biltmore. Coral Castle. WHAT DO THESE IMAGES HAVE IN COMMON?.
Components of the Informative Essay “Surprising Reversal Technique” Assignment Sheet Purpose - The purpose of your assignment is to write an essay that educates, interests and surprises the reader about a specific place in South Florida. Your essay should present your reader with first hand observation and description of your location - this is known as primary research. Your essay will also require secondary research in order to obtain background and/or historical information about your location. In the first essay, you were asked to explore yourself through a literacy narrative. You used rhetorical contexts, such as audience, purpose, and genre, and rhetorical appeals, such as ethos, pathos, and logos, to compose your essay. In the second essay, you will be using these same contexts and appeals, but you will be writing with the aim to inform or educate the audience on a given location.
Components of the Informative Essay “Surprising Reversal Technique” Assignment Sheet Unit Objectives After completing this assignment, you will learn how to: Effectively observe and incorporate your observation into your essay using descriptive language 2. Compose a logically structured essay 3. Navigate successfully between open and closed forms Design a surprising reversal thesis that gives shape and purpose to your informative essay Understand rhetorical contexts: audience, purpose, and genre and rhetorical appeals: ethos, pathos and logos Develop an understanding of style that is appropriate and effective in your informative essay. Understand and incorporate primary and secondary research in the essay effectively 8. Demonstrate your writing process: drafting, revisions, editing and proofreading
Components of the Informative Essay “Surprising Reversal Technique” Assignment Sheet Topic- A place in South Florida Since you will be required to observe this place, the location you choose should be accessible and close enough to visit. Your location should be small enough for a focused essay. For example, do not choose an entire city or large area. Your location should be specific. Some examples of specific locations include, but are not limited to: a part of a beach, a restaurant, a house of worship, or any other interesting and significant location. You may choose a location at FIU, but make sure that your location is small and focused. Your essay should be interesting and surprising. For the purpose of this essay, you must make use of the “surprising reversal” technique to capture and hold your readers attention. Audience - Your classmates and instructors, and the larger FIU community
Components of the Informative Essay “Surprising Reversal Technique” Assignment Sheet Research Requirements: • Primary research: • An observation log. You will use your observation log to help you record the details that you observe, and to write about your location in a descriptive, interesting, and significant way. • Secondary Research • At least one secondary source. This may include but is not limited to local newspapers, local magazines, scholarly journals, and books. Do not use encyclopedic sources and only use Internet sources if they are credible. You will use your source to deepen your understanding of your location. You may discover new and surprising things about your location through your research. Your location may have an interesting history or cultural significance, or you may find that an interesting event takes place in your location
FOR EXAMPLE, did you know that the Coconut Grove Cemetery is a historical location where the very first Bahamian immigrants were buried, and that it was used in Michael Jackson’s Thriller?
Unit Assignment Activity Invention
Unit Assignment Activity Discussion Points • Is this location specific enough for a focused essay? Why or why not? • What makes this location significant and interesting? • Is there anything about this location that people may not know or that may be surprising? • What kinds of things might I want to look up to find out more information about this location?
Informative Essay Unit Plan Binder Syllabus for ENC 1101 Informative Essay Unit assignment Informative Essay Grading Rubric Student schedule of events, daily learning objectives, and homework for Informative Essay Unit Instructor schedule of events and complete lesson plans Suggested Reading for Instructors Includes:
Class 2 INFORMATIVE ESSAY & INVENTION PURPOSE Students will learn the conventions of an informative essay through group discussion and hands on activities. In groups, students will work to brainstorm possible topics for their essays. GOALS Understand the conventions of an informative essay Establish approaches for students’ essays Invent possible topics for each student’s essay Work together to help narrow down possible topics to two per student
INFORMATIVE ESSAY • Students discuss the ways to build an informative essay • Students discuss the “Crazy Things Seem Normal, Normal Things Seem Crazy” in relation to informative structures and incorporating observations.
INVENTION TECHNIQUES • The class practices observation techniques by observing the beginning stages of class, and discusses and analyzes the data they obtain. • The class uses the previous night’s homework to discuss possible place topics, choosing the two most promising topics for each group member. • Observing with senses
Class 3 RESEARCH QUESTION & FURTHER INVENTION PURPOSE Through interactive class discussion, students will learn the importance of research questions, as well as, the best way to create a research question. They will work towards creating a research question of their own. GOALS Understand the uses of research questions Establish possible research questions Better understand observations techniques
FURTHER INVENTION • Students get into pairs and swap chosen places, providing background information if necessary • Each student free writes on his or her partner’s chosen place • Students discuss their partners’ responses to their topics. • Students change partners and redo this exercise • Students enter their partners’ suspicions and questions into their observation journal *Seeing other perspectives
RESEARCH QUESTIONS • Class discusses formation of research questions • Class looks at example research questions and establishes their worth • In groups, students discuss each member’s five possible research questions from previous night’s homework • worth as potential research questions • Students may work on establishing their actual research question based on group discussion
Class 4Using Secondary Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism Purpose: • Using both class discussion and small group work, students will work on understanding and using secondary sources effectively. • Students will also work on using attributive tags to separate their own ideas from their source material • In addition, students will discuss plagiarism and its effect on their own writing. Goals: • Understand three ways to use sources in an informative essay: quotation, paraphrase, and summary. • Clarify the difference between these sources and identify when they can be used effectively. • Understand the difference between plagiarism and patch writing. • Clarify the importance of avoiding plagiarism and patch writing in academic writing.
Books Newspapers Internet Magazines and Journals Different Kinds of Secondary Sources
Secondary Sources • Discussion • The Class discusses the difference between quotation, paraphrase, and summary. • Group Workshops • Groups use articles from their homework to discuss examples of quotation, paraphrase, and summary and the use of attributive tags. • Presentations • Each group has an opportunity to present their group’s ideas.
Is plagiarism stealing? • Journal • The class writes in their journals, answering questions about plagiarism. • Discussion • The class discusses plagiarism and strategies for avoiding plagiarism. • The class discusses the differences between plagiarism and patchwriting. Plagiarism
Class 5OBERVATION JOURNAL Goal 1: Understand how to use the double entry notebook as a tool for finding surprising insights and perspectives Goal 2: Understand how to use descriptive details that showrather than tell Goal 3: Analyze sample descriptive essay to practically understand how to use good observations Purpose Students will learn how to use observations and the double-entry notebook as tools for their informative essay.
Group Activity: Features of Good Observation • Using “Behind Stone Walls” student essay • (pg. 182 Allyn & Bacon), identify “show words” • Discuss the essay with your group. • In the group, write the “show words” down on a piece of paper • On the board, write down the show words • Discuss with the class how the specific words help describe the place • Using diagram 4.2, page 73, discuss where on the scale of abstraction Carp’s essay fits
How do I use observation to support my surprising reversal informative essay? • Answer these three questions about surprising reversal on page 184, Allyn and Bacon: • What is the audience that Cheryl Carp imagines? • For this audience, what is the common view of prisoners that Cheryl Carp attempts to reverse? • What is her own surprising view?
Purpose Through class discussion and writing, the students explore the rhetorical appeals and their relation to style in an informative essay. Goals Understand the rhetorical appeals: logos, pathos and ethos. Develop an understanding of the levels of style and the ways style can be used in an informative essay. Class 6Rhetorical Appeals and Style
Logos • Pathos • Ethos The class discusses the rhetorical appeals and how they are used in an informative essay. The class discusses the concept of style and how it is affected by audience, purpose and rhetorical choices. Using the essay, Behind Stone Walls, the students re-write a paragraph in a different style. Rhetorical Appeals and Style
Purpose Using their own surprising reversal thesis ideas, students will discuss and refine their ideas and supporting points through class discussion and peer interaction in small groups. Goals Understand thesis and surprising reversal in informative essays Grapple with the effective and non-effective use of thesis and surprising reversal Class 7Thesis and Surprising Reversal Parts of an informative essay part I
The Thesis Monster • Students write in their journals, answering questions about thesis statements and surprising reversal. • The class discusses their answers to their journal questions and looks at samples of surprising reversal thesis statements. • The students work on their own surprising reversal thesis statements in small groups. • The groups have an opportunity to present their statements to the class. Class 7Thesis and Surprising Reversal Activity
Class 8 INTRODUCTION • PURPOSE • Students will learn how to write a thesis driven introduction. Each student will brainstorm on: • What is the purpose and function of an introduction, • Learn the appropriate form of an essay in order to be able to model and identify ways to: • Use various attention grabbers/ motivators in writing an introduction, • Identify sound thesis statements and the surprising reversal technique • Generate a blueprint for the paper. GOALS Introduce the topic in an interesting way that entices the reader Indicate how the topic is to be developed in the body paragraphs that follow Learn how to seamlessly incorporate the thesis statement into the introduction Parts of an informative essay part II